Implement cursors to decode from a byte array

Eric Ihli 4 years ago
parent 6e143a91cb
commit 6e9021495a

@ -10,6 +10,14 @@
(defn sbyte [b]
(bit-or -0x100 b))
(defn nth-bit [n b]
(let [mask (bit-shift-left 1 n)]
(bit-and mask b)
(defn as-binary-string [b]
(format "%8s" (Integer/toBinaryString b))
@ -19,6 +27,72 @@
(defn bits [binary-string]
(Integer/parseInt binary-string 2))
(defn bit-on [i b]
(bit-or b (int (Math/pow 2 i))))
;; I've got a dictionary of ~120,000 words.
;; I need to reference them in a compact way.
;; It will be a little bit of a waste, but we can use a 32 bit index.
(/ (Math/log 1.2e5) (Math/log 2))
(defn vb-encode [n]
(loop [n n
b '()]
(< n 128) (let [ba (byte-array (cons n b))
i (dec (count ba))]
(aset-byte ba i (sbyte (+ 128 (aget ba i))))
:else (recur (quot n 128) (cons (mod n 128) b)))))
(defn vb-decode-1 [ba]
(loop [n 0
i 0]
(let [b (aget ba i)]
(> (bit-and b 0x80) 0)
[(bit-or (bit-and 0x7f b)
(bit-shift-left n 7))
(inc i)]
(recur (bit-or (bit-and 0x7f b)
(bit-shift-left n 7))
(inc i))))))
(defn vb-decode
(vb-decode ba 0))
([ba i]
(if (>= i (count ba))
(cons (first (vb-decode-1 ba))
(let [[value byte-count] (vb-decode-1 ba)]
(vb-decode (byte-array (drop byte-count ba))
(+ i byte-count))))))))
(let [n1 0
n2 1
n3 127
n4 128
n5 257
n6 9876543210
baos (]
(->> [n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6]
(map vb-encode)
(run! #(.writeBytes baos %)))
(let [ba (.toByteArray baos)]
(vb-decode ba)))
;; => ([0 1] [1 1] [127 1] [128 2] [257 2] [9876543210 5])
(defn encode-with-flag-bits
"Flag is a binary string.
Returns byte array."
@ -58,20 +132,22 @@
"Flag is only used for length. It could be refactored to take an int.
Or it could be refactored to take a function that does work based on the flags.
For now though, flag bits must be checked external to this. This is just parity
decoding of the encoding above."
decoding of the encoding above.
Returns [decoded-number number-of-bytes-read]."
[flag ba]
(let [flag-len (count flag)
data-len (- 8 flag-len)
mask-val (int (dec (Math/pow 2 data-len)))]
(loop [ba ba r 0]
(loop [ba ba r 0 i 0]
(if (empty? ba)
[r i]
(let [data-val (bit-and mask-val (first ba))]
(rest ba)
(bit-shift-left r data-len)
(inc i)))))))
(let [ns [0 1 127 128 257 9876543210]
@ -81,7 +157,15 @@
decoded (->> encoded
(map (partial decode-with-flag-bits "101")))]
;; => (0 1 127 128 257 9876543210)
;; => ([0 1] [1 1] [127 2] [128 2] [257 2] [9876543210 7])
(let [ns [0 1 127 128 257 9876543210]
encoded (map
(partial encode-with-flag-bits "001")
decoded (->> encoded
(map (partial decode-with-flag-bits "101")))]
;; => ([0 1] [1 1] [127 2] [128 2] [257 2] [9876543210 7])
(defn encode-byte-with-n-flag-bits [n b]
@ -99,71 +183,6 @@
(recur (rest ba)
(+ r ))))))
(defn bit-on [i b]
(bit-or b (int (Math/pow 2 i))))
;; I've got a dictionary of ~120,000 words.
;; I need to reference them in a compact way.
;; It will be a little bit of a waste, but we can use a 32 bit index.
(/ (Math/log 1.2e5) (Math/log 2))
(defn vb-encode [n]
(loop [n n
b '()]
(< n 128) (let [ba (byte-array (cons n b))
i (dec (count ba))]
(aset-byte ba i (sbyte (+ 128 (aget ba i))))
:else (recur (quot n 128) (cons (mod n 128) b)))))
(defn vb-decode-1 [ba]
(loop [n 0
i 0]
(let [b (aget ba i)]
(> (bit-and b 0x80) 0)
[(bit-or (bit-and 0x7f b)
(bit-shift-left n 7))
(inc i)]
(recur (bit-or (bit-and 0x7f b)
(bit-shift-left n 7))
(inc i))))))
(defn vb-decode
(vb-decode ba 0))
([ba i]
(if (>= i (count ba))
(cons (first (vb-decode-1 ba))
(let [[value byte-count] (vb-decode-1 ba)]
(vb-decode (byte-array (drop byte-count ba))
(+ i byte-count))))))))
(let [n1 0
n2 1
n3 127
n4 128
n5 257
n6 9876543210
baos (]
(->> [n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6]
(map vb-encode)
(run! #(.writeBytes baos %)))
(let [ba (.toByteArray baos)]
(vb-decode ba)))
;; => ([0 1] [1 1] [127 1] [128 2] [257 2] [9876543210 5])
(def dictionary ["hi" "my" "name" "is" "what"])

@ -6,6 +6,72 @@
(:import ( ByteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayInputStream
DataOutputStream DataInputStream)))
(defprotocol IByteArrayCursor
(loc [_])
(jump [_ loc] "Moves location of cursor to specified index.")
(advance [_] [_ n])
(retreat [_] [_ n])
(peek [_])
(val [_])
(slice [_ end])
(ba= [_ oba] (identical? ba oba)))
(deftype ByteArrayCursor [ba loc]
(loc [_] loc)
(jump [_ loc] (ByteArrayCursor. ba loc))
(advance [_] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (inc loc)))
(advance [_ n] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (+ loc n)))
(retreat [_] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (dec loc)))
(retreat [_ n] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (- loc n)))
(peek [_] (nth ba (inc loc)))
(val [_] (nth ba loc))
(slice [_ n]
(loop [i 0 r []]
(if (or (= i n)
(>= (+ loc i) (count ba)))
(byte-array r)
(recur (inc i) (conj r (aget ba (+ i loc)))))))
(nth [_ i] (aget ba (+ loc i)))
(nth [_ i not-found] (aget ba (+ loc i) not-found))
(count [_] (count ba))
(cons [_ o] (ByteArrayCursor. (byte-array (concat ba [o])) loc))
(empty [_] (ByteArrayCursor. (byte-array 0) 0))
(equiv [self o] (and (ba= o ba)
(= loc (loc o))))
(first [self] (self))
(next [self] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (inc loc)))
(more [_] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (inc loc)))
(seq [_] (let [seeker (fn seeker [ba i]
(if (>= i (count ba))
(aget ba i)
(seeker ba (inc i))))))]
(seeker ba loc))))
(let [bac1 (->ByteArrayCursor (byte-array (range 100)) 0)
bac2 (->ByteArrayCursor (byte-array (range 100 200)) 0)
bac3 (take-last 5 (concat bac1 bac2))
bac4 (take-last 5 (conj bac1 111))]
[(peek bac1)
(take 5 (next bac1))
(take 5 (rest bac1))
(defn branch? [node]
(and (map? node)
(:children (first (vals node)))))
@ -141,7 +207,6 @@
(loc->byte-address loc 0))
([loc starting-offset]
(let [prev (previous-node loc)]
(when prev (println "prev" (zip/node prev)))
(if prev
(let [[k {:keys [byte-address byte-array]}] (first (seq (zip/node prev)))]
(+ byte-address (count byte-array)))
@ -151,7 +216,6 @@
"Given a child gets a map with info needed to build an index."
(let [[k {:keys [byte-address byte-array] :as v}] (first (seq child))]
(println byte-address byte-array)
{:byte-address byte-address
:key k
:byte-array byte-array}))
@ -162,6 +226,11 @@
(visitor loc)
(def *offset-flag* 0)
(defn offset-byte? [b]
(= *offset-flag* (tpt/nth-bit 8 b)))
(defn encode-offset
@ -171,13 +240,55 @@
(tpt/decode-with-flag-bits "0" ba))
(defn decode-offset-cursor [cursor]
(let [bytes (take-while offset-byte? cursor)
[decoded byte-count] (tpt/decode-with-flag-bits "0" (byte-array bytes))]
[decoded (advance cursor byte-count)]))
(defn encode-key
(tpt/encode-with-flag-bits "1" n))
(def *key-flag* 1)
(defn key-byte? [b]
(= *key-flag* (tpt/nth-bit 8 b)))
(defn decode-key [ba]
(tpt/decode-with-flag-bits "1" ba))
(let [bytes (take-while key-byte? ba)]
(tpt/decode-with-flag-bits "1" (byte-array bytes))))
(defn decode-key-cursor [cursor]
(let [bytes (take-while key-byte? cursor)
[decoded byte-count] (tpt/decode-with-flag-bits "1" (byte-array bytes))]
[decoded (advance cursor byte-count)]))
;; Test encoding and decoding key/offset pairs.
;; Cursor works just the same as a byte-array but
;; instead of the decodes returning a byte-count
;; it returns a cursor with a pointer to the new location.
(let [key (encode-key 128)
offset (encode-offset 65537)
ba (byte-array (concat key offset))
cursor (->ByteArrayCursor
(byte-array (concat (byte-array 3) ba (byte-array (repeat 3 -1))))
[decoded-key key-bytecount] (decode-key ba)
[decoded-offset offset-bytecount] (decode-offset (drop key-bytecount ba))
[decoded-key-cursor new-cursor] (decode-key-cursor cursor)
[decoded-offset-cursor new-cursor] (decode-offset-cursor new-cursor)]
;; => [128 65537 128 65537]
(let [key (encode-key 128)
offset (encode-offset 65537)
bac (->ByteArrayCursor (byte-array (concat key offset)) 0)]
(take 2 ba))
(defn pack-node-value
"Returns byte-array of node value.
@ -188,7 +299,6 @@
Nodes without terminal values get a value and count of 0."
(let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(println "node-value" node)
(.write baos (tpt/vb-encode (get node :value 0)))
(.write baos (tpt/vb-encode (get node :count 0)))
(.toByteArray baos)))
@ -196,36 +306,37 @@
(defn pack-index-entry
(let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(println "index-entry" child)
(.write baos (encode-key (:key child)))
(.write baos (encode-offset (:offset child)))
(.toByteArray baos)))
(defn unpack-index-entry
[ba i]
(let [cursor (->ByteArrayCursor ba i)
[key offset] (decode-key )]))
(let [some-array (make-array Integer/TYPE 3)]
(drop 1 some-array))
(defn pack-index
"Reserves 4 bytes for offset of root node.
Lots of mutation going on here as we write to baos."
(println "pack-index" (zip/node loc))
(let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
byte-address (loc->byte-address loc 4)
_ (println "byte-address" byte-address)
child-nodes (->> loc
(map (comp second zip/node)))
_ (println "child nodes")
children (map
(fn [child-node]
(let [child-index (child->index child-node)]
(println "cn" child-node)
(- byte-address (:byte-address child-index)))))
_ (println "children" (count children))
index-ba (let [index-baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
child-byte-arrays (map pack-index-entry children)]
(println "child-byte-arrays" child-byte-arrays)
(loop [bas child-byte-arrays]
(if (empty? bas)
(.toByteArray baos)
@ -234,7 +345,6 @@
(fn [node]
(println node)
(let [[k v] (first (seq node))]
(.write baos (pack-node-value v))
(.write baos (tpt/vb-encode (count index-ba)))
