@ -6,6 +6,72 @@
(:import (java.io ByteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayInputStream
DataOutputStream DataInputStream)))
(defprotocol IByteArrayCursor
(loc [_])
(jump [_ loc] "Moves location of cursor to specified index.")
(advance [_] [_ n])
(retreat [_] [_ n])
(peek [_])
(val [_])
(slice [_ end])
(ba= [_ oba] (identical? ba oba)))
(deftype ByteArrayCursor [ba loc]
(loc [_] loc)
(jump [_ loc] (ByteArrayCursor. ba loc))
(advance [_] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (inc loc)))
(advance [_ n] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (+ loc n)))
(retreat [_] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (dec loc)))
(retreat [_ n] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (- loc n)))
(peek [_] (nth ba (inc loc)))
(val [_] (nth ba loc))
(slice [_ n]
(loop [i 0 r []]
(if (or (= i n)
(>= (+ loc i) (count ba)))
(byte-array r)
(recur (inc i) (conj r (aget ba (+ i loc)))))))
(nth [_ i] (aget ba (+ loc i)))
(nth [_ i not-found] (aget ba (+ loc i) not-found))
(count [_] (count ba))
(cons [_ o] (ByteArrayCursor. (byte-array (concat ba [o])) loc))
(empty [_] (ByteArrayCursor. (byte-array 0) 0))
(equiv [self o] (and (ba= o ba)
(= loc (loc o))))
(first [self] (self))
(next [self] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (inc loc)))
(more [_] (ByteArrayCursor. ba (inc loc)))
(seq [_] (let [seeker (fn seeker [ba i]
(if (>= i (count ba))
(aget ba i)
(seeker ba (inc i))))))]
(seeker ba loc))))
(let [bac1 (->ByteArrayCursor (byte-array (range 100)) 0)
bac2 (->ByteArrayCursor (byte-array (range 100 200)) 0)
bac3 (take-last 5 (concat bac1 bac2))
bac4 (take-last 5 (conj bac1 111))]
[(peek bac1)
(take 5 (next bac1))
(take 5 (rest bac1))
(defn branch? [node]
(and (map? node)
(:children (first (vals node)))))
@ -141,7 +207,6 @@
(loc->byte-address loc 0))
([loc starting-offset]
(let [prev (previous-node loc)]
(when prev (println "prev" (zip/node prev)))
(if prev
(let [[k {:keys [byte-address byte-array]}] (first (seq (zip/node prev)))]
(+ byte-address (count byte-array)))
@ -151,7 +216,6 @@
"Given a child gets a map with info needed to build an index."
(let [[k {:keys [byte-address byte-array] :as v}] (first (seq child))]
(println byte-address byte-array)
{:byte-address byte-address
:key k
:byte-array byte-array}))
@ -162,6 +226,11 @@
(visitor loc)
(def *offset-flag* 0)
(defn offset-byte? [b]
(= *offset-flag* (tpt/nth-bit 8 b)))
(defn encode-offset
@ -171,13 +240,55 @@
(tpt/decode-with-flag-bits "0" ba))
(defn decode-offset-cursor [cursor]
(let [bytes (take-while offset-byte? cursor)
[decoded byte-count] (tpt/decode-with-flag-bits "0" (byte-array bytes))]
[decoded (advance cursor byte-count)]))
(defn encode-key
(tpt/encode-with-flag-bits "1" n))
(def *key-flag* 1)
(defn key-byte? [b]
(= *key-flag* (tpt/nth-bit 8 b)))
(defn decode-key [ba]
(tpt/decode-with-flag-bits "1" ba))
(let [bytes (take-while key-byte? ba)]
(tpt/decode-with-flag-bits "1" (byte-array bytes))))
(defn decode-key-cursor [cursor]
(let [bytes (take-while key-byte? cursor)
[decoded byte-count] (tpt/decode-with-flag-bits "1" (byte-array bytes))]
[decoded (advance cursor byte-count)]))
;; Test encoding and decoding key/offset pairs.
;; Cursor works just the same as a byte-array but
;; instead of the decodes returning a byte-count
;; it returns a cursor with a pointer to the new location.
(let [key (encode-key 128)
offset (encode-offset 65537)
ba (byte-array (concat key offset))
cursor (->ByteArrayCursor
(byte-array (concat (byte-array 3) ba (byte-array (repeat 3 -1))))
[decoded-key key-bytecount] (decode-key ba)
[decoded-offset offset-bytecount] (decode-offset (drop key-bytecount ba))
[decoded-key-cursor new-cursor] (decode-key-cursor cursor)
[decoded-offset-cursor new-cursor] (decode-offset-cursor new-cursor)]
;; => [128 65537 128 65537]
(let [key (encode-key 128)
offset (encode-offset 65537)
bac (->ByteArrayCursor (byte-array (concat key offset)) 0)]
(take 2 ba))
(defn pack-node-value
"Returns byte-array of node value.
@ -188,7 +299,6 @@
Nodes without terminal values get a value and count of 0."
(let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(println "node-value" node)
(.write baos (tpt/vb-encode (get node :value 0)))
(.write baos (tpt/vb-encode (get node :count 0)))
(.toByteArray baos)))
@ -196,36 +306,37 @@
(defn pack-index-entry
(let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(println "index-entry" child)
(.write baos (encode-key (:key child)))
(.write baos (encode-offset (:offset child)))
(.toByteArray baos)))
(defn unpack-index-entry
[ba i]
(let [cursor (->ByteArrayCursor ba i)
[key offset] (decode-key )]))
(let [some-array (make-array Integer/TYPE 3)]
(drop 1 some-array))
(defn pack-index
"Reserves 4 bytes for offset of root node.
Lots of mutation going on here as we write to baos."
(println "pack-index" (zip/node loc))
(let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
byte-address (loc->byte-address loc 4)
_ (println "byte-address" byte-address)
child-nodes (->> loc
(map (comp second zip/node)))
_ (println "child nodes")
children (map
(fn [child-node]
(let [child-index (child->index child-node)]
(println "cn" child-node)
(- byte-address (:byte-address child-index)))))
_ (println "children" (count children))
index-ba (let [index-baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
child-byte-arrays (map pack-index-entry children)]
(println "child-byte-arrays" child-byte-arrays)
(loop [bas child-byte-arrays]
(if (empty? bas)
(.toByteArray baos)
@ -234,7 +345,6 @@
(fn [node]
(println node)
(let [[k v] (first (seq node))]
(.write baos (pack-node-value v))
(.write baos (tpt/vb-encode (count index-ba)))