@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.generation.simple-good-turing)
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.generation.simple-good-turing
(:require [clojure.set]))
;; Pythons NLTK is a great resource for this.
;; https://github.com/nltk/nltk/blob/2.0.4/nltk/probability.py
;; Useful to check out commit 3c8a25379 and look at nltk/model/ngram.py
(defn least-squares-log-log-linear-regression
@ -279,7 +282,7 @@
:nrs nrs
:zrs zrs
:lm lm
:r*s (r-stars rs zrs lm)}]))
:r*s (into (sorted-map) (map vector rs (r-stars rs zrs lm)))}]))
;; zrs (average-consecutives rs nrs)
@ -309,6 +312,140 @@
(* 0.4 (stupid-backoff trie probs (rest words))))))
(defn mle
[trie words]
(let [r (get-in trie (concat words [:count]) 0)
q (get-in trie (concat (butlast words) [:count]))]
(/ r q)))
(declare katz-beta-alpha)
(defn katz-estimator
[trie r*s k words]
(let [r (get-in trie (concat words [:count]) 0)]
(if (> r 0)
(let [n (count words)
r* (get-in r*s [n :r*s r])
r-1 (get-in trie (concat (butlast words) [:count]) 1)
d (/ r* r)]
(* d (/ r r-1)))
(let [alpha (/ (katz-beta-alpha trie r*s k words)
(katz-beta-alpha trie r*s k (rest words)))]
(* alpha
(rest words)))))))
(defn katz-beta-alpha
[trie r*s k words]
(let [ngrams (->> (get-in trie (butlast words))
(remove #(= :count (first %)))
(filter (fn [[_ v]] (> (:count v) k)))
(map first)
(map #(concat (butlast words) [%]))
(map #(katz-estimator trie r*s k %))
(apply +))]
(- 1 ngrams)))
(defn katz-alpha
[trie r*s words b]
(let [denom (->> (get-in trie (rest (butlast words)))
((fn [a]
(println a)
(remove #(= :count (first %)))
(map first)
(map #(concat (rest (butlast words)) %))
(map #(katz-estimator trie r*s %))
(apply +)
(- 1 ))]
(println denom)
(/ b denom)))
(defn beta
"Estimate of the sum of conditional probabilities of all words wₘ which never
followed wₘ₋₁."
[trie r*s words]
(let [n (count words)
r (get-in trie (concat words [:count]) 0)
r* (get-in r*s [n :r*s r])
d (/ r* r)]
(if (zero? r)
(* d (/ r (get-in trie (concat (butlast words) [:count])))))))
(defn sum-of-betas
[trie r*s words]
(let [ngrams (->> (get-in trie words)
(remove #(= (first %) :count))
(map first)
(map #(concat words [%])))]
(- 1 (->> ngrams
(map (partial beta trie r*s))
(apply +)))))
(defn prob-observed-ngram
[trie r*s words]
(let [observed (->> (get-in trie words)
(remove #(= :count (first %))))
dictionary (->> trie
(remove #(= :count (first %)))
(map first))
unobserved (clojure.set/difference
(into #{} dictionary)
(into #{} (map first observed)))
;; The likelihood of an observed ngram
;; is 1 - N₁/N, so the sum of observed counts
;; needs to be normalized by that.
sum-of-observed-counts (->> observed
(map second)
(map :count)
(apply +))
;; The likelihood of an unobserved ngram
;; is N₁/N, so the sum of unobserved counts
;; needs to be normalized with that.
sum-of-unobserved-counts (->> unobserved
(map #(get trie %))
(map :count)
(apply +))]
[sum-of-observed-counts sum-of-unobserved-counts (take 5 unobserved)]))
(declare katz-smoothing)
(defn alpha
[trie r*s words k]
(let [n (count words)
beta-mass (sum-of-betas trie r*s words)
denom (->> (get-in trie (butlast words))
(remove #(= (first %) :count))
(filter (fn [[kw v]]
(<= (:count v) k)))
(map (fn [[kw v]]
(let [new-words (concat (rest (butlast words)) [kw])
#_#__ (do (println new-words))
smoothed (katz-smoothing trie r*s new-words k)]
(println smoothed kw)
(apply +))]
(println beta-mass denom)
(/ beta-mass denom)))
(defn katz-smoothing
[trie r*s words k]
(let [n (count words)
r (get-in trie (concat words [:count]) 0)
r-1 (get-in trie (concat (butlast words) [:count]))
r* (get-in r*s [n :r*s r])
d (/ r* r)]
(Thread/sleep 100)
(println r r-1 d k words (* d (/ r r-1)))
(if (> r k)
(* d (/ r r-1))
(* (alpha trie r*s (butlast words) k)
(katz-smoothing trie r*s (rest words) k)))))
(defn katz-backoff
[trie probs r*s words]
(let [k 0