Closer to markov from grammar

Eric Ihli 4 years ago
parent 78b9977fe0
commit da6f63f470

@ -835,12 +835,34 @@
(reverse (take 4 (phrase->flex-rhyme-phones "dawn of skynet")))
3 3 %)
[5 3])
(take 3 (phrase->flex-rhyme-phones "player unknown battlegrounds"))
3 4 %)
[9 6 6 9 6 6 9 6 6]))))
another day a battleground
contorts the fragile sound
that no one gives a damn about
what is the chaos all about
have we really been trampled down
cause they'll pay be blasted now
weeping to absent cow
die die lightning all around
calling for santa's now
hours of lifes battleground
just how much more could a man about
trample on and as without
i'm just like so so fragile how
killing and i'll be close damage wow
witness sky is blackened now
(defn amul8

@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
(map string/trim)
(remove empty?)
(map nlp/treebank-zipper)
(mapv nlp/treebank-zipper)
(remove nil?)
(map nlp/parts-of-speech-trie-entries)
(mapv (fn [file]
@ -216,9 +216,12 @@
(reduce into [])
(mapv normalize-text)
(mapv (fn [[k v]]
(clojure.lang.MapEntry. (into k [v]) v)))))
(clojure.lang.MapEntry. (into (vec k) [v]) v)))))
;; TODO: Pick BACK UP HERE and clean up the code in the future
;; so you know where you're working.
(map process-text texts)
(def test-database (atom {:next-id 1}))
@ -272,22 +275,58 @@
(->> test-trie
(take 20)
(take 2000)
(map (fn [[k v]]
[(map @test-database k)
(map @test-database k)
(last v)])))
(->> (take 100 test-trie))
(let [start 'TOP
start-id (@test-database start)]
(->> (map
#(get % [])
(trie/children (trie/lookup test-trie [start-id])))
(remove nil?)
(map (fn [[k v]]
[k (map @test-database k) v])))
#_(trie/children (trie/lookup test-trie [start-id])))
(defn lookup [syms]
(->> (map @test-database syms)
(trie/lookup test-trie)
((fn [node]
(if node (trie/children node) '())))
#(get % []))
(remove nil?)
(sort-by (comp - second))
(fn [[k v]]
[k (map @test-database k) v]))))
(lookup [(symbol ":")])
(->> (map #(get % [])
(trie/children (trie/lookup test-trie [7 8 10 22])))
(remove nil?)
(sort-by (comp - second))
(fn [[k v]]
[k (map @test-database k) v])))
(@test-database (symbol "NN"))
(@test-database (symbol ":"))
(trie/lookup test-trie [7 8 3163])
(let [start '[TOP [S]]
start-id (map @test-database start)]
(->> (trie/children (trie/lookup test-trie start-id))
#_(remove nil?)
#_(map (fn [[k v]]
[(map @test-database k) v]))))
(@test-database 16)
(conj (assoc (trie/make-trie) '[top s [np vp .]] '[np])
'[[top s [s]] [s]])
'[[top s]] (fnil #(update % 1 inc) [:freq 0]))
(update {['top] 1} ['top] inc)

@ -158,7 +158,9 @@
(string? node) node
(map? node) (list (:tag node) (unmake-tree (:chunk node)))
:else (map unmake-tree node)))
;; This can fail and throw. It's easier to debug
;; if this failure is caught and handled early.
:else (doall (map unmake-tree node))))
(let [text-lines ["This is a sample test."
