@ -2,11 +2,14 @@
(:require [opennlp.nlp :as nlp]
[opennlp.treebank :as tb]
[clojure.string :as string]
[com.owoga.prhyme.data-transform :as df]
[com.owoga.trie :as trie]
[clojure.java.io :as io]
[clojure.zip :as zip]
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.tag-sets.treebank-ii :as tb2]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util.weighted-rand :as weighted-rand]
[clojure.walk :as walk])
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[com.owoga.prhyme.data.dictionary :as dict])
(:import (opennlp.tools.postag POSModel POSTaggerME)
(opennlp.tools.parser Parse ParserModel
@ -1209,3 +1212,118 @@
;; [(TOP S NP PP NP NN) ("today")])
;;;; Grammar Trie
;; Create a trie from treebank parsed grammar trees.
(defn -split-text-into-sentences
"Splits text on newlines, periods, exclamation and question marks."
(->> text
(#(string/replace % #"([\.\?\!\n]+)" "$1\n"))
(defn -flatten-trie-entry-to-all-subkeys
[[k1 k2 k3] v]
[[[k1 k2 k3] v]]
[[k2 k3] v]]
[[k3] v]]]
This is useful for creating a trie from a grammar tree. It's
nice to know that k3 is a child of both [k1 k2] and [k2] so
if you need to generate a [k2] in isolation, you have
acces to [k1 k2] and [k4 k2] and [kn k2] etc... all under the
top-level key [k2].
[[k v]]
(loop [result []
k k]
(if (empty? k)
(recur (conj result [k v])
(rest k)))))
(defn -normalize-text
[[k v]]
(if (string? (first v))
[k (string/lower-case (first v))]
[k v]))
(defn english?
(->> text
(#(string/replace % #"\W" " "))
(#(string/replace % #" +" " "))
(#(string/split % #" "))
(every? #(dict/cmu-with-stress-map (string/lower-case %)))))
(defn text->grammar-trie-map-entry
"Processes text into key value pairs where
the keys are parts-of-speech paths and the values
are the children at that path.
Ready to be inserted into a trie."
(->> text
(map string/trim)
(remove empty?)
(mapv treebank-zipper)
(remove nil?)
(map parts-of-speech-trie-entries)
(reduce into [])
(map -flatten-trie-entry-to-all-subkeys)
(reduce into [])
(mapv -normalize-text)
(mapv (fn [[k v]]
(clojure.lang.MapEntry. (into (vec k) [v]) v)))))
(defn -new-key
"Associates key with an auto-incrementing ID
and the ID with the key.
This 'database' is an atom that maps
keys to integer ids and integer ids to keys.
This lets us use integers throughout the trie data structure,
which ends up being a lot more efficient and prepares the trie
for being turned into a tightly-packed-trie."
[database k]
(let [next-id (@database ::next-id)]
#(-> %
(assoc k next-id)
(assoc next-id k)
(update ::next-id inc)))
(defn make-database-stateful-xf
"This 'database' is an atom that maps
keys to integer ids and integer ids to keys.
This lets us use integers throughout the trie data structure,
which ends up being a lot more efficient and prepares the trie
for being turned into a tightly-packed-trie.
Takes an atom and returns a function that takes a Trie key/value.
When the returned function is called, it checks to see
if the key is in the database and if so it returns the associated id.
If not, it increments the id (which is stored in the database
under :next-id) and returns that new id."
(fn [[k v]]
(let [k' (mapv (fn [kn]
(if-let [id (get @database kn)]
(-new-key database kn)))
[k' 1])))