@ -159,6 +159,9 @@
;; ("P") nil}
;;;; Flex rhymes maintain primary stress and ignore all other stress.
(defn phrase->all-flex-rhyme-phones
"Takes a space-seperated string of words
and returns the concatenation of the words
@ -167,7 +170,9 @@
Returns them in reversed order so they
are ready to be used in a lookup of a rhyme trie.
Returns all possible pronunciations. For hog -> haog, haag."
Returns all possible pronunciations. For hog -> haog, haag.
ROBOT -> '(OW1 AA)"
(->> phrase
(#(string/split % #" "))
@ -216,27 +221,100 @@
(let [result (map phrase->all-flex-rhyme-phones ["dog" "hog" "hop" "bog hopscotch"])]
(let [phrase '(([["B" "AA1" "G"] "bog"] [["B" "AO1" "G"] "bog"])
([["S" "K" "AA1" "CH"] "scotch"]))]
(apply combinatorics/cartesian-product phrase))
(defn vowel?-ignoring-stress
(phonetics/vowel (string/replace phone #"\d" "")))
(defn take-vowels-and-tail-consonants
Useful for finding rhymes where the last vowel and tailing consonants
are the same and preceding vowels are the same."
(take-vowels-and-tail-consonants phones '() false))
([phones result taken-vowel?]
(empty? phones) result
(and taken-vowel? (not (vowel?-ignoring-stress (last phones))))
(recur (butlast phones) result taken-vowel?)
(vowel?-ignoring-stress (last phones))
(recur (butlast phones) (cons (last phones) result) true)
:else (recur (butlast phones) (cons (last phones) result) taken-vowel?))))
(phonetics/get-phones "bog")
(take-vowels-and-tail-consonants (first (phonetics/get-phones "robot")))
;; => ("OW1" "AA2" "T")
#_(defn phrase->flex-rhyme-trie
(defn remove-non-primary-stress
#(string/replace % #"[02-9]" "")
(defn phrase->all-flex-rhyme-tailing-consonants-phones
"Takes a space-seperated string of words
and returns the concatenation of the words
vowel phones.
Returns them in reversed order so they
are ready to be used in a lookup of a rhyme trie.
Returns all possible pronunciations. For hog -> haog, haag.
ROBOT -> '(OW1 AA2 T)"
(map #(vector (map reverse (phonetics/get-phones %)) %)))
(fn [trie [lookups v]]
(->> phrase
(#(string/split % #" "))
(map (fn [word]
(let [phones (phonetics/get-phones word)]
(map #(vector % word) phones))))
;; Lots of nesting here.
;; We have phrase -> word pronunciations -> word pronunciation -> [phones word]
;; The rest will be easier if we get rid of a level of nesting
;; by mapcatting the cross product of pronunciations.
(apply combinatorics/cartesian-product)
;; Now we have [phrases [pronunciations [[phones] word]]]
(map (partial apply map vector))
(map (fn [[phones words]]
[(apply concat phones)
(string/join " " words)]))
(map #(update % 0 take-vowels-and-tail-consonants))
(map #(update % 0 remove-non-primary-stress))))
(phrase->all-flex-rhyme-tailing-consonants-phones "robot")
;; => ([("OW1" "AA" "T") "robot"] [("OW1" "AH" "T") "robot"])
(defn words->rhyme-trie
[rhyme-type-fn words]
(->> words
(mapcat rhyme-type-fn)
(map #(update % 0 reverse))
(fn [trie lookup]
(update trie lookup (fnil #(update % 1 inc) [v 0])))
(fn [trie [phones word]]
(update trie phones conj word))
(let [words ["tightnit" "tarpit"]
trie (words->rhyme-trie phrase->all-flex-rhyme-tailing-consonants-phones words)]
(->> (trie/lookup trie ["AA"]))
;; => {("T" "IH1" "AA") ("tarpit"),
;; ("T" "IH1" "AY1") ("tightnit"),
;; ("T" "IH1") nil,
;; ("T") nil}
(defn phrase->flex-rhyme-phones
"Takes a space-seperated string of words