Scratchpad for tightly-packed-trie

Includes variable-length encoding examples
Eric Ihli 4 years ago
parent 31518e2cbd
commit 969240f919

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io])
(:import (java.nio ByteBuffer)
(java.lang.reflect Array)))
(defn ubyte [b]
(bit-and 0xff b))
(defn sbyte [b]
(bit-or -0x100 b))
;; I've got a dictionary of ~120,000 words.
;; I need to reference them in a compact way.
;; It will be a little bit of a waste, but we can use a 32 bit index.
(/ (Math/log 1.2e5) (Math/log 2))
(defn as-binary-string [b]
(format "%8s" (Integer/toBinaryString b))
#" "
(defn vb-encode [n]
(loop [n n
b '()]
(< n 128) (let [ba (byte-array (cons n b))
i (dec (count ba))]
(aset-byte ba i (sbyte (+ 128 (aget ba i))))
:else (recur (quot n 128) (cons (mod n 128) b)))))
(defn vb-decode-1 [ba]
(loop [n 0
i 0]
(let [b (aget ba i)]
(> (bit-and b 0x80) 0)
[(bit-or (bit-and 0x7f b)
(bit-shift-left n 7))
(inc i)]
(recur (bit-or (bit-and 0x7f b)
(bit-shift-left n 7))
(inc i))))))
(def dictionary ["hi" "my" "name" "is" "what"])
(defn slurp-bytes [x]
(with-open [out (]
(io/copy (io/input-stream x) out)
(.toByteArray out)))
(def markov
{"hello" {:freq 5
:children {"world" {:freq 2}
"eric" {:freq 1}}}
"goodbye" {:freq 2
:children {"cruel" {:freq 1
:children {"world" {:freq 1}}}}}
"world" {:freq 3}
"eric" {:freq 1}
"cruel" {:freq 1
:children {"world" {:freq 1}}}})
(def markov
{:freq 3
:children {"hello" {:freq 2}
"goodbye" {:freq 2}
"cruel" {:freq 1
:children {"goodbye" {:freq 1}}}}}
{:freq 2}
{:freq 3}
{:freq 1
:children {"goodbye" {:freq 1}}}})
(with-open [o (io/output-stream "test.bin")]
(.write o (byte-array 8) 0 8))
(let [ba (slurp-bytes "test.bin")
len (count ba)]
(with-open [o (io/output-stream "test.bin")]
(.write o (count dictionary))
(fn [[i w]]
(let [b (vb-encode i)]
(.write o b 0 (count b)))
(let [b (.getBytes w)]
(.write o b 0 (count b))))
(map vector (range) dictionary))