Add example code, more nlp options
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
(ns examples.core
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[com.owoga.prhyme.frp :as frp]
[com.owoga.prhyme.core :as prhyme]
[ :as bigrams]
[com.owoga.prhyme.gen :as gen]
[ :as dict]
[ :as thesaurus]
[ :as darklyrics]
[com.owoga.prhyme.generation.weighted-selection :as weighted]
[clojure.set :as set]
[ :as zip]))
(defn weight-fn [word target result]
(let [rimes (frp/consecutive-matching word target :rimes)
nuclei (frp/consecutive-matching word target :nuclei)
onsets (frp/consecutive-matching word target :onsets)
total (apply + (map count [rimes nuclei onsets]))]
(defn pred-fn [word target result]
(< 0 (weight-fn word target result)))
(defn weight-popular [word target result]
(if (dict/popular (:normalized-word word))
(defn pred-popular [word target result]
(< 1 (weight-popular word target result)))
(def words-by-rime (prhyme/words-by-rime*
(fn [[word & _]]
(string/lower-case word)))
(defn rime-1 [target]
(let [rime (last (:rimes target))]
(fn [x]
(= rime (last (:rimes x))))))
(defn rime-2 [target]
(let [rime (last (butlast (:rimes target)))]
(fn [x]
(= rime (last (butlast (:rimes x)))))))
(defn rime-member? [coll]
(let [coll (into #{} coll)]
(fn [x]
(coll (:normalized-word x)))))
(defn rime-compare [& comparators]
(let [juxtcomp (apply juxt comparators)]
(fn [a b]
(let [a (juxtcomp a)
b (juxtcomp b)]
(compare a b)))))
(def c
(fn [a b]
(rime-1 {:rimes '(1 2)})
(rime-2 {:rimes '(1 2)})
(rime-member? ["foo" "bar"]))
b a)))
(let [coll [{:rimes '(3 2) :normalized-word "foo"}
{:rimes '(1 2) :normalized-word "foo"}
{:rimes '(4 5) :normalized-word "foo"}
{:rimes '(1 2) :normalized-word "buzz"}]]
(sort c coll))
(let [coll '("woman"
coll (map #(prhyme/phrase->word dict/popular %) coll)
target (prhyme/phrase->word dict/popular "devotion")
synonyms (thesaurus/synonyms "love" "heart")
comparisons (fn [target]
(fn [a b]
(rime-1 target)
(rime-2 target)
(rime-member? synonyms))
b a)))]
(sort (comparisons target) coll))
(defn rhymestorm [& words]
(let [synonyms (->> (apply thesaurus/synonyms words)
(filter #(get dict/popular %))
(into #{}))
comparisons (fn [target]
(fn [a b]
(rime-1 target)
(rime-2 target)
(rime-member? synonyms))
b a)))]
(->> synonyms
(fn [synonym]
(let [word (prhyme/phrase->word dict/prhyme-dict synonym)
rhymes (get words-by-rime (last (:rimes word)))]
(when rhymes
(let [rhyming-words (map string/lower-case (prhyme/flatten-node rhymes))
rhyming-synonyms (remove #{(:normalized-word word)} (filter synonyms rhyming-words))]
[(:normalized-word word) rhyming-synonyms])))))
(remove (fn [[_ rhymes]]
(empty? rhymes)))
(map (fn [[target rhymes]]
[target (->> rhymes
(map prhyme/phrase->word dict/popular)
(sort (comparisons (prhyme/phrase->word dict/popular target)))
(map :normalized-word))]))
(into {}))))
(rhymestorm "love")
(take 3 (drop 500 dict/prhyme-dict))
(take 3 dict/cmu-dict)
(take 3 dict/popular)
(let [node (get-in words-by-rime ['("AH" "V")])]
(->> (prhyme/flatten-node node)))
(let [love-synonyms (thesaurus/thesaurus "love")
heart-synonyms (thesaurus/thesaurus "heart")]
(->> (clojure.set/intersection
(into #{} love-synonyms)
(into #{} heart-synonyms))
(map string/lower-case)
(filter #(dict/popular %))))
(let [synonyms (thesaurus/synonyms "love" "heart")]
(def love-rhymes
(let [synonyms (->> (thesaurus/synonyms "love" "heart")
(filter #(get dict/popular %))
(into #{}))]
(fn [synonym]
(let [word (prhyme/phrase->word dict/prhyme-dict synonym)
rhymes (get words-by-rime (last (:rimes word)))]
(when rhymes
(let [rhyming-words (map string/lower-case (prhyme/flatten-node rhymes))
rhyming-synonyms (filter synonyms rhyming-words)]
[(:normalized-word word) rhyming-synonyms]))))
(into {}))))
(count love-rhymes)
(get-in words-by-rime ['("AH" "V")])
(first (filter #(= (:normalized-word %) "gotshal's") dict/prhyme-dict))
(prhyme/phrase->word dict/prhyme-dict "bye bye")
(take 10 darklyrics/darklyrics-markov-2)
(get darklyrics/darklyrics-markov-2 '("memory" "my"))
(fn []
(let [rhymes (gen/selection-seq
(comp (weighted/adjust-for-tail-rhyme 0.90)
#_(weighted/adjust-for-rhymes 0.50)
#_(weighted/adjust-for-fn :adj-rimes 0.80 pred-fn weight-fn)
(weighted/adjust-for-fn :adj-popular 0.95 pred-popular weight-popular)
(weighted/adjust-for-markov darklyrics/darklyrics-markov-2 0.99))
(prhyme/phrase->word dict/prhyme-dict "happy birthday taylor my love"))]
(->> rhymes
(take 5)
(map :normalized-word)))))
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
(ns com.owoga.corpus.lovecraft
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html]
[clojure.string :as string]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util.weighted-rand :as wr]
[ :as dict]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util :as util]
[com.owoga.prhyme.core :as prhyme]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util.nlp :as nlp]
[com.owoga.prhyme.gen :as gen]
[com.owoga.prhyme.generation.weighted-selection :as weighted-selection]
[taoensso.tufte :as tufte :refer [defnp p profiled profile]]
[com.owoga.prhyme.frp :as frp]
[ :as io]))
(tufte/add-basic-println-handler! {})
(def ^:dynamic *base-url* "")
(def words-map
(into {} (map #(vector (string/lower-case (:word %)) %) frp/words)))
(defn fetch-url [url]
(html/html-resource ( url)))
(defn links []
#(str *base-url* (first (html/attr-values % :href)))
(fetch-url *base-url*)
[:li :> [:a (html/attr? :href)]])))
(defn contentful-sections [nodes]
(->> nodes
(map html/text)
(filter #(> (count %) 100))))
(defn text-from-link [link]
(->> (html/select
(fetch-url link)
((fn [s] (string/replace s #"[\s\u00A0]+" " ")))))
(defn cleanup [content]
(-> content
(string/replace #"Return to.*$" "")
(string/replace #"Home.*?This Site" "")
(string/replace #"[^a-zA-Z -]+" "")))
(defn tokens [content]
(string/split content #"\s+"))
(defn append-to-file [filepath text]
(with-open [w (io/writer filepath :append true)]
(.write w text)))
(defn scrape []
(fn [link]
(->> (text-from-link link)
(#(str % "\n"))
(append-to-file "lovecraft.txt")))
(take 10 (links))))
(defn tokens-from-file [file]
(with-open [r (io/reader file)]
(tokens (slurp r))))
(defn window [n]
(fn [coll]
(empty? coll) []
(< (count coll) n) []
:else (cons (take n coll)
(lazy-seq ((window n) (drop n coll)))))))
(defn markov [tokens]
(->> tokens
(fn [token]
(let [k (butlast token)
v (last token)]
[k v])))
(fn [a [k v]]
(update-in a [k v] (fnil inc 0)))
(defn running-total
(running-total coll 0))
([coll last-val]
(empty? coll) nil
:else (cons (+ last-val (first coll))
(rest coll)
(+ last-val (first coll))))))))
(defn weighted-rand [weights]
(let [running-weights (running-total weights)
rand-val (rand (last running-weights))]
(loop [i 0]
(if (> (nth running-weights i) rand-val)
(recur (inc i))))))
(def word-set (into #{} (->> prhyme/words
(map first)
(map string/lower-case)
(map #(string/replace % #"\(\d+\)" "")))))
(defn normalize-tokens [tokens]
(->> tokens
(map string/lower-case)
(filter word-set)))
(defn main []
(->> (tokens-from-file "lovecraft.txt")
((window 2))
(into {})))
(defn synonym?
"Given a possibility, like [\"foo\" 3]
which says that foo follows a particular key with
a weight of 3, a word is a synonym of that possibility
if the word is a synonym ."
[p synonyms]
(synonyms p))
(defn adjust-for-synonyms
"If a word is in a set of synonyms, adjust its weight upwards."
(fn [possibilities]
(fn [p s]
(if (s p)
(update p s #(* 5 %))
(defn adjust-for-rimes
[target-rime dictionary]
(fn [possibilities]
(fn [[p v]]
(let [possibility (get dictionary p)
factor (count
[p (* v (max 1 (* factor 4)))]))
(defonce lovecraft-markov (read-string (slurp "lovecraft.edn")))
(defn markov-key [key-fn]
(fn [text]
(key-fn text)))
(defn gen-from [m p initial]
(loop [r (list initial)]
(p r) (recur (cons (m (list (first r))) r))
:else r)))
(defn rhyming-words
"List of rhyming words sorted by quality of rhyme."
(let [target-phrase (->> target
(prhyme/phrase->word frp/words)
(#(assoc % :rimes? true)))]
(->> target-phrase
(#(assoc % :rimes? true))
(frp/prhyme frp/words)
#(- (count
(defn markov-rhymes [markov-data rhyming-words]
(->> (map
(fn [word]
(->> word
(#(string/replace % #"\(\d+\)" ""))
(#(vector % (get markov-data (list %))))))
(into #{})
(fn [[w p]]
(nil? p)))))
(defn adjust-for-over-syllables
"Adjust weights to prefer not going over the number
of syllables of the target word."
(fn [words]
(p :adjust-for-syllables
(fn [word]
(if (or (nil? (:syllable-count word))
(nil? (:syllables target)))
(println word target))
(= (:syllable-count word) (count (:syllables target)))
(as-> word word
(assoc word :weight (* 3 (:weight word)))
(assoc word :adjusted-for-syllables-factor 3))
(< (:syllable-count word) (count (:syllables target)))
(as-> word word
(assoc word :weight (* 2 (:weight word)))
(assoc word :adjusted-for-syllables-factor 2))
(as-> word word
(assoc word :weight (* 1 (:weight word)))
(assoc word :adjusted-for-syllables-factor 1))))
(defn adjust-for-membership-1
[set_ percent]
(let [ratio (- 1 percent)]
(fn [words]
(let [[members non-members]
((juxt filter remove)
#(set_ (:normalized-word %))
weight-non-members (apply + (map :weight non-members))
target-weight-members (* ratio weight-non-members)
count-members (count members)
adjustment-members (/ target-weight-members count-members)]
(fn [member]
(as-> member member
(assoc member :weight (* adjustment-members (:weight member)))
(assoc member :adjustment-for-membership adjustment-members)))
(defn adjust-for-membership [set_]
(fn [words]
(fn [word]
(if (set_ (:normalized-word word))
(as-> word word
(assoc word :weight (* 2 (:weight word)))
(assoc word :adjust-for-membership-factor 2))
(assoc word :adjust-for-membership-factor 1)))
(defn filter-for-membership [set_]
(fn [words]
(fn [word]
(if-not (set_ (:normalized-word word))
(as-> word word
(assoc word :weight (* 0.01 (:weight word)))
(assoc word :filter-for-membership-factor 0.01))
(defn adjust-for-markov [markov-options]
(let [markov-set (into #{} (map first (keys markov-options)))]
(fn [words]
(let [result (map
(fn [word]
(if (markov-set (:normalized-word word))
(as-> word word
(assoc word :weight (* 100 (:weight word)))
(assoc word :adjust-for-markov-factor 100))
(assoc word :adjust-for-markov-factor 1)))
(let [markov-adjuster (adjust-for-markov (lovecraft-markov '("help")))]
(take 5 (markov-adjuster frp/words))))
(defn adjust-for-membership-1
[set_ percent]
(let [ratio (- 1 percent)]
(fn [words]
(let [[members non-members]
((juxt filter remove)
#(set_ (:normalized-word %))
weight-non-members (apply + (map :weight non-members))
target-weight-members (* ratio weight-non-members)
count-members (count members)
adjustment-members (/ target-weight-members count-members)]
(fn [member]
(as-> member member
(assoc member :weight (* adjustment-members (:weight member)))
(assoc member :adjustment-for-membership adjustment-members)))
(defn adjust-for-markov-1
[markov-options percent]
(let [ratio (- 1 percent)]
(fn [words]
(if (nil? markov-options)
(let [[markovs non-markovs]
((juxt filter remove)
#(markov-options (:normalized-word %))
weight-non-markovs (apply + (map :weight non-markovs))
target-weight-markovs (* ratio weight-non-markovs)
count-markovs (count markovs)
adjustment-markovs (if (= 0 count-markovs) 1 (/ target-weight-markovs count-markovs))]
(fn [markov]
(as-> markov markov
(assoc markov :weight (* adjustment-markovs (:weight markov)))
(assoc markov :adjustment-for-markov adjustment-markovs)))
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string]
[com.owoga.prhyme.syllabify :refer [syllabify]]
[ :as dict]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util :as util]
[com.owoga.prhyme.core :as prhyme]))
(def popular-bigrams
(->> (io/resource "bigrams-with-counts.txt")
(map #(string/split % #"\s+"))
(map #(map string/lower-case %))
(filter (fn [[w1 w2 num]]
(and (dict/popular w1)
(dict/popular w2))))
(map (partial take 2))))
(def phrase->Word
(fn [[word & phonemes]]
[(string/lower-case word)
(def popular-bigrams-with-syllables
(->> popular-bigrams
(map (partial string/join " "))
(map phrase->Word)))
(def popular-bigram-words
(->> popular-bigrams
(map (partial string/join " "))
(map phrase->Word)))
(def popular-mono-and-bi-grams
(def popular-mono-and-bi-grams-by-rime
(->> (reverse (:rimes (phrase->Word "beautiful")))
(get-in popular-mono-and-bi-grams-by-rime)
(remove #(re-matches #".*beautiful" (:word %)))
(map :word)
(map string/lower-case))
['("AA") '("ER") '("IY")])
(take 5 popular-bigrams)
(take 5 popular-bigram-words)
(take-last 5 popular-bigram-words)
(prhyme/phrase->word dict/prhyme-dict "hi there"))
(def words-and-bigrams())
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
(:require [ :as io]
[taoensso.nippy :as nippy])
(:import [ DataInputStream ByteArrayOutputStream]))
(defn thaw-from-file
"Convenience util: like `thaw`, but reads from `( <file>)`.
To thaw from a resource on classpath (e.g in Leiningen `resources` dir):
(thaw-from-file ( \"my-resource-name.npy\"))
See also `freeze-to-file`."
([file ] (thaw-from-file file nil))
([file thaw-opts]
(let [xin (io/input-stream file)
xout (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(io/copy xin xout)
(nippy/thaw (.toByteArray xout) thaw-opts))))
;; (thaw-from-file (io/resource "test.bin"))
;; (bytes (byte-array (take 20 (range))))
;; (byte-array (map (comp byte int) "ascii"))
;; ;; => [97, 115, 99, 105, 105]
;; (bytes (byte-array (map (comp byte int) "ascii")))
;; ;; => [97, 115, 99, 105, 105]
;; (let [xin (io/input-stream (io/resource "test.bin"))
;; xout (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
;; (io/copy xin xout)
;; (nippy/thaw (.toByteArray xout)))
;; (.fullyRead (io/input-stream (io/resource "test.bin")))
;; (.getSize (io/input-stream (io/resource "dark-corpus-2.bin")))
;; (def data (into {} (map vec (partition 2 (range 20)))))
;; (nippy/freeze-to-file "resources/test.bin" data)
(def darklyrics-markov-2
(thaw-from-file (io/resource "dark-corpus-2.bin")))
@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io]))
[ :as io]
(def thesaurus
(def thesaurus
(->> (line-seq (io/reader (io/resource "mthesaur.txt")))
(->> (line-seq (io/reader (io/resource "mthesaur.txt")))
(map #(string/split % #","))
(map #(string/split % #","))
(map #(vector (first %) (rest %)))
(map #(vector (first %) (rest %)))
(into {})))
(into {})))
(defn synonyms
([& words]
(->> words
(map string/lower-case)
(map #(get thesaurus %))
(map (fn [ws] (into #{} ws)))
(apply clojure.set/intersection))))
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.limerick
(:require [com.owoga.prhyme.gen :as gen]
[com.owoga.prhyme.generation.weighted-selection :as weighted-selection]
[clojure.string :as string]
[com.owoga.prhyme.core :as prhyme]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util :as util]))
(defn rhyme-from-scheme
"scheme of format [[A 9] [A 9] [B 5] [B 5] [A 9]]"
[words markov scheme]
(loop [scheme scheme
rhymes {}
result []]
(empty? scheme) result
(let [[pattern syllable-count] (first scheme)
banned-words (into #{} (->> result
(map #(string/split % #" "))
(map #(last %))))
adj (util/comp-rnil
(when (rhymes pattern)
(weighted-selection/adjust-for-tail-rhyme 0.99)))
rhyme (if (nil? (get rhymes pattern))
(remove #(banned-words (:normalized-word %)) words)
(prhyme/phrase->word words (get rhymes pattern))))]
(recur (rest scheme)
(assoc rhymes pattern rhyme)
(conj result rhyme))))))
(require '[ :as dict]
'[ :refer [darklyrics-markov-2]]
'[ :as io])
(rhyme-from-scheme dict/prhyme-dict darklyrics-markov-2 '((A 8) (A 8) (B 5) (B 5) (A 8)))
["bishop larch smitten us dwell"
"solely first week in hell"
"and take that for three"
"come wrapped in glory"
"you ever leave it so well"]
["romancing realized too late"
"my crown revive my withered state"
"reign is obsolete"
"i sit in the street"
"but nobody cares of my fate"]
["flesh is hacked to get me sedate"
"demonstration obsessed with hate"
"justice will be written in stone"
"and you will be shown"
"bedrooms of icons suffocate"]
["you will bow to their hungry gods"
"come will come whatever the odds"
"now we see the light"
"you can't put it right"
"recklessly chopping firing squads"]
["untimely they fool their poor life"
"it wither away with this knife"
"hate is my virtue"
"my feelings are well overdue"
"war we await the afterlife"])
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.lymeric
(:require [com.owoga.prhyme.gen :as gen]
[com.owoga.prhyme.generation.weighted-selection :as weighted-selection]
[clojure.string :as string]
[com.owoga.prhyme.core :as prhyme]
[com.owoga.prhyme.frp :as frp]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util :as util]
[taoensso.nippy :as nippy]
[ :as io]))
(defn rhyme-from-scheme
"scheme of format [[A 9] [A 9] [B 5] [B 5] [A 9]]"
[rhymer markov scheme]
(let [base-words (map #(assoc % :weight 1) frp/popular)]
(loop [scheme scheme
rhymes {}
result []]
(empty? scheme) result
(let [[pattern syllable-count] (first scheme)
banned-words (into #{} (->> result
(map #(string/split % #" "))
(map #(last %))))
adj (util/comp-rnil
(when (rhymes pattern)
(weighted-selection/adjust-for-tail-rhyme 0.99)))
rhyme (if (nil? (get rhymes pattern))
(remove #(banned-words (:norm-word %))
(prhyme/phrase->word frp/words (get rhymes pattern))))]
(recur (rest scheme)
(assoc rhymes pattern rhyme)
(conj result rhyme)))))))
(time (def darkov-2 (nippy/thaw-from-file (io/resource "darkov-2.bin"))))
(rhyme-from-scheme nil darkov-2 '((A 8) (A 8) (B 5) (B 5) (A 8)))
(->> (gen/selection-seq
(map #(assoc % :weight 1) frp/words)
(weighted-selection/adjust-for-rhymes 0.99)
(prhyme/phrase->word frp/words "hi there my boy"))
(take 3))
["bishop larch smitten us dwell"
"solely first week in hell"
"and take that for three"
"come wrapped in glory"
"you ever leave it so well"]
["romancing realized too late"
"my crown revive my withered state"
"reign is obsolete"
"i sit in the street"
"but nobody cares of my fate"]
["flesh is hacked to get me sedate"
"demonstration obsessed with hate"
"justice will be written in stone"
"and you will be shown"
"bedrooms of icons suffocate"]
["you will bow to their hungry gods"
"come will come whatever the odds"
"now we see the light"
"you can't put it right"
"recklessly chopping firing squads"]
["untimely they fool their poor life"
"it wither away with this knife"
"hate is my virtue"
"my feelings are well overdue"
"war we await the afterlife"])
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.tag-sets.treebank-ii)
;;;; Penn Treebank II Constituent Tags
(def clauses
{'S "simple declarative clause, i.e. one that is not introduced by a (possible empty) subordinating conjunction or a wh-word and that does not exhibit subject-verb inversion."
'SBAR "Clause introduced by a (possibly empty) subordinating conjunction."
'SBARQ "Direct question introduced by a wh-word or a wh-phrase. Indirect questions and relative clauses should be bracketed as SBAR, not SBARQ."
'SINV "Inverted declarative sentence, i.e. one in which the subject follows the tensed verb or modal."
'SQ "Inverted yes/no question, or main clause of a wh-question, following the wh-phrase in SBARQ."})
(def phrases
{'ADJP "Adjective Phrase."
'ADVP "Adverb Phrase."
'CONJP "Conjunction Phrase."
'FRAG "Fragment."
'INTJ "Interjection. Corresponds approximately to the part-of-speech tag UH."
'LST "List marker. Includes surrounding punctuation."
'NAC "Not a Constituent; used to show the scope of certain prenominal modifiers within an NP."
'NP "Noun Phrase."
'NX "Used within certain complex NPs to mark the head of the NP. Corresponds very roughly to N-bar level but used quite differently."
'PP "Prepositional Phrase."
'PRN "Parenthetical."
'PRT "Particle. Category for words that should be tagged RP."
'QP "Quantifier Phrase (i.e. complex measure/amount phrase); used within NP."
'RRC "Reduced Relative Clause."
'UCP "Unlike Coordinated Phrase."
'VP "Vereb Phrase."
'WHADJP "Wh-adjective Phrase. Adjectival phrase containing a wh-adverb, as in how hot."
'WHAVP "Wh-adverb Phrase. Introduces a clause with an NP gap. May be null (containing the 0 complementizer) or lexical, containing a wh-adverb such as how or why."
'WHNP "Wh-noun Phrase. Introduces a clause with an NP gap. May be null (containing the 0 complementizer) or lexical, containing some wh-word, e.g. who, which book, whose daughter, none of which, or how many leopards."
'WHPP "Wh-prepositional Phrase. Prepositional phrase containing a wh-noun phrase (such as of which or by whose authority) that either introduces a PP gap or is contained by a WHNP."
'X "Unknown, uncertain, or unbracketable. X is often used for bracketing typos and in bracketing the...the-constructions."})
(def words
{'CC "Coordinating conjunction"
'CD "Cardinal number"
'DT "Determiner"
'EX "Existential there"
'FW "Foreign word"
'IN "Preposition or subordinating conjunction"
'JJ "Adjective"
'JJR "Adjective, comparative"
'JJS "Adjective, superlative"
'LS "List item marker"
'MD "Modal"
'NN "Noun, singular or mass"
'NNS "Noun, plural"
'NNP "Proper noun, singular"
'NNPS "Proper noun, plural"
'PDT "Predeterminer"
'POS "Possessive ending"
'PRP "Personal pronoun"
'PRP$ "Possessive pronoun (prolog version PRP-S)"
'RB "Adverb"
'RBR "Adverb, comparative"
'RBS "Adverb, superlative"
'RP "Particle"
'SYM "Symbol"
'TO "to"
'UH "Interjection"
'VB "Verb, base form"
'VBD "Verb, past tense"
'VBG "Verb, gerund or present participle"
'VBN "Verb, past participle"
'VBP "Verb, non-3rd person singular present"
'VBZ "Verb, 3rd person singular present"
'WDT "Wh-determiner"
'WP "Wh-pronoun"
'WP$ "Possessive wh-pronoun (prolog version WP-S)"
'WRB "Wh-adverb"})
(def form-function-discrepencies
{'-ADV "(adverbial) - marks a constituent
other than ADVP or PP when it is used adverbially (e.g. NPs or
free (\"headless\" relatives). However, constituents that themselves are
modifying an ADVP generally do not get -ADV. If a more specific tag is
available (for example, -TMP) then it is used alone and -ADV is implied. See
the Adverbials section."
'-NOM "(nominal) - marks free (\"headless\") relatives
and gerunds when they act nominally."})
Reference in New Issue