@ -17,10 +17,6 @@
(into {})))
(into {})))
(defrecord Word [word syllables syllable-count rimes onsets nuclei])
(defrecord Word [word syllables syllable-count rimes onsets nuclei])
(defrecord RhymeTarget [word syllables syllable-count rimes onsets nuclei partitions?])
(defrecord RhymeSubTarget [wordphrase syllables syllable-count rimes onsets nuclei
rimes? onsets? nuclei? synonyms?])
(defrecord Synonym [syllables target words])
(defn make-word [word]
(defn make-word [word]
(let [syllables (s/syllabify (rest word))
(let [syllables (s/syllabify (rest word))
@ -88,10 +84,6 @@
(u/partitions (:syllables (phrase->word words "war on poverty")))
(defn rimes [words target]
(defn rimes [words target]
(into #{}
(into #{}
(filter (fn [{:keys [rimes]}]
(filter (fn [{:keys [rimes]}]
@ -122,8 +114,8 @@
nuclei: 2, (((EY) (EY)) ((IY) (IY))) - nuclei and onsets are matched in order
nuclei: 2, (((EY) (EY)) ((IY) (IY))) - nuclei and onsets are matched in order
[a b type]
[a b type]
(let [a (if (= type :rimes) (reverse (type a)) (type a))
(let [a (if (#{:rimes :nuclei} type) (reverse (type a)) (type a))
b (if (= type :rimes) (reverse (type b)) (type b))]
b (if (#{:rimes :nuclei} type) (reverse (type b)) (type b))]
(take-while (fn [[x y]] (= x y)) (map list a b))))
(take-while (fn [[x y]] (= x y)) (map list a b))))
(defn sort-rhymes
(defn sort-rhymes
@ -151,6 +143,17 @@
all (set/union r o n)]
all (set/union r o n)]
(defn matching-syllable-count [n words]
(filter #(= n (:syllable-count %)) words))
(defn matching-synonyms [thesaurus target words]
(let [synonyms (get thesaurus target)]
(filter (fn [word] (some #(re-matches (re-pattern (str "(?i)" %)) (:word word)) synonyms))
(defn phrymo [dictionary phrase]
(phrase->word dictionary phrase))
(->> (make-word ["foobar" "F" "UW" "B" "AA" "R"])
(->> (make-word ["foobar" "F" "UW" "B" "AA" "R"])
(#(assoc % :rimes? true))
(#(assoc % :rimes? true))
@ -180,75 +183,6 @@
"coma" "monster"]))
"coma" "monster"]))
(defn matching-syllable-count [n words]
(filter #(= n (:syllable-count %)) words))
(defn matching-synonyms [thesaurus target words]
(let [synonyms (get thesaurus target)]
(filter (fn [word] (some #(re-matches (re-pattern (str "(?i)" %)) (:word word)) synonyms))
(defn make-rhyme-subtarget [wordphrase syllables]
(map->RhymeSubTarget (into
(make-word (concat [wordphrase] (flatten syllables)))
{:wordphrase wordphrase
:syllables syllables
:syllable-count (count syllables)
:rimes? true})))
(defn phrymo [dictionary phrase]
(phrase->word dictionary phrase))
(->> (phrymo popular "clover")
(->> (phrymo popular "war on poverty")
(take 3)
(map (fn [rhyme-target]
(map (fn [subtarget]
(make-rhyme-subtarget "war on poverty" subtarget))
#_(map (fn [rhyme-target]
(map (fn [rhyme-sub-target]
(prhyme popular rhyme-sub-target))
(->> (map->RhymeSubTarget (into (phrase->word words "war")
{:rimes? true
:onsets? true
:nuclei? true}))
(prhyme popular)
(matching-syllable-count 1)
(into #{})
(into #{} (concat (matching-synonyms thesaurus "rich" words)))))
(defn alignment [target word]
(= (last (:rimes target))
(last (:rimes word)))
(- (:syllable-count target)
(count (:rimes word)))
(= (first (:onsets target))
(first (:onsets word)))
(- (:syllable-count target)
(count (:rimes word)))))
(defn pad [char n s]
(apply str (conj (vec (repeat (- n (count s)) char)) s)))
(defn matching-position
[index syllable-count word]
(and (= syllable-count (:syllable-count word))
(= index (:alignment word))))
(defn find-synonyms
(defn find-synonyms
([thesaurus dict word]
([thesaurus dict word]
@ -280,13 +214,6 @@
(filter #(synonyms (string/lower-case (:word %))))
(filter #(synonyms (string/lower-case (:word %))))
(into #{}))))))))
(into #{}))))))))
(->> (get thesaurus "war")
(map string/lower-case))
(->> (find-synonyms thesaurus words "evil" 2)
(map :word))
(defn pprint-phrase [phrase-words]
(defn pprint-phrase [phrase-words]
(let [phrase-words (map #(if (empty? %) '("_") %) phrase-words)
(let [phrase-words (map #(if (empty? %) '("_") %) phrase-words)
max-len (apply max (map count phrase-words))
max-len (apply max (map count phrase-words))
@ -294,6 +221,24 @@
(->> (map (partial take max-len) words-cycles)
(->> (map (partial take max-len) words-cycles)
(apply map vector))))
(apply map vector))))
(defn pprint-list [phrase-words]
(let [phrase-words (map #(if (empty? %) '("") %) phrase-words)
max-word-lens (->> phrase-words
(map #(map count %))
(map #(apply max %)))
max-rhyme-count (count (apply max-key count phrase-words))
fmt-strs (->> max-word-lens
(map #(+ 3 %))
(map #(format "%%-%ds" %)))
phrase-words (->> phrase-words
(map #(concat % (repeat "")))
(map #(take max-rhyme-count %))
(apply map vector)
(map (fn [words]
(->> (map vector fmt-strs words)
(map #(apply format %))))))]
(defn pprint-table [phrase-words]
(defn pprint-table [phrase-words]
(let [phrase-words (map #(if (empty? %) '("") %) phrase-words)
(let [phrase-words (map #(if (empty? %) '("") %) phrase-words)
max-word-lens (->> phrase-words
max-word-lens (->> phrase-words
@ -312,7 +257,113 @@
(#(string/join "\n" %)))]
(#(string/join "\n" %)))]
(defn words->rhyme [dict words]
(->> words
(map #(into % {:rimes? true}))
(map (fn [target]
(->> (prhyme dict target)
(map #(assoc % :target target)))))
(map (fn [rhyming-words]
(filter #(= (:syllable-count %) (:syllable-count (:target %)))
(map (fn [rhyming-words]
(let [target (:target (first rhyming-words))]
(sort-rhymes rhyming-words target))))
(map (fn [rhyming-words]
(map :word rhyming-words)))))
(defn prhyme-1 [dict targets]
(words->rhyme dict targets))
(defn prhyme-many [dict phrase]
(let [syllable-partitions
(->> phrase
(:syllables (phrase->word dict phrase))
(map (fn [part]
(map (fn [syllables]
[(string/join " " (flatten (apply concat syllables)))]
(flatten syllables))))
(map (partial prhyme-1 dict) syllable-partitions)))
(->> (prhyme-many popular "give him two lips like roses in clover")
(map (fn [rhymes]
(map #(take 20 %) rhymes)))
(map pprint-table)
(string/join "\n")
(let [phrase "give him two lips like roses in clover"
targets (->> phrase
(:syllables (phrase->word words phrase))
(map (fn [syllables]
[(string/join " " (flatten (apply concat syllables)))]
(flatten syllables))))))]
(->> targets
(map #(into % {:rimes? true}))
(map (fn [target]
(->> (prhyme popular target)
(map #(assoc % :target target)))))
(map (fn [rhyming-words]
(filter #(= (:syllable-count %) (:syllable-count (:target %)))
(map (fn [rhyming-words]
(let [target (:target (first rhyming-words))]
(sort-rhymes rhyming-words target))))
(map (fn [rhyming-words]
(map :word rhyming-words)))
(spit "rhymes.txt")))
(->> (phrase->word words "give")
(#(assoc % :rimes? true))
(prhyme popular))
(let [targets (map (partial phrase->word words)
"give him two lips like roses in clover"
#" "))]
(->> targets
(map #(into % {:rimes? true}))
(map (fn [target]
(->> (prhyme popular target)
(map #(assoc % :target target)))))
(map (fn [rhyming-words]
(filter #(= (:syllable-count %) (:syllable-count (:target %)))
(map (fn [rhyming-words]
(let [target (:target (first rhyming-words))]
(sort-rhymes rhyming-words target))))
(map (fn [rhyming-words]
(map :word rhyming-words)))
(spit "rhymes.txt")))
(let [targets (map (partial phrase->word words)
"then tell him that his lonesome nights are over"
#" "))]
(->> targets
(map #(into % {:rimes? true}))
(map (fn [target]
(->> (prhyme popular target)
(map #(assoc % :target target)))))
(map (fn [rhyming-words]
(filter #(= (:syllable-count %) (:syllable-count (:target %)))
(map (fn [rhyming-words]
(map :word rhyming-words)))
(spit "rhymes.txt")))
(let [targets (map (partial phrase->word words)
(let [targets (map (partial phrase->word words)
["please" "turn" "on" "your" "magic" "beam"])
["please" "turn" "on" "your" "magic" "beam"])
synonyms (into #{} (->> (mapcat #(find-synonyms thesaurus words % 2)
synonyms (into #{} (->> (mapcat #(find-synonyms thesaurus words % 2)