@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.rhyme-trie
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.rhyme-trie
(:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
(:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[clojure.zip :as zip])
[clojure.zip :as zip]
[com.owoga.prhyme.data.tpt :as tpt])
(:import (java.io ByteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayInputStream
(:import (java.io ByteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayInputStream
DataOutputStream DataInputStream)))
DataOutputStream DataInputStream)))
@ -70,7 +71,9 @@
(and (vector? (first node))
(and (vector? (first node))
(map? (second node))))
(map? (second node))))
(defn child-seq [loc]
(defn child-seq
"Takes a zipper loc and returns seq of children locs."
(if (and (zip/left loc)
(if (and (zip/left loc)
(zip/down (zip/left loc)))
(zip/down (zip/left loc)))
((fn inner [child]
((fn inner [child]
@ -85,7 +88,7 @@
(defn zip-visitor
(defn zip-visitor
([visitor zipper]
([visitor zipper]
(loop [zipper zipper]
(loop [zipper zipper]
(if(zip/end? zipper)
(if (zip/end? zipper)
(zip/root zipper)
(zip/root zipper)
(recur (zip/next (visitor zipper)))))))
(recur (zip/next (visitor zipper)))))))
@ -233,10 +236,111 @@
t2 (trie v2)
t2 (trie v2)
t3 (trie v1 v2 v3)
t3 (trie v1 v2 v3)
vect (as-vec t3)]
vect (as-vec t3)]
(vec->trie vect))
(->> (zip/vector-zip (as-vec t3))
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(filter (comp map? zip/node))
(defn previous-node [loc]
(loop [loc (zip/prev loc)]
(nil? loc) nil
(map? (zip/node loc)) loc
:else (recur (zip/prev loc)))))
(defn loc->byte-address
"Given a loc without a byte-address, calculate it from the previous loc."
(let [prev (previous-node loc)]
(if prev
(let [[k {:keys [byte-address bytes]}] (first (seq (zip/node prev)))]
(+ byte-address (count bytes)))
(defn child->index
"Given a child gets a map with info needed to build an index."
(let [[k {:keys [byte-address] :as v}] (first (seq child))]
{:byte-address byte-address
:key k}))
(child->index {"T" {:byte-address 20}})
(defn pack-index
(println "pack" (zip/node loc))
(if (map? (zip/node loc))
(let [parent-byte-address (loc->byte-address loc)
_ (println parent-byte-address)
child-nodes (->> loc
(map (comp second zip/node)))
_ (println child-nodes)
child-key-offsets (map
(fn [child-node]
(let [{child-byte-address :byte-address
child-key :key} (child->index child-node)]
{:key child-key
:offset (- parent-byte-address child-byte-address)}))
(fn [node]
(println "zip" node)
(let [[k v] (first (seq node))]
{k {:byte-address parent-byte-address
:bytes (byte-array [1 2 3])}}))))
(let [v1 '("T" "A" "T" "TAT")
v2 '("T" "U" "T" "TUT")
v3 '("T" "A" "AT")
t1 (trie v1)
t2 (trie v2)
t3 (trie v1 v2 v3)
vect (as-vec t3)]
(transform t3 pack-index))
(let [v1 '("T" "A" "T" "TAT")
v2 '("T" "U" "T" "TUT")
v3 '("T" "A" "AT")
t1 (trie v1)
t2 (trie v2)
t3 (trie v1 v2 v3)
vect (as-vec t3)]
(->> (zip/vector-zip (as-vec t3))
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(filter (comp map? zip/node))
(defn pack-nodes [trie]
(let [leaf? (comp map? zip/node)]
(fn [loc]
(if (leaf? loc)
(fn [node]
(let [[k {:keys [count value]}] (first (seq node))
encoded-value (tpt/vb-encode value)
encoded-count (tpt/vb-encode count)
child-bytes (->> loc
(map (comp first seq second zip/node)))]
(defn write-node [baos node])
(defn write-node [baos node])
(defn write-index [baos children])
(defn write-index [baos children])
@ -258,30 +362,3 @@
(.writeBytes baos child-index)
(.writeBytes baos child-index)
(.toByteArray baos)))
(.toByteArray baos)))
(defn tpt [trie]
(let [node? (fn [x]
(and (seq? x)
(not-empty x)
(not (seq? (first x)))))
transform (fn [x]
(if (node? x)
(let [[index-key node-value children] x]
(list index-key node-value (count children) children))
(walk/postwalk transform trie)))
(let [trie '(b 3 ())]
(tpt trie))
(let [trie '(nil 20 ((a 17 ())))]
(tpt trie))
(let [trie '(nil 20 ((a 17 ((a 10 ())
(b 7 ())))
(b 3 ())))]
(tpt trie))