Add rudimentary constraint checking

Eric Ihli 4 years ago
parent d780502a7c
commit 5c1242eccb

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
(deref [_] (into #{} xf @relvar)))
(deftype BaseRelVar [relvar-name spec store]
(deftype BaseRelVar [relvar-name store constraints]
[this attributes]
@ -47,9 +47,19 @@
(load! [this relations] (reset! store relations))
[this relation]
(fn [constraint]
(when (constraint @this)
(throw (ex-info "Constraint Exception" {}))))
(swap! store conj relation))
[this & relations]
(fn [constraint]
(when (constraint @this)
(throw (ex-info "Constraint Exception" {}))))
(swap! store set/union (into #{} relations)))
@ -61,5 +71,9 @@
(defn restrict- [relvar xf]
(->RelVar relvar xf))
(def *constraints* (atom {}))
(defmacro defrelvar
[relvar-name & specs])
[relvar-name & constraints]
(swap! *constraints* assoc-in [relvar-name :constraints] constraints)
`(->BaseRelVar '~relvar-name (atom #{}) [~@constraints]))

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.core
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.pprint :as pprint]
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.set :as set]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util :as u]

@ -87,6 +87,14 @@ Let's start by imagining a nice syntax for this.
** Relvar protocols
The PRelVar functions return a RelVar that is not data-modifiable - it doesn't
have the load!, insert!, delete!, etc... functions.
For performance reasons, we do still need a way to persist derived relvars
somewhere. We'll eventually want to define some type of semantics for specifying
that a derived relation be cached rather than requiring it to be recalculated
every time the relations of its base relvar are updated.
#+NAME: relvar protocols
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb no-export
(defprotocol PRelations
@ -110,7 +118,7 @@ Let's start by imagining a nice syntax for this.
(rename [this renames]))
** Relvar implementation
** Part 1. of Infrastructure for Essential State
The =project= function of a relvar will be returning another relvar. The
implementation might look something like this:
@ -146,7 +154,7 @@ implementing these types/functions.
(deref [_] (into #{} xf @relvar)))
(deftype BaseRelVar [relvar-name spec store]
(deftype BaseRelVar [relvar-name store constraints]
<<relational algebra for base relvars>>
@ -162,10 +170,13 @@ implementing these types/functions.
(defn restrict- [relvar xf]
(->RelVar relvar xf))
(defmacro defrelvar
[relvar-name & specs])
Clojure's core set library includes a =project= function, but I'm not sure if
it returns a transducer. I'll mark that as a todo. Look into whether this
map/select-keys can be replaced by =set/project=.
#+NAME: relational algebra for derived relvars
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
@ -191,9 +202,19 @@ implementing these types/functions.
(load! [this relations] (reset! store relations))
[this relation]
(fn [constraint]
(when (constraint @this)
(throw (ex-info "Constraint Exception" {}))))
(swap! store conj relation))
[this & relations]
(fn [constraint]
(when (constraint @this)
(throw (ex-info "Constraint Exception" {}))))
(swap! store set/union (into #{} relations)))
@ -210,7 +231,7 @@ implementing these types/functions.
(ns example
(:require [com.owoga.frp.infrastructure :refer [->BaseRelVar project load!]]))
(def Offer (->BaseRelVar 'Offer nil (atom #{})))
(def Offer (->BaseRelVar 'Offer (atom #{}) '()))
(def OfferPrices (project Offer [:price]))
(load! Offer #{{:address "123 Fake St." :price 2e5}})
@ -222,18 +243,36 @@ implementing these types/functions.
: #{{:price 200000.0}}
** Derived Relvar implementation
** Part 2. of Infrastructure for Essential State
The PRelVar functions return a RelVar that is not data-modifiable - it doesn't have the load!, insert!, delete!, etc... functions.
The code above covers requirement 1. from the infrastructure for essential state; namely:
For performance reasons, we do still need a way to persist derived relvars
somewhere. We'll eventually want to define some type of semantics for specifying
that a derived relation be cached rather than requiring it to be recalculated
every time the relations of its base relvar are updated.
1. some means of storing and retrieving data in the form of relations assigned to named relvars
Now we can load!, insert!, project and restrict. We'll get to adding some other functionality later. Let's explore something more complex: constraints.
This is requirement 2.
2. a state manipulation language which allows the stored relvars to be updated (within the bounds of the integrity constraints)
Instead of definining a RelVar type direcly, like we've done in the examples
above, we can define it inside a macro that handles creating constraints for us.
This way the relvar and constraints can't easily be evaluated in seperate parts
of the code that might allow relations that violate soon-to-be constraints to be
#+NAME: constraints
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb no-export
(def *constraints* (atom {}))
(defmacro defrelvar
[relvar-name & constraints]
(swap! *constraints* assoc-in [relvar-name :constraints] constraints)
`(->BaseRelVar '~relvar-name (atom #{}) [~@constraints]))
#+NAME: essential state infrastructure
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :noweb no-export
(def constraints (atom {}))
(defmacro candidate-key [relvar tuple]
`(swap! constraints assoc-in ['~relvar :candidate-key] '~tuple))
@ -267,14 +306,7 @@ every time the relations of its base relvar are updated.
(deref [_] @store))
(defmacro defrelvar
[relvar-name & specs]
(let [ns-str (str *ns*)
relvar-kw (keyword ns-str (str relvar-name))
specs (map eval (for [[k v] (partition 2 specs)]
`(s/def ~(keyword ns-str (str relvar-name "-" (name k))) ~v)))]
(eval `(s/def ~relvar-kw (s/coll-of (s/keys :req ~specs))))
`(def ~relvar-name (->RelVar ~(str relvar-name) ~relvar-kw (atom #{})))))
(defrelvar dictionary-word
:id int?
@ -448,14 +480,22 @@ Despite this the intention is not for observers to be used as a substitute for t
(deftest test-project
(testing "projection"
(let [Offer (frp/->BaseRelVar 'Offer nil (atom #{}))
(let [Offer (frp/->BaseRelVar 'Offer (atom #{}) '())
OfferPrices (frp/project Offer [:price])]
(frp/load! Offer #{{:address "123 Fake St." :price 2e5}})
(is (= @OfferPrices #{{:price 2e5}})))))
(deftest test-insert!
(testing "insert!"
(let [Offer (frp/->BaseRelVar 'Offer nil (atom #{}))]
(let [Offer (frp/->BaseRelVar 'Offer (atom #{}) '())]
(frp/insert! Offer {:address "123 Fake St." :price 1.5e5})
(is (= @Offer #{{:address "123 Fake St." :price 1.5e5}})))))
(deftest test-defrelvar
(testing "macro works"
(let [Offer (frp/defrelvar Offer (fn [offers] (map #(> (:price %) 0) offers)))]
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"Constraint Exception"
(frp/insert! Offer {:price -1}))))))

@ -2,16 +2,23 @@
(:require [com.owoga.frp.infrastructure :as frp]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]))
(deftest test-insert!
(testing "insert!"
(let [Offer (frp/->BaseRelVar 'Offer nil (atom #{}))]
(frp/insert! Offer {:address "123 Fake St." :price 1.5e5})
(is (= @Offer #{{:address "123 Fake St." :price 1.5e5}})))))
(deftest test-project
(testing "projection"
(let [Offer (frp/->BaseRelVar 'Offer nil (atom #{}))
(let [Offer (frp/->BaseRelVar 'Offer (atom #{}) '())
OfferPrices (frp/project Offer [:price])]
(frp/load! Offer #{{:address "123 Fake St." :price 2e5}})
(is (= @OfferPrices #{{:price 2e5}})))))
(deftest test-insert!
(testing "insert!"
(let [Offer (frp/->BaseRelVar 'Offer (atom #{}) '())]
(frp/insert! Offer {:address "123 Fake St." :price 1.5e5})
(is (= @Offer #{{:address "123 Fake St." :price 1.5e5}})))))
(deftest test-defrelvar
(testing "macro works"
(let [Offer (frp/defrelvar Offer (fn [offers] (map #(> (:price %) 0) offers)))]
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"Constraint Exception"
(frp/insert! Offer {:price -1}))))))
