Add comments to nlp/g code

Eric Ihli 4 years ago
parent c0ad5acefc
commit 0c7da21610

@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
(ns examples.core
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io]
[com.owoga.prhyme.frp :as frp]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util :as util]
[com.owoga.prhyme.core :as prhyme]
[ :as bigrams]
[com.owoga.prhyme.gen :as gen]
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.core :as nlp]
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlg.core :as nlg]
[ :as dict]
[ :as thesaurus]
[ :as darklyrics]
[com.owoga.prhyme.generation.weighted-selection :as weighted]
[clojure.set :as set]
[ :as zip]))
[ :as zip]
[clojure.walk :as walk]))
(defn weight-fn [word target result]
(let [rimes (frp/consecutive-matching word target :rimes)
@ -190,3 +195,91 @@
(map :normalized-word)))))
(defn remove-sentences-with-words-not-in-dictionary [dictionary]
(let [dictionary (into #{} dictionary)]
(fn [sentences]
(->> sentences
(map #(string/split % #" "))
(remove #(some (complement dictionary) %))
(remove #(some string/blank? %))
(map #(string/join " " %))))))
(defn dark-pos-freqs []
(let [directory "dark-corpus"]
(->> (file-seq (io/file directory))
(remove #(.isDirectory %))
(drop 10)
(take 10)
(map slurp)
(map util/clean-text)
(filter dict/english?)
(map #(string/split % #"\n+"))
(map (remove-sentences-with-words-not-in-dictionary dict/popular))
(map nlp/treebank-zipper)
(map nlp/leaf-pos-path-word-freqs)
(apply nlp/deep-merge-with +))))
(defn dark-structures []
(let [directory "dark-corpus"]
(->> (file-seq (io/file directory))
(remove #(.isDirectory %))
(take 1000)
(map slurp)
(map util/clean-text)
(filter dict/english?)
(map #(string/split % #"\n+"))
(map #(remove string/blank? %))
(map nlp/parse-to-simple-tree)
(map nlp/parse-tree-sans-leaf-words)
(fn [lines]
(fn [line]
(hash-map line 1))
(map (partial merge-with +))
(apply merge-with +))))
(time (def example-pos-freqs (dark-pos-freqs)))
(take 20 example-pos-freqs)
(time (def example-structures (dark-structures)))
(def common-example-structures
#(< 10 (second %))
(count common-example-structures)
(let [structure (rand-nth (seq common-example-structures))
zipper (zip/seq-zip (first structure))]
(loop [zipper zipper]
(let [path (map first (zip/path zipper))]
(zip/end? zipper) (zip/root zipper)
(and (not-empty path)
(example-pos-freqs path))
(-> zipper
(example-pos-freqs path)))))
:else (recur (zip/next zipper))))))
(get-in {:a 1} '())
(let [zipper (zip/seq-zip '(TOP (S (NP) (VB))))]
(-> zipper

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
[com.owoga.prhyme.util.math :as math]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util :as util]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util.weighted-rand :as weighted-rand]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util.nlp :as nlp]
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.core :as nlp]
[com.owoga.prhyme.frp :as frp]
[com.owoga.prhyme.core :as prhyme]))

@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io]
[ :as zip]
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.tag-sets.treebank-ii :as tb2])
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.tag-sets.treebank-ii :as tb2]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util.weighted-rand :as weighted-rand]
[clojure.walk :as walk])
(:import ( POSModel POSTaggerME)))
(def tokenize (nlp/make-tokenizer (io/resource "models/en-token.bin")))
@ -44,13 +46,6 @@
(top-k-sequences prhyme-pos-tagger (tokenize phrase))))
;; => ([["DT" "NN" "VBZ" "."] (0.9758878 0.93964833 0.7375927 0.95285994)]
;; [["DT" "VBG" "VBZ" "."] (0.9758878 0.03690145 0.27251 0.9286113)])
(let [phrase "Blood falls."]
(->> phrase
(top-k-sequences prhyme-pos-tagger)
(map (juxt #(.getOutcomes %)
#(map float (.getProbs %))))))
(defn deep-merge-with [f & maps]
@ -67,6 +62,7 @@
;; => {:a 1, :b {:b 7}, :c 3}
(defn valid-sentence?
"Tokenizes and parses the phrase using OpenNLP models from
@ -95,7 +91,16 @@
representation of the tree, then we can `unmake` the tree
to turn it into a list representation of the tree that
we can easily use in a clojure zipper. (read-string almost works,
but falls apart when reading things like commas)."
but falls apart when reading things like commas).
This doesn't map to the string returned by the parser.
Children here are all nested inside a single list.
For example: (NP ((DT 'a') (NN ('sample')) (NN 'test')))
rather than: (NP (DT 'a') (NN 'sample') (NN 'test'))
If you want a data structure that is in parity with the
string returned by the parser, look at `parse-to-simple-tree`
(string? node) node
@ -103,42 +108,78 @@
:else (map unmake-tree node)))
(let [phrase "Hello, Eric"]
(->> phrase
(string/join " ")
(let [text-lines ["This is a sample test."
"This is another line."]]
(->> text-lines
(map tokenize)
(map (partial string/join " "))
(map tb/make-tree)
;; => ((TOP ((S ((INTJ ((UH ("Hello")))) (, (",")) (. ("Eric")))))))
(map unmake-tree)))
;; => ((TOP
;; ((S
;; ((NP ((DT ("This"))))
;; (VP ((VBZ ("is")) (NP ((DT ("a")) (NN ("sample")) (NN ("test"))))))
;; (. ("."))))))
;; (TOP
;; ((S
;; ((NP ((DT ("This"))))
;; (VP ((VBZ ("is")) (NP ((DT ("another")) (NN ("line"))))))
;; (. (".")))))))
(defn treebank-zipper
"Turns a bit of text into a parse tree into a zipper."
(let [tree (->> text
(string/join " ")
(map tb/make-tree)
(zip/seq-zip tree)))
(defn parse-to-simple-tree
"Returns a Clojure data structure, a list, in the shape of a tree, that
matches the structure returned by the parser.
The implementation takes a roundabout path. It uses `tb/make-tree` to
get a map/list data structure, it then unmakes the tree info a data
structure that can be `walk`ed, it then walks the tree making modifications
to bring it in line with the parse string structure.
(->> text-lines
(map tokenize)
(map (partial string/join " "))
(map tb/make-tree)
(map unmake-tree)
(fn [node]
(and (seq? node)
(symbol? (first node))
(and (seq? (second node))
(seq? (first (second node)))))
(cons (first node) (second node))
(and (seq? node)
(string? (first node)))
(first node)
:else node))
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper "This is a zipper test.")]
;; => [((TOP
;; ((S
;; ((NP ((DT ("This"))))
;; (VP ((VBZ ("is")) (NP ((DT ("a")) (NN ("zipper")) (NN ("test"))))))
;; (. (".")))))))
;; nil]
;; This is what the parsed string looks like.
(let [text-lines ["Hello, world!"]]
(->> text-lines (map tokenize) (map (partial string/join " ")) parse))
;; => ["(TOP (FRAG (INTJ (UH Hello)) (, ,) (NP (NN world)) (. !)))"]
;; And this is what the simple-tree Clojure data structure looks like.
(let [text-lines ["Hello, world!"]]
(parse-to-simple-tree text-lines))
;; => ((TOP (FRAG (INTJ (UH "Hello")) (, ",") (NP (NN "world")) (. "!"))))
(defn treebank-zipper-1
"Turns a bit of text into a parse tree into a zipper."
(defn treebank-zipper
"Turns a bit of text into a parse tree into a zipper.
Porcelain. If you have the simple tree data structure
returned by `parse-to-simple-tree`, then you can just
pass that directly to `zip/seq-zip`."
(let [tree (->> texts
(map tokenize)
@ -148,14 +189,30 @@
(zip/seq-zip tree)))
(defn seq-zip [zipper]
(let [texts ["Eric's test is difficult."]]
(loop [zipper (treebank-zipper texts)]
(zip/end? zipper) (zip/root zipper)
(= 'JJ (zip/node zipper)) (recur (-> zipper
(zip/replace '("thorough"))))
:else (recur (zip/next zipper)))))
;; => ((TOP
;; ((S
;; ((NP ((NP ((NNP ("Eric")) (POS ("'s")))) (NN ("test"))))
;; (VP ((VBZ ("is")) (ADJP ((JJ ("thorough"))))))
;; (. (".")))))))
(defn iter-zip [zipper]
(->> zipper
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))))
(defn seq-nodes [zipper]
(defn iter-nodes [zipper]
(->> zipper
(map zip/node)))
(defn phrase-level? [node]
@ -168,9 +225,19 @@
(= 1 (count (second node)))
(string? (first (second node)))))
(defn leaf-pos-paths [zipper]
(defn leaf-pos-paths
"Seq of the path down the parse tree to each leaf part-of-speech.
Useful to aggregate over a corpus information like how often
different words are used as different parts of speech.
Benefit of having the entire path down the tree is that you
can know things like 'A noun phrase as a child of a verb phrase
never has a determiner.'
(->> zipper
(filter (complement zip/branch?))
(map zip/path)
(map #(map first %))
@ -182,21 +249,77 @@
(filter #(string? (last %)))))
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper-1 ["This is a zipper test."
"And this is another one."])]
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper ["Commas, they work."
"Eric's test is difficult."
"Eric's testing the code."])]
(leaf-pos-paths zipper))
;; => ((TOP S NP DT "This")
;; (TOP S VP VBZ "is")
;; (TOP S VP NP DT "a")
;; (TOP S VP NP NN "zipper")
;; (TOP S VP NP NN "test")
;; (TOP S . ".")
;; (TOP S CC "And")
;; (TOP S NP DT "this")
;; (TOP S VP VBZ "is")
;; (TOP S VP NP DT "another")
;; (TOP S VP NP CD "one")
;; (TOP S . "."))
;; => ((TOP S NP NNP "Commas")
;; (TOP S , ",")
;; (TOP S NP PRP "they")
;; (TOP S VP VBP "work")
;; (TOP S . ".")
;; (TOP S NP NP NNP "Eric")
;; (TOP S NP NP POS "'s")
;; (TOP S NP NN "test")
;; (TOP S VP VBZ "is")
;; (TOP S VP ADJP JJ "difficult")
;; (TOP S . ".")
;; (TOP S NP NNP "Eric")
;; (TOP S VP VBZ "'s")
;; (TOP S VP VP VBG "testing")
;; (TOP S VP VP NP DT "the")
;; (TOP S VP VP NP NN "code")
;; (TOP S . "."))
(defn leaf-pos-path-word-freqs [zipper]
(->> zipper
(map #(hash-map (butlast %) {(last %) 1}))
(apply deep-merge-with +)))
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper ["Eric's test is difficult."
"Eric's test is thorough."
"Eric's testing."])]
(leaf-pos-path-word-freqs zipper))
;; => {(TOP NP .) {"." 1},
;; (TOP NP NP POS) {"'s" 1},
;; (TOP S NP NP NNP) {"Eric" 2},
;; (TOP NP NN) {"testing" 1},
;; (TOP S VP VBZ) {"is" 2},
;; (TOP S .) {"." 2},
;; (TOP S NP NP POS) {"'s" 2},
;; (TOP NP NP NNP) {"Eric" 1},
;; (TOP S NP NN) {"test" 2},
;; (TOP S VP ADJP JJ) {"difficult" 1, "thorough" 1}}
(defn parse-tree-sans-leaf-words
"Takes a 'simple' parse tree (`parse-to-simple-tree`)
Removes the leaf words from the tree.
Useful if you want to work with the structure of something
without caring about the actual words."
(fn [node]
(if (and (seq? node)
(string? (second node)))
(take 1 node)
(let [tree (parse-to-simple-tree ["Eric's test is difficult."
"Eric's test is thorough."
"Eric's testing."
"Eric is testing."])]
(parse-tree-sans-leaf-words tree))
;; => ((TOP (S (NP (NP (NNP) (POS)) (NN)) (VP (VBZ) (ADJP (JJ))) (.)))
;; (TOP (S (NP (NP (NNP) (POS)) (NN)) (VP (VBZ) (ADJP (JJ))) (.)))
;; (TOP (NP (NP (NNP) (POS)) (NN) (.)))
;; (TOP (S (NP (NNP)) (VP (VBZ) (VP (VBG))) (.))))
@ -232,7 +355,7 @@
(->> zipper
(filter phrase-level?)
(fn [[pos xs]]
@ -246,29 +369,47 @@
(apply deep-merge-with +)))
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper-1 ["This is a test and that is not a test."
"My name is Eric."
"Go to the store."
"Your name is not Eric."
"This is a sample test."])
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper ["Eric's test is difficult."
"Eric's test is thorough."
"Eric's testing."])
freqs (->> zipper
;; => {NP {(DT) 3, (DT NN) 3, (PRP$ NN) 2, (NNP) 2, (DT NN NN) 1},
;; VB {"Go" 1},
;; VBZ {"is" 5},
;; S {(S CC S .) 1, (NP VP) 2, (NP VP .) 3},
;; RB {"not" 2},
;; NNP {"Eric" 2},
;; TO {"to" 1},
;; DT {"This" 2, "a" 3, "that" 1, "the" 1},
;; TOP {(S) 4, (VP) 1},
;; CC {"and" 1},
;; NN {"test" 3, "name" 2, "store" 1, "sample" 1},
;; PP {(TO NP) 1},
;; VP {(VBZ NP) 3, (VBZ RB NP) 2, (VB PP .) 1},
;; PRP$ {"My" 1, "Your" 1},
;; . {"." 5}}
;; => {NP {(NP NN) 2, (NNP POS) 3, (NP NN .) 1},
;; ADJP {(JJ) 2},
;; VBZ {"is" 2},
;; S {(NP VP .) 2},
;; NNP {"Eric" 3},
;; JJ {"difficult" 1, "thorough" 1},
;; TOP {(S) 2, (NP) 1},
;; POS {"'s" 3},
;; NN {"test" 2, "testing" 1},
;; VP {(VBZ ADJP) 2},
;; . {"." 3}}
(defn remove-sentences-with-words-not-in-dictionary [dictionary]
(let [dictionary (into #{} dictionary)]
(fn [sentences]
(println sentences)
(println dictionary)
(->> sentences
(map #(string/split % #" "))
(remove #(some (complement dictionary) %))
(remove #(some string/blank? %))
(map #(string/join " " %))))))
(let [dictionary ["this" "is" "a" "test"]
remove-fn (remove-sentences-with-words-not-in-dictionary
sentences ["this is a foobar test"
"Eric is a test"
"this is a test"
"a test this is"]]
(->> sentences
;; => ("this is a test" "a test this is")
(defn generate-from-freqs
@ -276,86 +417,78 @@
and the number of times each constituent is seen in a corpus.
start is the part-of-speech to start generating for.
Creates a zipper that will initially have just the starting node.
Iterates through the zipper with zip/next. When we encounter a node
that exists in the frequencies map, then replace the node we are on
with a value from the map.
A problem with this is that we might not always get a valid structure.
For example, a noun phrase might not start with a determiner 20% of the time,
but 100% of the time when the noun phrase follows a verb phrase.
So if we are just selecting based on frequency, we'll end up worse off than
if we take into account the entire context we're in.
[freqs start]
(let [zipper (zip/seq-zip (list start))]
(loop [zipper zipper]
(zip/end? zipper) (zip/root zipper)
(let [cur-freqs (freqs (zip/node zipper))]
(zip/end? zipper) (zip/root zipper)
(zip/branch? zipper) (recur (zip/next zipper))
(zip/branch? zipper) (recur (zip/next zipper))
(freqs (zip/node zipper))
(zip/node zipper)
(first (rand-nth (seq (freqs (zip/node zipper))))))))))
(let [selection (first (weighted-rand/weighted-selection second cur-freqs))]
(list (zip/node zipper) selection))))))
:else (recur (zip/next zipper))))))
:else (recur (zip/next zipper)))))))
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper-1 ["This is a zipper test in the car."
"And this is another one."
"Here are some sample sentences."
"Let's see what we can generate."
"This is a big adjective."
"That's an ugly sentence."
"The corpus will be simple to start."])
freqs (->> zipper
(->> (generate-from-freqs freqs 'TOP))
(->> (repeatedly
(fn []
(->> (generate-from-freqs freqs 'TOP)
(letfn [;; This is just a helper function to get the string leafs of a tree and
;; join them into a single string.
(string-leaf-nodes [tree]
(->> tree
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(filter (complement zip/branch?))
(map zip/node)
(filter string?)
(string/join " "))))
(filter valid-sentence?)
(take 10)))
;; => ("Here be what start big And This test see what be That one start . . That one ."
;; "Here are This ugly zipper ."
;; "And an is The sample ."
;; "generate simple see This corpus test to Let And a Let what an corpus adjective to be And another ugly car can see ugly start what this one to are . . . . . . ."
;; "This sample sentences Let big 's a sample adjective in we ."
;; "will generate what Let"
;; "Here be ugly That sentence generate a big test ."
;; "Here is this corpus sentences in a test this sample sentences ."
;; "And some ugly zipper 's 's ."
;; "Here generate big the adjective 's another corpus an .")
;; => ((TOP
;; ((SINV
;; ((ADVP ((RB "Here")))
;; (VP
;; ((TO "to")
;; (VP
;; ((TO "to")
;; (VP
;; ((VB "Let")
;; (SBAR
;; ((WHNP ((WP "what")))
;; (S
;; ((NP ((DT "this") (CD "one")))
;; (VP
;; ((VBZ "is")
;; (NP ((DT "The") (NN "adjective") (NN "car")))
;; (PP
;; ((IN "in")
;; (NP
;; ((DT "The") (NN "test") (NNS "sentences")))))))))))))))))
;; (NP ((DT "another") (CD "one")))
;; (. "."))))))
(string/join " ")))]
(let [ ;; Create an initial corpus.
zipper (treebank-zipper ["This is a zipper test in the car."
"And this is another one."
"Here are some sample sentences."
"Let's see what we can generate."
"This is a big adjective."
"That's a short adjective."
"The corpus will be a simple start."])
;; Extract parts-of-speech frequencies from the corpus.
freqs (pos->children-freqs zipper)]
;; Let's generate a bunch of noun phrases.
(fn []
(->> (generate-from-freqs freqs 'NP)
;; => ("another simple corpus"
;; "we"
;; "a big start"
;; "This start"
;; "'s"
;; "a"
;; "a test sentences"
;; "a sample"
;; "another car"
;; "this car sentences")
@ -384,39 +517,119 @@
(let [pos-path '(TOP S NP DT "This")]
(pos-freq pos-path))
;; => {TOP {:freq 1, S {:freq 1, NP {:freq 1, DT {:words {"This" 1}, :freq 1}}}}}
(defn pos-freqs [pos-paths]
(apply deep-merge-with + pos-paths))
(defn structure-freqs
"Frequencies of entire parse trees."
(let [parse-tree (-> text-lines
freqs (->> parse-tree
(map (fn [line] {line 1}))
(apply merge-with +))]
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper-1 ["This is a zipper test."
"And this is another one."
"This is not a test."])]
(->> zipper
(map pos-freq)
(apply deep-merge-with +)))
;; => {TOP
;; {:freq 18,
;; S
;; {:freq 18,
;; NP {:freq 3, DT {:words {"This" 2, "this" 1}, :freq 3}},
;; VP
;; {:freq 11,
;; VBZ {:words {"is" 3}, :freq 3},
;; NP
;; {:freq 7,
;; DT {:words {"a" 2, "another" 1}, :freq 3},
;; NN {:words {"zipper" 1, "test" 2}, :freq 3},
;; CD {:words {"one" 1}, :freq 1}},
;; RB {:words {"not" 1}, :freq 1}},
;; . {:words {"." 3}, :freq 3},
;; CC {:words {"And" 1}, :freq 1}}}}
(let [text-lines ["This is a test."
"This is a line."
"That is a test."
"You are a test."
"This is not a test."
"I am a test."
"This is a sample."
"Go to the store."
"Run the test."
"The test is running."]]
(structure-freqs text-lines))
;; => {(TOP (S (NP (DT)) (VP (VBZ) (NP (DT) (NN))) (.))) 4,
;; (TOP (S (NP (PRP)) (VP (VBP) (NP (DT) (NN))) (.))) 2,
;; (TOP (S (NP (DT)) (VP (VBZ) (RB) (NP (DT) (NN))) (.))) 1,
;; (TOP (VP (VB) (PP (TO) (NP (DT) (NN))) (.))) 1,
;; (TOP (VP (VB) (NP (DT) (NN)) (.))) 1,
;; (TOP (S (NP (DT) (NN)) (VP (VBZ) (VP (VBG))) (.))) 1}
(defn generate-from-structure-and-pos-freqs
"This is an attempt to improve on selecting words for a particular part-of-speech
based solely on the part of speech.
By passing a `structure-freqs` map, we can choose from a collection of known-valid
S -> NP | VP | NP VP
NP -> NN | DT NN | DT
VP -> VB | VB NN
If we go just based on frequencies, we might have a grammar that allows something like the above.
But it might be such that when S is NP VP, then NP is NEVER DT.
Thak's what supplying the structure frequency map can improve.
[structure pos-freqs]
(let [zipper (zip/seq-zip structure)]
(loop [zipper zipper]
(let [path (map first (zip/path zipper))
cur-freqs (pos-freqs path)]
(zip/end? zipper) (zip/root zipper)
(zip/branch? zipper) (recur (zip/next zipper))
(let [selection (first (weighted-rand/weighted-selection second cur-freqs))]
(list (zip/node zipper) selection))))))
;; ???
:else (recur (zip/next zipper)))))))
(let [corpus ["this is a test"
"that is a test"
"this is a sample"
"that is some code"
"there is a car"
"those are some cars"
"that is a dog"
"it is a dog"]
structure '(TOP (S (NP (DT)) (VP (VBZ) (NP (DT) (NN)))))
pos-freqs (->> corpus
(fn []
(->> (generate-from-structure-and-pos-freqs
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(filter #(string? (zip/node %)))
(map zip/node)
(string/join " ")))))
;; => ("this is some dog"
;; "that is a test"
;; "those is a dog"
;; "those is a sample"
;; "this is a test"
;; "that is some test"
;; "that is a car"
;; "that is a car"
;; "that is some dog"
;; "this is a test")
(defn node-constituents
"Given a node of a parse tree, like ('NP (('PRP$ (\"my\" 'NN (\"name\"))))),
returns a list of the top-level node tag and its first-level child tags.

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
(lazy-seq ((window n) (drop n coll)))))))
(defn clean-text [text]
(string/lower-case (string/replace text #"[^a-zA-Z'\-\s]" "")))
(string/lower-case (string/replace text #"[^a-zA-Z'\-\s]+" "")))
(defn padr [val n coll]
(concat coll (repeat n val)))

@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.util.nlp
(:require [opennlp.nlp :as nlp]
[opennlp.treebank :as tb]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io]
[ :as zip]
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.tag-sets.treebank-ii :as tb2])
(:import ( POSModel POSTaggerME)))
(def tokenize (nlp/make-tokenizer (io/resource "models/en-token.bin")))
(def get-sentences (nlp/make-sentence-detector (io/resource "models/en-sent.bin")))
(def parse (tb/make-treebank-parser (io/resource "models/en-parser-chunking.bin")))
(def pos-tagger (nlp/make-pos-tagger (io/resource "models/en-pos-maxent.bin")))
;;;; The tagger that onennlp.nlp gives us doesn't provide access
;;;; to the probabilities of all tags. It gives us the probability of the
;;;; top tag through some metadata. But to get probs for all tags, we
;;;; need to implement our own tagger.
(defprotocol Tagger
(tags [this sent])
(probs [this])
(top-k-sequences [this sent]))
(defn make-pos-tagger
(let [model (with-open [model-stream (io/input-stream modelfile)]
(POSModel. model-stream))
tagger (POSTaggerME. model)]
(reify Tagger
(tags [_ tokens]
(let [token-array (into-array String tokens)]
(map vector tokens (.tag tagger #^"[Ljava.lang.String;" token-array))))
(probs [_] (seq (.probs tagger)))
(top-k-sequences [_ tokens]
(let [token-array (into-array String tokens)]
(.topKSequences tagger #^"[Ljava.lang.String;" token-array))))))
(def prhyme-pos-tagger (make-pos-tagger (io/resource "models/en-pos-maxent.bin")))
(let [phrase "The feeling hurts."]
(map (juxt #(.getOutcomes %)
#(map float (.getProbs %)))
(top-k-sequences prhyme-pos-tagger (tokenize phrase))))
;; => ([["DT" "NN" "VBZ" "."] (0.9758878 0.93964833 0.7375927 0.95285994)]
;; [["DT" "VBG" "VBZ" "."] (0.9758878 0.03690145 0.27251 0.9286113)])
(defn valid-sentence?
"Tokenizes and parses the phrase using OpenNLP models from
If the parse tree has an clause as the top-level tag, then
we consider it a valid English sentence."
(->> phrase
(string/join " ")
(defn unmake-tree
"Tokenizing and then parsing a sentence returns a string
representation of the parse tree. This is a helper function
to make working with the parse tree more convenient. We
can use `opennlp.treebank/make-tree` to make a clojure map
representation of the tree, then we can `unmake` the tree
to turn it into a list representation of the tree that
we can easily use in a clojure zipper. (read-string almost works,
but falls apart when reading things like commas)."
(string? node) node
(map? node) (list (:tag node) (unmake-tree (:chunk node)))
:else (map unmake-tree node)))
(let [phrase "Hello, Eric"]
(->> phrase
(string/join " ")
(map tb/make-tree)
;; => ((TOP ((S ((INTJ ((UH ("Hello")))) (, (",")) (. ("Eric")))))))
(defn treebank-zipper
"Turns a bit of text into a parse tree into a zipper."
(let [tree (->> text
(string/join " ")
(map tb/make-tree)
(zip/zipper seq? seq (fn [_ c] c) tree)))
(defn node-constituents
"Given a node of a parse tree, like ('NP (('PRP$ (\"my\" 'NN (\"name\"))))),
returns a list of the top-level node tag and its first-level child tags.
(first node)
(if (every? string? (map first (rest node)))
(map first (first (rest node))))))
(defn phrase-constituents
"Given a bit of text that can be parsed into a treebank tree,
Get a sequence of the tags and their chunks.
For example:
My name is Eric.
Returns the sequence:
At the TOP tag, we have a 'S part-of-speech (a clause).
At the 'S tag, we have a 'NP, 'VP, '. (noun-phrase + verb-phrase + period)
At the 'NP tag, we have a 'PRP$, 'NN (personal-pronoun + singular-noun)
(->> (treebank-zipper text)
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(filter (complement zip/branch?))
(map zip/path)
(map last)
(map node-constituents)
(remove #(string? (first %)))))
(phrase-constituents "My name is Eric.")
;; => ((TOP (S)) (S (NP VP .)) (NP (PRP$ NN)) (VP (VBZ NP)) (NP (NNP)))
(phrase-constituents "How are you?")
(defn pos-constituent-frequencies
"Frequencies of the parts of speech that make up phrases.
Clauses are made up of:
NounPhrase + VerbPhrase 2 times
Clause + CoordinatingConjuction + Clause 1 times
NounPhrases are made up of:
ProperNouns 2 times
PersonalPronoun + SingularNoun 3 times
Does not include frequencies for leaf words. By that I mean: A SingularNoun might
appear 5 times all together, 3 times as part of a PersonalPronoun + SingularNoun pair
and 2 times as part of an Adjective + SingularNoun pair, but the data structure returned
by this function won't include that 5 anywhere. This is due to the (remove #(nil? (second %)))
line. This data structure is used as a kind of markov selection process and we don't really
care how often the leafs are used. We just care about the ratio at which we should pick each
leaf from a given parent.
(fn [acc text]
(let [constituents (->> text
(remove #(nil? (second %))))]
(fn [acc constituent]
(let [k1 (first constituent)
k2 (second constituent)]
(update-in acc [k1 k2] (fnil inc 0))))
["My name is Eric."
"My hat is blue and I like cake."
"Your name is Taylor."
"How are you?"])
;; => {TOP {(S) 3, (SBARQ) 1},
;; S {(NP VP .) 2, (S CC S .) 1, (NP VP) 2},
;; NP {(PRP$ NN) 3, (NNP) 2, (PRP) 2, (NN) 1},
;; VP {(VBZ NP) 2, (VBZ ADJP) 1, (VBP NP) 1},
;; ADJP {(JJ) 1},
;; SBARQ {(WHADVP SQ .) 1},
;; WHADVP {(WRB) 1},
;; SQ {(VBP NP) 1}}
(let [phrase "How are you today?"]
(->> phrase
(string/join " ")
(map tb/make-tree)))
(let [phrase "I gave the cake to John at the store."]
(parse (tokenize phrase)))
(let [phrase "I've got a good feeling"]
(pos-tagger (tokenize phrase)))

@ -78,7 +78,8 @@
selection (nth coll index)]
([key-fn coll]
(let [rng (from-weights (map key-fn coll))
(let [coll (seq coll)
rng (from-weights (map key-fn coll))
index (nextr rng nil)
selection (nth coll index)]
