Add simple-nlg

Eric Ihli 4 years ago
parent 86546c7d01
commit c0ad5acefc

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
inflections {:mvn/version "0.13.2"}
com.taoensso/tufte {:mvn/version "2.2.0"}
clojure-opennlp {:mvn/version "0.5.0"} {:mvn/version "4.5.0"}
net.sf.sociaal/freetts {:mvn/version "1.2.2"}
enlive {:mvn/version "1.1.6"}
integrant {:mvn/version "0.8.0"}

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(ns com.owoga.corpus.markov
(:require [com.owoga.prhyme.util :as util]
[ :as dict]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util.nlp :as nlp]
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.core :as nlp]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io]))
@ -63,12 +63,15 @@
(map #(string/split % #"\n+"))
(map (fn [lyrics] (filter #(nlp/valid-sentence? %) lyrics)))
(map #(remove nil? %))
(take 5)
(map (fn [lyrics]
(take 400)
#_(map (fn [lyrics]
(map #(nlp/tags nlp/prhyme-pos-tagger (nlp/tokenize %)) lyrics)))))
(let [directory "dark-corpus/zero-hour/"]
(gen-pos-markov directory))
(let [directory "dark-corpus/"]
(gen-pos-markov directory)))

@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
(set (line-seq (io/reader (io/resource "nouns.txt"))))))
(defn english? [text]
(let [words (string/split text #"\s+")
(let [word-set (into #{} (map :normalized-word prhyme-dict))
words (string/split text #"\s+")
(->> words
(filter #((into #{} (map :normalized-word prhyme-dict))
(string/lower-case %))))]
(filter #(word-set (string/lower-case %))))]
(< 0.7 (/ (count english-words) (max 1 (count words))))))

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.nlg.core
(:import (simplenlg.framework NLGFactory)
(simplenlg.lexicon Lexicon)
(simplenlg.realiser.english Realiser)
(simplenlg.features Feature Form)))
(def lexicon (Lexicon/getDefaultLexicon))
(def nlg-factory (NLGFactory. lexicon))
(def realiser (Realiser. lexicon))
(defn realise [element]
(.realise realiser element))
(let [text "my dog is happy"
sentence (.createSentence nlg-factory text)]
(.realiseSentence realiser sentence))
(let [clause (.createClause nlg-factory)
_ (.setSubject clause "us")
_ (.setVerb clause "chase")
_ (.setObject clause "the monkey")]
(.realiseSentence realiser clause))
(let [NP (.createNounPhrase nlg-factory "zipper")
_ (.setDeterminer NP "another")
VP1 (.createVerbPhrase nlg-factory "eat")
clause (.createSentence nlg-factory [NP VP1])]
(.realiseSentence realiser clause))
(defn create-noun-phrase
(.createNounPhrase nlg-factory))
(.createNounPhrase nlg-factory noun))
([specifier noun]
(.createNounPhrase nlg-factory specifier noun)))
(defn set-determiner [noun-phrase determiner]
(.setDeterminer noun-phrase determiner)
(defn set-noun [noun-phrase noun]
(.setNoun noun-phrase noun)
(defn create-adjective-phrase
(.createAdjectivePhrase nlg-factory))
(.createAdjectivePhrase nlg-factory adjective)))
(defn create-adverb-phrase
(.createAdverbPhrase nlg-factory))
(.createAdverbPhrase nlg-factory adverb)))
(defn create-verb-phrase
(.createVerbPhrase nlg-factory))
(.createVerbPhrase nlg-factory verb)))
(defn set-feature [element feature-name feature-value]
(.setFeature element feature-name feature-value)
(defn set-pre-modifier [element new-pre-modifier]
(.setPreModifier element new-pre-modifier)
(ns-unmap *ns* 'create-element)
(defmulti create-element
(fn [children] (doall (map first children))))
(defmethod create-element '(PRP$)
[[[_ child]]] (.createNounPhrase nlg-factory child))
(defmethod create-element '(NN)
[[[_ child]]] (.createNounPhrase nlg-factory child))
(defmethod create-element '(NNP)
[[[_ child]]]
(let [noun-phrase (.createNounPhrase nlg-factory child)]
(.setPlural noun-phrase true)
;; A determiner by itself is usually a subject.
;; i.e. "This is a test." <- "This" is tagged by the treebank parser
;; as a determiner
(defmethod create-element '(DT)
[[[_ child]]]
(.createNounPhrase nlg-factory child))
(defmethod create-element '(DT NN NN)
[[DT NN1 NN2]]
(let [dt (create-element (list DT))
nn1 (create-element (list NN1))
nn2 (create-element (list NN2))
clause (.createNounPhrase nlg-factory)]
(.setSpecifier clause dt)
(.setPreModifier clause nn1)
(.setNoun clause nn2)
(realise (create-element '((DT "a") (NN "sample") (NN "test"))))
(defmethod create-element '(PRP$ NN)
[[prp$ nn]]
(-> (.createNounPhrase
(create-element (list nn)))
(-> (create-element (list prp$))
(set-feature Feature/POSSESSIVE true)))))
(defmethod create-element
[[[_ child]]]
(create-element child))
(realise (create-element '((NP ((PRP$ "Eric") (NN "test"))))))
(realise (create-element '((DT "This"))))
(create-element '((NN "test")))
(realise (create-element '((PRP$ "Eric") (NN "test"))))
(realise (create-element '((NNP "tests"))))
(defmethod create-element '(VB)
[[[_ child]]]
(.createVerbPhrase nlg-factory child))
(realise (create-element '((VB "run"))))
(defmethod create-element '(VBZ)
[[[_ child]]]
(.createVerbPhrase nlg-factory child))
(defmethod create-element '(VBZ NP)
[[VBZ NP]]
(let [np (create-element (list NP))
vbz (create-element (list VBZ))
clause (.createClause nlg-factory)]
(.setObject clause np)
(.setVerb clause vbz)
(realise (create-element '((VBZ "is") (NP ((NN "test"))))))
(-> (create-noun-phrase)
(set-determiner "a")
(set-noun "test"))
(-> (create-verb-phrase "let")
(set-feature Feature/FORM Form/INFINITIVE)
(#(realise %)))

@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.core
(:require [opennlp.nlp :as nlp]
[opennlp.treebank :as tb]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io]
[ :as zip]
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.tag-sets.treebank-ii :as tb2])
(:import ( POSModel POSTaggerME)))
(def tokenize (nlp/make-tokenizer (io/resource "models/en-token.bin")))
(def get-sentences (nlp/make-sentence-detector (io/resource "models/en-sent.bin")))
(def parse (tb/make-treebank-parser (io/resource "models/en-parser-chunking.bin")))
(def pos-tagger (nlp/make-pos-tagger (io/resource "models/en-pos-maxent.bin")))
;;;; The tagger that onennlp.nlp gives us doesn't provide access
;;;; to the probabilities of all tags. It gives us the probability of the
;;;; top tag through some metadata. But to get probs for all tags, we
;;;; need to implement our own tagger.
(defprotocol Tagger
(tags [this sent])
(probs [this])
(top-k-sequences [this sent]))
(defn make-pos-tagger
(let [model (with-open [model-stream (io/input-stream modelfile)]
(POSModel. model-stream))
tagger (POSTaggerME. model)]
(reify Tagger
(tags [_ tokens]
(let [token-array (into-array String tokens)]
(map vector tokens (.tag tagger #^"[Ljava.lang.String;" token-array))))
(probs [_] (seq (.probs tagger)))
(top-k-sequences [_ tokens]
(let [token-array (into-array String tokens)]
(.topKSequences tagger #^"[Ljava.lang.String;" token-array))))))
(def prhyme-pos-tagger (make-pos-tagger (io/resource "models/en-pos-maxent.bin")))
(let [phrase "The feeling hurts."]
(map (juxt #(.getOutcomes %)
#(map float (.getProbs %)))
(top-k-sequences prhyme-pos-tagger (tokenize phrase))))
;; => ([["DT" "NN" "VBZ" "."] (0.9758878 0.93964833 0.7375927 0.95285994)]
;; [["DT" "VBG" "VBZ" "."] (0.9758878 0.03690145 0.27251 0.9286113)])
(let [phrase "Blood falls."]
(->> phrase
(top-k-sequences prhyme-pos-tagger)
(map (juxt #(.getOutcomes %)
#(map float (.getProbs %))))))
(defn deep-merge-with [f & maps]
(letfn [(m [& xs]
(if (some map? xs)
(apply merge-with m xs)
(apply f xs)))]
(reduce m maps)))
(let [m1 {:a 1 :b {:b 2}}
m2 {:c 3 :b {:b 5}}]
(deep-merge-with + m1 m2))
;; => {:a 1, :b {:b 7}, :c 3}
(defn valid-sentence?
"Tokenizes and parses the phrase using OpenNLP models from
If the parse tree has an clause as the top-level tag, then
we consider it a valid English sentence."
(->> phrase
(string/join " ")
(defn unmake-tree
"Tokenizing and then parsing a sentence returns a string
representation of the parse tree. This is a helper function
to make working with the parse tree more convenient. We
can use `opennlp.treebank/make-tree` to make a clojure map
representation of the tree, then we can `unmake` the tree
to turn it into a list representation of the tree that
we can easily use in a clojure zipper. (read-string almost works,
but falls apart when reading things like commas)."
(string? node) node
(map? node) (list (:tag node) (unmake-tree (:chunk node)))
:else (map unmake-tree node)))
(let [phrase "Hello, Eric"]
(->> phrase
(string/join " ")
(map tb/make-tree)
;; => ((TOP ((S ((INTJ ((UH ("Hello")))) (, (",")) (. ("Eric")))))))
(defn treebank-zipper
"Turns a bit of text into a parse tree into a zipper."
(let [tree (->> text
(string/join " ")
(map tb/make-tree)
(zip/seq-zip tree)))
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper "This is a zipper test.")]
;; => [((TOP
;; ((S
;; ((NP ((DT ("This"))))
;; (VP ((VBZ ("is")) (NP ((DT ("a")) (NN ("zipper")) (NN ("test"))))))
;; (. (".")))))))
;; nil]
(defn treebank-zipper-1
"Turns a bit of text into a parse tree into a zipper."
(let [tree (->> texts
(map tokenize)
(map (partial string/join " "))
(map tb/make-tree)
(zip/seq-zip tree)))
(defn seq-zip [zipper]
(->> zipper
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))))
(defn seq-nodes [zipper]
(->> zipper
(map zip/node)))
(defn phrase-level? [node]
(and (seq? node)
(symbol? (first node))))
(defn word-level? [node]
(and (seq? node)
(symbol? (first node))
(= 1 (count (second node)))
(string? (first (second node)))))
(defn leaf-pos-paths [zipper]
(->> zipper
(filter (complement zip/branch?))
(map zip/path)
(map #(map first %))
(fn [v] (or (string? v)
(symbol? v)))
(filter #(string? (last %)))))
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper-1 ["This is a zipper test."
"And this is another one."])]
(leaf-pos-paths zipper))
;; => ((TOP S NP DT "This")
;; (TOP S VP VBZ "is")
;; (TOP S VP NP DT "a")
;; (TOP S VP NP NN "zipper")
;; (TOP S VP NP NN "test")
;; (TOP S . ".")
;; (TOP S CC "And")
;; (TOP S NP DT "this")
;; (TOP S VP VBZ "is")
;; (TOP S VP NP DT "another")
;; (TOP S VP NP CD "one")
;; (TOP S . "."))
;;;; This is not sufficient
;; You'll end up with a mapping that says a verb phrase can be a
;; third-person-singular verb, like "is" followed by a
;; noun-phrase. But "is" can't be followed by just any noun-phrase.
;; It must be followed by a noun-phrase that starts with a determiner,
;; like "a" or "the".
(defn pos->children-freqs
"Takes a zipper representation of a parsed text.
Returns a map of parts-of-speech to a map of their constituent parts-of-speech
and the number of times each constituent is seen in a corpus.
For example, in the sentence 'This is a test and that is not a test.',
there are 4 noun phrases; 'this', 'a test', 'that', 'a test'.
Twice, the noun phrase is made up of a determiner (namely, 'this' and 'that').
Twice, the noun phras is made up of a determiner and a noun (namely, 'a test' and 'a test').
If the constituent part of speech is an actual word, then the key is the word.
For the sentence 'This is a test and that is not a test.', this function would include a kv pairs of:
{NP {(DT) 2 (DT NN) 2}
CC {'and' 1}
VBZ {'is' 2}
This data structure is useful for text generation. If you're generating a sentence and you
know that you need a coordinating conjunction, you can choose one in from the list weighted
by their frequencies.
(->> zipper
(filter phrase-level?)
(fn [[pos xs]]
(if (string? (first xs))
(first xs)
(map first xs)))))
(map (fn [[k v]]
{k {v 1}}))
(apply deep-merge-with +)))
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper-1 ["This is a test and that is not a test."
"My name is Eric."
"Go to the store."
"Your name is not Eric."
"This is a sample test."])
freqs (->> zipper
;; => {NP {(DT) 3, (DT NN) 3, (PRP$ NN) 2, (NNP) 2, (DT NN NN) 1},
;; VB {"Go" 1},
;; VBZ {"is" 5},
;; S {(S CC S .) 1, (NP VP) 2, (NP VP .) 3},
;; RB {"not" 2},
;; NNP {"Eric" 2},
;; TO {"to" 1},
;; DT {"This" 2, "a" 3, "that" 1, "the" 1},
;; TOP {(S) 4, (VP) 1},
;; CC {"and" 1},
;; NN {"test" 3, "name" 2, "store" 1, "sample" 1},
;; PP {(TO NP) 1},
;; VP {(VBZ NP) 3, (VBZ RB NP) 2, (VB PP .) 1},
;; PRP$ {"My" 1, "Your" 1},
;; . {"." 5}}
(defn generate-from-freqs
"freqs is a map of parts-of-speech to a map of their constituent parts-of-speech
and the number of times each constituent is seen in a corpus.
start is the part-of-speech to start generating for.
[freqs start]
(let [zipper (zip/seq-zip (list start))]
(loop [zipper zipper]
(zip/end? zipper) (zip/root zipper)
(zip/branch? zipper) (recur (zip/next zipper))
(freqs (zip/node zipper))
(zip/node zipper)
(first (rand-nth (seq (freqs (zip/node zipper))))))))))
:else (recur (zip/next zipper))))))
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper-1 ["This is a zipper test in the car."
"And this is another one."
"Here are some sample sentences."
"Let's see what we can generate."
"This is a big adjective."
"That's an ugly sentence."
"The corpus will be simple to start."])
freqs (->> zipper
(->> (generate-from-freqs freqs 'TOP))
(->> (repeatedly
(fn []
(->> (generate-from-freqs freqs 'TOP)
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(filter (complement zip/branch?))
(map zip/node)
(filter string?)
(string/join " "))))
(filter valid-sentence?)
(take 10)))
;; => ("Here be what start big And This test see what be That one start . . That one ."
;; "Here are This ugly zipper ."
;; "And an is The sample ."
;; "generate simple see This corpus test to Let And a Let what an corpus adjective to be And another ugly car can see ugly start what this one to are . . . . . . ."
;; "This sample sentences Let big 's a sample adjective in we ."
;; "will generate what Let"
;; "Here be ugly That sentence generate a big test ."
;; "Here is this corpus sentences in a test this sample sentences ."
;; "And some ugly zipper 's 's ."
;; "Here generate big the adjective 's another corpus an .")
;; => ((TOP
;; ((SINV
;; ((ADVP ((RB "Here")))
;; (VP
;; ((TO "to")
;; (VP
;; ((TO "to")
;; (VP
;; ((VB "Let")
;; (SBAR
;; ((WHNP ((WP "what")))
;; (S
;; ((NP ((DT "this") (CD "one")))
;; (VP
;; ((VBZ "is")
;; (NP ((DT "The") (NN "adjective") (NN "car")))
;; (PP
;; ((IN "in")
;; (NP
;; ((DT "The") (NN "test") (NNS "sentences")))))))))))))))))
;; (NP ((DT "another") (CD "one")))
;; (. "."))))))
(defn pos-freq [pos-path]
(loop [remaining-path (rest pos-path)
current-path [(first pos-path)]
result {}]
(string? (first remaining-path))
(-> result
(conj current-path :words)
#(merge-with + % {(first remaining-path) 1}))
#(merge-with + % {:freq 1})))
(recur (rest remaining-path)
(conj current-path (first remaining-path))
#(merge-with + % {:freq 1}))))))
(let [pos-path '(TOP S NP DT "This")]
(pos-freq pos-path))
;; => {TOP {:freq 1, S {:freq 1, NP {:freq 1, DT {:words {"This" 1}, :freq 1}}}}}
(defn pos-freqs [pos-paths]
(apply deep-merge-with + pos-paths))
(let [zipper (treebank-zipper-1 ["This is a zipper test."
"And this is another one."
"This is not a test."])]
(->> zipper
(map pos-freq)
(apply deep-merge-with +)))
;; => {TOP
;; {:freq 18,
;; S
;; {:freq 18,
;; NP {:freq 3, DT {:words {"This" 2, "this" 1}, :freq 3}},
;; VP
;; {:freq 11,
;; VBZ {:words {"is" 3}, :freq 3},
;; NP
;; {:freq 7,
;; DT {:words {"a" 2, "another" 1}, :freq 3},
;; NN {:words {"zipper" 1, "test" 2}, :freq 3},
;; CD {:words {"one" 1}, :freq 1}},
;; RB {:words {"not" 1}, :freq 1}},
;; . {:words {"." 3}, :freq 3},
;; CC {:words {"And" 1}, :freq 1}}}}
(defn node-constituents
"Given a node of a parse tree, like ('NP (('PRP$ (\"my\" 'NN (\"name\"))))),
returns a list of the top-level node tag and its first-level child tags.
(first node)
(if (every? string? (map first (rest node)))
(map first (first (rest node))))))
(defn node-constituents-with-tokens
"Given a node of a parse tree, like ('NP (('PRP$ (\"my\" 'NN (\"name\"))))),
returns a list of the top-level node tag and its first-level child tags.
Like the above, but instead of converting leaf tokens to nil, leave them
as-is. This can be used to merge a tree keeping the leaf tokens in a set
and that tree can be used for a kind of markov generation of new text.
(first node)
(if (every? string? (map first (rest node)))
(first (first (rest node)))
(map first (first (rest node))))))
(let [text "My name is Eric."
parse-tree (->> (treebank-zipper text)
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(filter (complement zip/branch?))
(map zip/path)
(map last)
(map node-constituents-with-tokens))]
(defn phrase-constituents
"Given a bit of text that can be parsed into a treebank tree,
Get a sequence of the tags and their chunks.
For example:
My name is Eric.
Returns the sequence:
At the TOP tag, we have a 'S part-of-speech (a clause).
At the 'S tag, we have a 'NP, 'VP, '. (noun-phrase + verb-phrase + period)
At the 'NP tag, we have a 'PRP$, 'NN (personal-pronoun + singular-noun)
(->> (treebank-zipper text)
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(filter (complement zip/branch?))
(map zip/path)
(map last)
(map node-constituents)
(remove #(string? (first %)))))
(phrase-constituents "My name is Eric.")
;; => ((TOP (S)) (S (NP VP .)) (NP (PRP$ NN)) (VP (VBZ NP)) (NP (NNP)))
(phrase-constituents "How are you?")
(defn pos-constituent-frequencies
"Frequencies of the parts of speech that make up phrases.
Clauses are made up of:
NounPhrase + VerbPhrase 2 times
Clause + CoordinatingConjuction + Clause 1 times
NounPhrases are made up of:
ProperNouns 2 times
PersonalPronoun + SingularNoun 3 times
Does not include frequencies for leaf words. By that I mean: A SingularNoun might
appear 5 times all together, 3 times as part of a PersonalPronoun + SingularNoun pair
and 2 times as part of an Adjective + SingularNoun pair, but the data structure returned
by this function won't include that 5 anywhere. This is due to the (remove #(nil? (second %)))
line. This data structure is used as a kind of markov selection process and we don't really
care how often the leafs are used. We just care about the ratio at which we should pick each
leaf from a given parent.
(fn [acc text]
(let [constituents (->> text
(remove #(nil? (second %))))]
(fn [acc constituent]
(let [k1 (first constituent)
k2 (second constituent)]
(update-in acc [k1 k2] (fnil inc 0))))
["My name is Eric."
"My hat is blue and I like cake."
"Your name is Taylor."
"How are you?"])
;; => {TOP {(S) 3, (SBARQ) 1},
;; S {(NP VP .) 2, (S CC S .) 1, (NP VP) 2},
;; NP {(PRP$ NN) 3, (NNP) 2, (PRP) 2, (NN) 1},
;; VP {(VBZ NP) 2, (VBZ ADJP) 1, (VBP NP) 1},
;; ADJP {(JJ) 1},
;; SBARQ {(WHADVP SQ .) 1},
;; WHADVP {(WRB) 1},
;; SQ {(VBP NP) 1}}
(let [phrase "How are you today?"]
(->> phrase
(string/join " ")
(map tb/make-tree)))
(let [phrase "I gave the cake to John at the store."]
(parse (tokenize phrase)))
(let [phrase "I've got a good feeling"]
(pos-tagger (tokenize phrase)))
(let [text "My name is Eric."
zipper (treebank-zipper text)]
(map identity (seq-zip zipper)))
(defn zipper->freqs [zipper]
(let [coll ()]))
(defn reduce-to-freqs [tree]
(fn [acc [pos [children]]]
(let [ks (map first children)
vs (map rest children)]
(-> acc
(assoc pos (merge-with + {children 1}))
(defn text->parsed-pos-freqs
(->> text
(map tokenize)
(map (partial string/join " "))
(map tb/make-tree)
(map unmake-tree)))
(let [text ["My name is Eric and my style is wild."
"Your name is unknown and where are you going?"]]
(text->parsed-pos-freqs text))
(defn text->pos
"'My name is Eric.' -> (['my' 'PRP$'] ['name' 'NN'] ,,,)"
(->> text
(map #(vector (string/lower-case (first %)) (second %)))))
(text->pos "My name is Eric.")
;; => (["my" "PRP$"] ["name" "NN"] ["is" "VBZ"] ["eric" "NNP"] ["." "."])
(defn text->pos-freqs
"Turn a line of text into a map of parts of speech to word frequencies.
Useful if you have a corpus and need to sample a particular part-of-speech."
(let [pos (text->pos text)]
(->> pos
(map reverse)
(fn [acc [pos word]]
(symbol pos)
#(update % word (fnil inc 0))))
(text->pos-freqs "My name is Eric and my style is wild.")
;; => {PRP$ {"my" 2},
;; NN {"name" 1, "style" 1},
;; VBZ {"is" 2},
;; NNP {"eric" 1},
;; CC {"and" 1},
;; RB {"wild" 1},
;; . {"." 1}}
(defn texts->pos-freqs
"Convenience method for turning multiple lines of texts into a
tree with their pos-word-freqs merged."
(->> texts
(map text->pos-freqs)
(fn [old new]
(merge-with + old new)))))
(let [texts ["My name is Eric and my style is wildish."
"Your name is unknown and your style is childish."]]
(texts->pos-freqs texts))
;; => {PRP$ {"my" 2, "your" 2},
;; NN {"name" 2, "style" 2},
;; VBZ {"is" 4},
;; NNP {"eric" 1},
;; CC {"and" 2},
;; JJ {"wildish" 1, "unknown" 1, "childish" 1},
;; . {"." 2}}
(defn pos-freqs->reverse
"For getting a map of words to their pos frequencies"
(fn [acc [pos word-freqs]]
(fn [acc [word freq]]
(update acc word (fnil conj {}) {pos freq}))
(let [pos-freqs {'NN {"name" 2 "style" 2}
'VBZ {"is" 4 "name" 1}}]
(pos-freqs->reverse pos-freqs))
;; => {"name" {NN 2, VBZ 1}, "style" {NN 2}, "is" {VBZ 4}}
(defn pos-tree->str [pos-tree]
(->> pos-tree
(map (fn [[k v]]
(cons (str k) (seq v))))
(map #(string/join " " %))
(string/join "\n")))
(defn str->pos-tree [s]
(let [lines (string/split s #"\n")]
(fn [line]
(->> line
(#(string/split % #" " 2))
((fn [[k v]]
(vector (symbol k) (into #{} (string/split v #" ")))))))
(text->pos-freqs "My name is Eric.")
(->> ["My name is Eric."
"Your name is Taylor."
"Is your feeling hurt?"
"How are you feeling?"
"It is a lovely feeling."
"Your name is not Eric."
"Who is your mother and what does she do?"]
(fn [a b]
(merge-with + a b)))
(defn reverse-children-to-parents
"We want to work from the reverse, or backwards, representation of pos-constituents-frequencies.
Pos-constituent-frequencies is good for generating text top-down. But we want
to generate text bottom-up for rhyming."
(fn [acc [k v]]
(fn [acc [children freq]]
(update acc children assoc k freq))
(defn ways-to-make-a [pos pos-freqs]
(let [children (pos-freqs pos)]
(->> children
((juxt keys vals))
(apply map vector)
(into {}))))
(let [pos-freqs (->> ["My name is Eric."
"Your name is Taylor."
"Is your feeling hurt?"
"How are you feeling?"
"It is a lovely feeling."
"Your name is not Eric."
"Who is your mother and what does she do?"]
(->> pos-freqs
#_(ways-to-make-a 'S)
(#(get % 'NN))))
(let [pos-freqs (->> ["My name is Eric."
"Your name is Taylor."
"Is your feeling hurt?"
"How are you feeling?"
"It is a lovely feeling."
"Your name is not Eric."
"Who is your mother and what does she do?"]
(->> (reverse-children-to-parents pos-freqs)
(remove (fn [[k v]] (and (= 1 (count k))
(pos-freqs (first k)))))
(into {})))