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(ns examples.scratch
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string]
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.core :as nlp]))
(def re-word
"Regex for tokenizing a string into words
(including contractions and hyphenations),
commas, periods, and newlines."
(defn tokenize
"Tokenizes for suffix trie. First token is end of document."
(->> text
(re-seq re-word)
(map second)
(map string/lower-case)
(cons :end)))
(-> (slurp "dev/examples/sandman.txt")
(defn zero-to-n-seq
(zero-to-n-seq coll 1))
([coll i]
(let [l (count coll)]
(> i l) nil
(cons (take i coll)
(lazy-seq (zero-to-n-seq coll (inc i))))))))
(zero-to-n-seq '(1 2 3 4))
;; => ((1) (1 2) (1 2 3) (1 2 3 4))
(defn i-to-j-seq
([coll i j]
(zero-to-n-seq (->> coll (drop i) (take (- j i))))))
(defn n-to-zero-seq
(n-to-zero-seq coll 0))
([coll i]
(if (= i (count coll)) nil
(cons (drop i coll)
(lazy-seq (n-to-zero-seq coll (inc i)))))))
(n-to-zero-seq '(1 2 3 4))
;; => ((1 2 3 4) (2 3 4) (3 4) (4))
(defn add-to-trie [trie coll]
(update-in trie (concat coll [:count]) (fnil inc 0)))
(defn add-multiple-to-trie [trie colls]
(loop [colls colls
trie trie]
(empty? colls) trie
:else (recur (rest colls)
(add-to-trie trie (first colls))))))
(defn n-gram-suffix-trie
"Creates a suffix trie of 1-gram to n-gram.
Useful for backoff language model (I think)."
[n tokens]
(let [trie {}
windows (partition (inc n) 1 tokens)]
(loop [trie trie
windows windows]
(= 1 (count windows))
(concat (zero-to-n-seq (first windows))
(rest (n-to-zero-seq (first windows)))))
(recur (add-multiple-to-trie
(zero-to-n-seq (first windows)))
(rest windows))))))
(let [last-window '("in" "the" "frat")]
(concat (zero-to-n-seq last-window)
(rest (n-to-zero-seq last-window))))
;; => (("in") ("in" "the") ("in" "the" "frat") ("the" "frat") ("frat"))
"the cat in the hat is the rat in the frat"
#" "))
;; => {"the"
;; {:count 3,
;; "cat" {:count 1, "in" {:count 1}},
;; "hat" {:count 1, "is" {:count 1}},
;; "rat" {:count 1, "in" {:count 1}},
;; "frat" {:count 1}},
;; "cat" {:count 1, "in" {:count 1, "the" {:count 1}}},
;; "in" {:count 2, "the" {:count 2, "hat" {:count 1}, "frat" {:count 1}}},
;; "hat" {:count 1, "is" {:count 1, "the" {:count 1}}},
;; "is" {:count 1, "the" {:count 1, "rat" {:count 1}}},
;; "rat" {:count 1, "in" {:count 1, "the" {:count 1}}},
;; "frat" {:count 1}}
(def unigram
(tokenize (slurp "dev/examples/sandman.txt"))))
(->> unigram
(map (fn [[k v]] (vector k (:count v))))
(map second)
(apply +))
(def bigram
(tokenize (slurp "dev/examples/sandman.txt"))))
(->> bigram
(map (fn [[k v]] (vector k (:count v))))
(map second)
(apply +))
(count bigram)
(->> bigram
(take 4)
(into {}))
;; => {"cutest" {:count 2, "the" {:count 2, "him" {:count 2}}},
;; "us" {:count 3, "bring" {:count 3, "," {:count 2}, "yeesss" {:count 1}}},
;; "his" {:count 2, "that" {:count 2, "him" {:count 2}}},
;; "him"
;; {:count 8,
;; "give" {:count 4, "\n" {:count 4}},
;; "tell" {:count 2, "then" {:count 2}},
;; "make" {:count 2, "\n" {:count 2}}}}
(->> bigram
(map :count)
(into [])
(map #(apply * %))
(apply +))
(count (tokenize (slurp "dev/examples/sandman.txt")))
;; => ([1 32] [2 20] [3 10] [4 3] [5 1] [6 2] [7 1] [8 2] [9 1] [10 1] [12 1] [26 1])
(defn P [trie w]
(let [ws (trie w)
c (get-in trie [w :count])]
(->> ws
(#(dissoc % :count))
(fn [[k v]]
[k (/ (:count v) c)])))))
(defn vals-or-seconds [m]
(empty? m) m
(map? m) (apply concat (vals m))
:else (apply concat (map second m))))
(defn flat-at-depth
"Convenience way of getting frequencies of n-grams.
Given a trie with a depth of 0, it will return all 1-grams key/value pairs.
That collection can be filtered for keys that hold the freqs."
[m depth]
(let [m (if (map? m) (into [] m) m)]
(<= depth 0) m
:else (flat-at-depth (->> m (mapcat second) (remove #(= :count (first %))))
(dec depth)))))
(let [trie {"d" {:count 3
"o" {:count 3
"g" {:count 2}
"t" {:count 1}}
"a" {:count 1
"y" {:count 1}}}
"f" {:count 2
"o" {:count 1
"g" {:count 1}}
"i" {:count 1
"g" {:count 1}}}}]
(->> (flat-at-depth trie 2)))
;; Let Nc be the number of N-grams that occur c times.
;; Good-turing discounting:
;; c* = (c + 1) * Nc+1 / Nc
(defn n-gram-frequencies [trie n]
(if (< n 0)
(->> trie
(#(flat-at-depth % (dec n)))
(map second)
(map :count)
(into (sorted-map)))))
(defn n-gram->occurence-count-frequencies [trie n]
(n-gram-frequencies trie n))
(def tokens ["d" "o" "g" "\n" "d" "a" "y" "\n" "d" "o" "g" "\n" "d" "o" "t"])
(def trie (n-gram-suffix-trie 2 tokens))
;; => {"d"
;; {:count 4,
;; "o" {:count 3, "g" {:count 2}, "t" {:count 1}},
;; "a" {:count 1, "y" {:count 1}}},
;; "o" {:count 2, "g" {:count 2, "\n" {:count 2}}},
;; "g" {:count 2, "\n" {:count 2, "d" {:count 2}}},
;; "\n" {:count 3, "d" {:count 3, "a" {:count 1}, "o" {:count 2}}},
;; "a" {:count 1, "y" {:count 1, "\n" {:count 1}}},
;; "y" {:count 1, "\n" {:count 1, "d" {:count 1}}}}
(count bigram)
(count (flat-at-depth bigram 0))
(->> bigram
(#(flat-at-depth % 0))
(filter #(= :count (first %)))
(map second)
(into (sorted-map))
(map #(apply * %))
(apply +))
(n-gram-frequencies trie 2)
;; => {3 2, 1 3, 2 2}
;; for bigrams
;; of frequency 3 occurs 2 times
;; of frequency 2 occurs 2 times
;; of frequency 1 occurs 3 times
(n-gram-frequencies trie 1)
;; => {4 1, 2 2, 3 1, 1 2}
(defn num-seen-n-grams [trie n]
(->> trie
(#(flat-at-depth % (dec n)))
(remove #(= :count (first %)))
(defn n-gram-frequency-map
"Map of n-gram to frequency of frequencies."
[trie n]
#(vector % (n-gram-frequencies trie %))
(range 1 (inc n)))))
(n-gram-frequencies bigram 1)
(n-gram-frequency-map bigram 2)
(defn number-of-n-grams [trie n]
(->> trie
(#(flat-at-depth % (dec n)))
(remove #(= :count (first %)))
(defn number-of-possible-n-grams [dict n]
(int (Math/pow (count dict) n)))
(defn number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times [trie n c]
(if (zero? c)
(- (number-of-possible-n-grams trie n)
(count (flat-at-depth trie (dec n))))
(let [frequencies-map (->> (n-gram-frequency-map trie n)
(#(get % n)))]
(get frequencies-map c 0))))
(number-of-possible-n-grams bigram 2)
(count (flat-at-depth bigram 1))
(count bigram)
(->> (number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times bigram 1 1))
(->> (number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times bigram 0 3)
(filter #(= :count (first %)))
(map second)
(defn mle [trie c]
(let [N (->> trie vals (map :count) (apply +))]
(/ c N)))
(->> bigram
(filter (fn [[k v]] (= 3 (v :count)))))
(defn turings-estimate [trie n r]
(/ (* (inc r)
(number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times trie n (inc r)))
(number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times trie n r)))
(defn good-turing [trie n r]
(let [nr (number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times trie n r)
nr1 (number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times trie n (inc r))]
(format "cx %d nc %d ncx1 %d - %f"
r nr nr1 (float (/ (* (inc r) nr1) nr))))
(/ (* (inc r) nr1) nr)))
(number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times bigram 1 1)
;; unigram counts
(def unigram-counts
(->> bigram
(map :count)
(into (sorted-map))))
;; => {1 32, 2 20, 3 10, 4 3, 5 1, 6 2, 7 1, 8 1, 9 1, 10 2, 12 1, 26 1}
;; revised good-turing counts
(->> unigram-counts
(fn [[freq freq']]
[freq (good-turing bigram 1 freq)]))
(into (sorted-map)))
;; => {1 5/4, 2 3/2, 3 6/5, 4 5/3, 5 12, 6 7/2, 7 8, 8 9, 9 20, 10 0, 12 0, 26 0}
(map (fn [[r nr]]
(good-turing bigram 1 r))
;; => (5/4 3/2 6/5 5/3 12 7/2 8 9 20 0 0 0)
(turings-estimate bigram 1 7)
(defn revise-frequencies [frequencies N]
(let [m (reverse (sort (keys frequencies)))]
(loop [revised {}
m m]
(empty? m) revised
(first m)
(good-turing (get frequencies (first m) 0)
(get frequencies (second m) 0)
(rest m))))))
(get (n-gram-frequency-map trie 3) 1)
;; => {4 1, 2 2, 3 1, 1 2}
(get (n-gram-frequency-map trie 3) 1)
(apply + (map :count (vals trie))))
;; => {4 2/13, 3 4/13, 2 3/13, 1 0}
(def n-gram-freq-map (n-gram-frequency-map trie 3))
(def unigram-frequencies (n-gram-freq-map 1))
(defn number-of-n-grams-that-occur-with-count [trie n c]
(defn good-turing-discount [trie c]
(->> bigram
(map second))
(count (into #{} (tokenize (slurp "dev/examples/sandman.txt"))))
(->> bigram
(map second)
(map #(dissoc % :count))
(map keys)
(into #{})
(clojure.set/difference (into #{} (keys bigram))))
(partition 3 1 (repeat :end) (range 6))
(let [documents (->> "dark-corpus"
(remove #(.isDirectory %))
(take 10))]