Add dev samples for experimenting
Trying Good-Turing rather than Antigood-Eric smoothing.main
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen
Give him two lips like roses in clover
Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over
Sandman, I'm so alone
Don't have nobody to call my own
Please turn on your magic beam
Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen
Give him the word that I'm not a rover
Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over
Mister Sandman, I'm so alone
Don't have nobody to call my own
Please turn on your magic beam
Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
Mister Sandman, (yeesss?) bring us a dream
Give him a pair of eyes with a come-hither gleam
Give him a lonely heart like Pagliacci
And lots of wavy hair like Liberace
Mister Sandman, someone to hold
Would be so peachy before we're too old
So please turn on your magic beam
Mister Sandman, bring us
Please, please, please
Mister Sandman, bring us a dream
@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
(ns examples.scratch
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string]
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.core :as nlp]))
(def re-word
"Regex for tokenizing a string into words
(including contractions and hyphenations),
commas, periods, and newlines."
(defn tokenize
"Tokenizes for suffix trie. First token is end of document."
(->> text
(re-seq re-word)
(map second)
(map string/lower-case)
(cons :end)))
(-> (slurp "dev/examples/sandman.txt")
(defn zero-to-n-seq
(zero-to-n-seq coll 1))
([coll i]
(let [l (count coll)]
(> i l) nil
(cons (take i coll)
(lazy-seq (zero-to-n-seq coll (inc i))))))))
(zero-to-n-seq '(1 2 3 4))
;; => ((1) (1 2) (1 2 3) (1 2 3 4))
(defn i-to-j-seq
([coll i j]
(zero-to-n-seq (->> coll (drop i) (take (- j i))))))
(defn n-to-zero-seq
(n-to-zero-seq coll 0))
([coll i]
(if (= i (count coll)) nil
(cons (drop i coll)
(lazy-seq (n-to-zero-seq coll (inc i)))))))
(n-to-zero-seq '(1 2 3 4))
;; => ((1 2 3 4) (2 3 4) (3 4) (4))
(defn add-to-trie [trie coll]
(update-in trie (concat coll [:count]) (fnil inc 0)))
(defn add-multiple-to-trie [trie colls]
(loop [colls colls
trie trie]
(empty? colls) trie
:else (recur (rest colls)
(add-to-trie trie (first colls))))))
(defn n-gram-suffix-trie
"Creates a suffix trie of 1-gram to n-gram.
Useful for backoff language model (I think)."
[n tokens]
(let [trie {}
windows (partition (inc n) 1 tokens)]
(loop [trie trie
windows windows]
(= 1 (count windows))
(concat (zero-to-n-seq (first windows))
(rest (n-to-zero-seq (first windows)))))
(recur (add-multiple-to-trie
(zero-to-n-seq (first windows)))
(rest windows))))))
(let [last-window '("in" "the" "frat")]
(concat (zero-to-n-seq last-window)
(rest (n-to-zero-seq last-window))))
;; => (("in") ("in" "the") ("in" "the" "frat") ("the" "frat") ("frat"))
"the cat in the hat is the rat in the frat"
#" "))
;; => {"the"
;; {:count 3,
;; "cat" {:count 1, "in" {:count 1}},
;; "hat" {:count 1, "is" {:count 1}},
;; "rat" {:count 1, "in" {:count 1}},
;; "frat" {:count 1}},
;; "cat" {:count 1, "in" {:count 1, "the" {:count 1}}},
;; "in" {:count 2, "the" {:count 2, "hat" {:count 1}, "frat" {:count 1}}},
;; "hat" {:count 1, "is" {:count 1, "the" {:count 1}}},
;; "is" {:count 1, "the" {:count 1, "rat" {:count 1}}},
;; "rat" {:count 1, "in" {:count 1, "the" {:count 1}}},
;; "frat" {:count 1}}
(def unigram
(tokenize (slurp "dev/examples/sandman.txt"))))
(->> unigram
(map (fn [[k v]] (vector k (:count v))))
(map second)
(apply +))
(def bigram
(tokenize (slurp "dev/examples/sandman.txt"))))
(->> bigram
(map (fn [[k v]] (vector k (:count v))))
(map second)
(apply +))
(count bigram)
(->> bigram
(take 4)
(into {}))
;; => {"cutest" {:count 2, "the" {:count 2, "him" {:count 2}}},
;; "us" {:count 3, "bring" {:count 3, "," {:count 2}, "yeesss" {:count 1}}},
;; "his" {:count 2, "that" {:count 2, "him" {:count 2}}},
;; "him"
;; {:count 8,
;; "give" {:count 4, "\n" {:count 4}},
;; "tell" {:count 2, "then" {:count 2}},
;; "make" {:count 2, "\n" {:count 2}}}}
(->> bigram
(map :count)
(into [])
(map #(apply * %))
(apply +))
(count (tokenize (slurp "dev/examples/sandman.txt")))
;; => ([1 32] [2 20] [3 10] [4 3] [5 1] [6 2] [7 1] [8 2] [9 1] [10 1] [12 1] [26 1])
(defn P [trie w]
(let [ws (trie w)
c (get-in trie [w :count])]
(->> ws
(#(dissoc % :count))
(fn [[k v]]
[k (/ (:count v) c)])))))
(defn vals-or-seconds [m]
(empty? m) m
(map? m) (apply concat (vals m))
:else (apply concat (map second m))))
(defn flat-at-depth
"Convenience way of getting frequencies of n-grams.
Given a trie with a depth of 0, it will return all 1-grams key/value pairs.
That collection can be filtered for keys that hold the freqs."
[m depth]
(let [m (if (map? m) (into [] m) m)]
(<= depth 0) m
:else (flat-at-depth (->> m (mapcat second) (remove #(= :count (first %))))
(dec depth)))))
(let [trie {"d" {:count 3
"o" {:count 3
"g" {:count 2}
"t" {:count 1}}
"a" {:count 1
"y" {:count 1}}}
"f" {:count 2
"o" {:count 1
"g" {:count 1}}
"i" {:count 1
"g" {:count 1}}}}]
(->> (flat-at-depth trie 2)))
;; Let Nc be the number of N-grams that occur c times.
;; Good-turing discounting:
;; c* = (c + 1) * Nc+1 / Nc
(defn n-gram-frequencies [trie n]
(if (< n 0)
(->> trie
(#(flat-at-depth % (dec n)))
(map second)
(map :count)
(into (sorted-map)))))
(defn n-gram->occurence-count-frequencies [trie n]
(n-gram-frequencies trie n))
(def tokens ["d" "o" "g" "\n" "d" "a" "y" "\n" "d" "o" "g" "\n" "d" "o" "t"])
(def trie (n-gram-suffix-trie 2 tokens))
;; => {"d"
;; {:count 4,
;; "o" {:count 3, "g" {:count 2}, "t" {:count 1}},
;; "a" {:count 1, "y" {:count 1}}},
;; "o" {:count 2, "g" {:count 2, "\n" {:count 2}}},
;; "g" {:count 2, "\n" {:count 2, "d" {:count 2}}},
;; "\n" {:count 3, "d" {:count 3, "a" {:count 1}, "o" {:count 2}}},
;; "a" {:count 1, "y" {:count 1, "\n" {:count 1}}},
;; "y" {:count 1, "\n" {:count 1, "d" {:count 1}}}}
(count bigram)
(count (flat-at-depth bigram 0))
(->> bigram
(#(flat-at-depth % 0))
(filter #(= :count (first %)))
(map second)
(into (sorted-map))
(map #(apply * %))
(apply +))
(n-gram-frequencies trie 2)
;; => {3 2, 1 3, 2 2}
;; for bigrams
;; of frequency 3 occurs 2 times
;; of frequency 2 occurs 2 times
;; of frequency 1 occurs 3 times
(n-gram-frequencies trie 1)
;; => {4 1, 2 2, 3 1, 1 2}
(defn num-seen-n-grams [trie n]
(->> trie
(#(flat-at-depth % (dec n)))
(remove #(= :count (first %)))
(defn n-gram-frequency-map
"Map of n-gram to frequency of frequencies."
[trie n]
#(vector % (n-gram-frequencies trie %))
(range 1 (inc n)))))
(n-gram-frequencies bigram 1)
(n-gram-frequency-map bigram 2)
(defn number-of-n-grams [trie n]
(->> trie
(#(flat-at-depth % (dec n)))
(remove #(= :count (first %)))
(defn number-of-possible-n-grams [dict n]
(int (Math/pow (count dict) n)))
(defn number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times [trie n c]
(if (zero? c)
(- (number-of-possible-n-grams trie n)
(count (flat-at-depth trie (dec n))))
(let [frequencies-map (->> (n-gram-frequency-map trie n)
(#(get % n)))]
(get frequencies-map c 0))))
(number-of-possible-n-grams bigram 2)
(count (flat-at-depth bigram 1))
(count bigram)
(->> (number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times bigram 1 1))
(->> (number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times bigram 0 3)
(filter #(= :count (first %)))
(map second)
(defn mle [trie c]
(let [N (->> trie vals (map :count) (apply +))]
(/ c N)))
(->> bigram
(filter (fn [[k v]] (= 3 (v :count)))))
(defn turings-estimate [trie n r]
(/ (* (inc r)
(number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times trie n (inc r)))
(number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times trie n r)))
(defn good-turing [trie n r]
(let [nr (number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times trie n r)
nr1 (number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times trie n (inc r))]
(format "cx %d nc %d ncx1 %d - %f"
r nr nr1 (float (/ (* (inc r) nr1) nr))))
(/ (* (inc r) nr1) nr)))
(number-of-n-grams-that-occur-c-times bigram 1 1)
;; unigram counts
(def unigram-counts
(->> bigram
(map :count)
(into (sorted-map))))
;; => {1 32, 2 20, 3 10, 4 3, 5 1, 6 2, 7 1, 8 1, 9 1, 10 2, 12 1, 26 1}
;; revised good-turing counts
(->> unigram-counts
(fn [[freq freq']]
[freq (good-turing bigram 1 freq)]))
(into (sorted-map)))
;; => {1 5/4, 2 3/2, 3 6/5, 4 5/3, 5 12, 6 7/2, 7 8, 8 9, 9 20, 10 0, 12 0, 26 0}
(map (fn [[r nr]]
(good-turing bigram 1 r))
;; => (5/4 3/2 6/5 5/3 12 7/2 8 9 20 0 0 0)
(turings-estimate bigram 1 7)
(defn revise-frequencies [frequencies N]
(let [m (reverse (sort (keys frequencies)))]
(loop [revised {}
m m]
(empty? m) revised
(first m)
(good-turing (get frequencies (first m) 0)
(get frequencies (second m) 0)
(rest m))))))
(get (n-gram-frequency-map trie 3) 1)
;; => {4 1, 2 2, 3 1, 1 2}
(get (n-gram-frequency-map trie 3) 1)
(apply + (map :count (vals trie))))
;; => {4 2/13, 3 4/13, 2 3/13, 1 0}
(def n-gram-freq-map (n-gram-frequency-map trie 3))
(def unigram-frequencies (n-gram-freq-map 1))
(defn number-of-n-grams-that-occur-with-count [trie n c]
(defn good-turing-discount [trie c]
(->> bigram
(map second))
(count (into #{} (tokenize (slurp "dev/examples/sandman.txt"))))
(->> bigram
(map second)
(map #(dissoc % :count))
(map keys)
(into #{})
(clojure.set/difference (into #{} (keys bigram))))
(partition 3 1 (repeat :end) (range 6))
(let [documents (->> "dark-corpus"
(remove #(.isDirectory %))
(take 10))]
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