@ -36,3 +36,21 @@ The world's largest metal limericks archive on the Web.
Requires [[https://github.com/tachyons-css/tachyons/][Tachyons CSS]]. There is a symlink in ~web/resources/public~ to the pre-built ~tachyons.css~ and ~tachyons.min.css~ found in the repo.
Build ~.jar~ with ~clojure -X:depstar uberjar :jar prhyme.jar~.
* Deployment
Since I'm developing this independently, it's not a very robust deployment system.
It's nice to have some parts of the repo available on the server; the db/kv scripts for example.
But obviously the album images and the data in the db/kv are going to be different between local and prod.
You can use ~rsync~ with ~--exclude~ to only sync over the code bits.