Redesign API, add tests, add example useage
- Add tests - Refactor new version of Trie to be more coll-like - Add an example use-case using a Markov chain to generate textmain
@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
(ns com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie
(:require [com.owoga.trie :as trie]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.encoding :as encoding]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.bit-manip :as bm]
[ :as zip])
(:import ( ByteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayInputStream
DataOutputStream DataInputStream)))
;; A trie data structure that can be converted to
;; a contiguous array of bytes while maintaining
;; efficient lookups.
;; A regular Clojure hash-map can be used as a trie,
;; but there's a lot of memory overhead that comes along
;; with hash-maps.
;; To conveniently get the benefit of packing a trie into a contiguous array of
;; bytes, there are a few restrictions.
;; Everything must be numeric IDs. Keys must be numeric IDs.
;; Values must be numeric IDs. Everything must be a number.
;; This lets us encode everything as variable-length-encoded byte arrays.
;; To maximize efficiency, your most common keys should have the
;; smallest IDs.
(defmacro wrap-byte-buffer
"Saves the position and limit of a byte buffer, runs body,
returns byte buffer to original position and limit."
[byte-buffer & body]
`(let [original-position# (.position ~byte-buffer)
original-limit# (.limit ~byte-buffer)]
(try (do ~@body)
(.limit ~byte-buffer original-limit#)
(.position ~byte-buffer original-position#)))))
(defn trie->depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector
([path node decode-value-fn]
(fn [child]
(conj path (.key child))
(.byte-buffer child)
(.limit (.byte-buffer child) (.limit child))
(.position (.byte-buffer child) (.address child))
(conj path (.key child))
(decode-value-fn (.byte-buffer child))))])
(trie/children node)))))
(defn rewind-to-key [bb stop]
(loop []
(let [current (.get bb (.position bb))
previous (.get bb (dec (.position bb)))]
(if (or (= stop (.position bb))
(and (encoding/key-byte? current)
(encoding/offset-byte? previous)))
(do (.position bb (dec (.position bb)))
(defn forward-to-key [bb stop]
(loop []
(if (or (= stop (.position bb))
(and (encoding/key-byte? (.get bb (.position bb)))
(.get bb (inc (.position bb))))))
(do (.position bb (inc (.position bb)))
(defn find-key-in-index
[bb target-key max-address not-found]
(.limit bb max-address)
(let [key
(loop [previous-key nil
min-position (.position bb)
max-position max-address]
(if (zero? (- max-position min-position))
(let [mid-position (+ min-position (quot (- max-position min-position) 2))]
(.position bb mid-position)
(let [bb (rewind-to-key bb min-position)
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)]
(= current-key target-key)
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)
(= current-key previous-key)
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)
(let [final-key (encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)]
(if (= target-key final-key)
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)
(throw (Exception. "Key not found.")))))
(< current-key target-key)
;; Chew the next decoded number. It's a useless offset.
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)
(.position bb)
(> current-key target-key)
;; This could also be rewound.
(rewind-to-key bb min-position)
(.position bb))))))))]
(.limit bb (.capacity bb))
(defn tightly-packed-trie-node-value
(let [value (encoding/decode byte-buffer)
freq (encoding/decode byte-buffer)]
{:id value
:count freq}))
(defn -value [trie value-decode-fn]
(.byte-buffer trie)
(.limit (.byte-buffer trie) (.limit trie))
(.position (.byte-buffer trie) (.address trie))
(value-decode-fn (.byte-buffer trie))))
(deftype TightlyPackedTrie [byte-buffer key address limit value-decode-fn]
(lookup [self ks]
(.limit byte-buffer limit)
(.position byte-buffer address)
(if (empty? ks)
(let [val (value-decode-fn byte-buffer)
size-of-index (encoding/decode byte-buffer)
offset (find-key-in-index
(first ks)
(+ (.position byte-buffer) size-of-index)
(if (= offset :not-found)
(let [child (TightlyPackedTrie.
(first ks)
(- address offset)
(.capacity byte-buffer)
(trie/lookup child (rest ks))))))))
(children [self]
(.limit byte-buffer limit)
(.position byte-buffer address)
(let [val (value-decode-fn byte-buffer)
size-of-index (encoding/decode byte-buffer)]
(.limit byte-buffer (+ (.position byte-buffer)
(loop [children []]
(if (= (.position byte-buffer) (.limit byte-buffer))
(let [child-key (encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)
child-offset (encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)]
(- address child-offset)
(.capacity byte-buffer)
(valAt [self ks]
(if-let [node (trie/lookup self ks)]
(-value node value-decode-fn)
(valAt [self ks not-found]
(or (get self ks) not-found))
(seq [trie]
(->> trie
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(map zip/node)
(filter (partial instance? clojure.lang.MapEntry))
(#(if (empty? %) nil %)))))
(defn tightly-packed-trie
[trie value-encode-fn value-decode-fn]
(let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(loop [nodes (seq trie)
current-offset 8
previous-depth 0
child-indexes []]
(let [current-node (first nodes)
current-depth (count (first current-node))]
(empty? nodes)
(let [child-index (first child-indexes)
child-index-baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
_ (->> child-index
(fn [[key offset]]
(encoding/encode-key-to-tightly-packed-trie-index key))
(- current-offset offset))))))
child-index-byte-array (.toByteArray child-index-baos)
size-of-child-index (encoding/encode (count child-index-byte-array))
root-address current-offset
value (value-encode-fn 0)]
(.write baos value)
(.write baos size-of-child-index)
(.write baos child-index-byte-array)
(let [ba (.toByteArray baos)
byte-buf (java.nio.ByteBuffer/allocate (+ 8 (count ba)))]
(do (.putLong byte-buf root-address)
(.put byte-buf ba)
(.rewind byte-buf)
(.getLong byte-buf)
(.capacity byte-buf)
;; Gone up from depth to a parent.
;; Process index of children.
(> previous-depth current-depth)
(do (let [[k v] (first nodes)
value (value-encode-fn v)
child-index (first child-indexes)
child-index-baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
_ (->> child-index
(fn [[key offset]]
(encoding/encode-key-to-tightly-packed-trie-index key))
(- current-offset offset))))))
child-index-byte-array (.toByteArray child-index-baos)
size-of-child-index (encoding/encode (count child-index-byte-array))
current-index (second child-indexes)]
(.write baos value)
(.write baos size-of-child-index)
(.write baos child-index-byte-array)
(recur (rest nodes)
(+ current-offset
(count value)
(count size-of-child-index)
(count child-index-byte-array))
(cons (conj current-index
[(last k)
(drop 2 child-indexes)))))
;; Down or even in depth to children
;; Start keeping track of new children index
(do (let [[k v] (first nodes)
value (value-encode-fn v)
size-of-child-index (encoding/encode 0)
child-indexes (concat (repeat (- current-depth previous-depth) [])
current-child-index (first child-indexes)]
(.write baos value)
(.write baos size-of-child-index)
(recur (rest nodes)
(+ current-offset
(count value)
(count size-of-child-index))
(cons (conj current-child-index
[(last k)
(rest child-indexes))))))))))
;; TODO: Shared "save" interface for Trie?
(defn save-tightly-packed-trie-to-file
[filepath trie]
(with-open [o (io/output-stream filepath)]
(.write o (.array (.byte-buffer trie)))))
(defn load-tightly-packed-trie-from-file
[filepath value-decode-fn]
(with-open [i (io/input-stream filepath)
baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(io/copy i baos)
(let [byte-buffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer/wrap (.toByteArray baos))]
(.rewind byte-buffer)
(.getLong byte-buffer)
(.capacity byte-buffer)
@ -1,773 +0,0 @@
(ns com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.core
(:require [ :as zip]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.encoding :as encoding]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.bit-manip :as bm]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string])
(:import ( ByteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayInputStream
DataOutputStream DataInputStream)))
;; A trie data structure that can be converted to
;; a contiguous array of bytes while maintaining
;; efficient lookups.
;; A regular Clojure hash-map can be used as a trie,
;; but there's a lot of memory overhead that comes along
;; with hash-maps.
;; To conveniently get the benefit of packing a trie into a contiguous array of
;; bytes, there are a few restrictions.
;; Everything must be numeric IDs. Keys must be numeric IDs.
;; Values must be numeric IDs. Everything must be a number.
;; This lets us encode everything as variable-length-encoded byte arrays.
;; To maximize efficiency, your most common keys should have the
;; smallest IDs.
;; It's convenient to work with hash-map representations
;; while developing.
;; {"T" {:children:
;; "I": {:value "IT"}
;; "A": {:value "AT"}}}
;; If you want to work with a hash-map representation and
;; want this library to handle conversion of the trie,
;; then your hash-map version will need to follow a few conventions.
;; For example, this code expects child nodes to be key/value pairs under
;; the :children key.
;; To pack a trie into a contiguous array of bytes
;; and still be able to find a key in a list of
;; child indexes in an efficient way, the child
;; indexes need to be sorted so they can be
;; binary-searched.
;; When working with a hash-map-backed Trie,
;; it's convenient to use update-in to add
;; new values to the trie. But the default
;; update-in creates unsorted hash-maps when it encounters
;; a new key. This has the same functionality of update-in,
;; but new keys are given sorted-map values.
(defn update-in-sorted
"'Updates' a value in a nested associative structure, where ks is a
sequence of keys and f is a function that will take the old value
and any supplied args and return the new value, and returns a new
nested structure. If any levels do not exist, hash-maps will be
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
([m ks f & args]
(let [up (fn up [m ks f args]
(let [m (or m (sorted-map))
[k & ks] ks]
(assert (instance? clojure.lang.PersistentTreeMap m)
(apply str
"A non-sorted hash-map in a sorted"
"hash-map will probably be the seed of some problems."))
(if ks
(assoc m k (up (get m k) ks f args))
(assoc m k (apply f (get m k) args)))))]
(up m ks f args))))
(defn children-of-map-trie-node
"Grab the children of a node.
A node is a map of {node-key {:children {,,,} ,,,}}.
This functions gives you the child nodes not as a single map
where all the child keys are part of the same map, but instead as a
a seq where each value is a single node.
This is a useful helper for turning a Trie from a map into a
depth-first post-order traversable zipper."
(let [[k {:keys [children]}] (first (seq node))]
(->> children
(map (partial apply hash-map)))))
(let [root-node {:root {:children {"T" {:some 'val} "U" {:other 'val}}}}]
(children-of-map-trie-node root-node))
;; => ({"T" {:some val}} {"U" {:other val}})
(defn without-children [node]
(let [[k v] (first (seq node))]
{k (dissoc v :children)}))
(defn map->depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector
(children-of-map-trie-node node)))
(without-children node)])
;; This comment demonstrates how we change the order in which
;; we traverse the map. If we don't turn each node into a vector
;; where the list of children are first, then the parent node would
;; get traversed befor the children. In the example below, the
;; "AT" node would be traversed befor the "SAT" and "TAT" nodes.
(let [m {:root
{"A" {:children
{"T" {:value "TAT", :count 1}
"S" {:value "SAT" :count 1}}
:value "AT"
:count 1},
"U" {:children {"T" {:value "TUT", :count 1}}}}}}}}]
(let [z (zip/vector-zip
(map->depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector m))]
(->> z
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(map zip/node)
(filter map?))))
;; => ({"T" {:value "TAT", :count 1}}
;; {"S" {:value "SAT", :count 1}}
;; {"A" {:value "AT", :count 1}}
;; {"T" {:value "TUT", :count 1}}
;; {"U" {}}
;; {"T" {}}
;; {:root {}})
(defn depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector->map
"Parity reversal of the code above. Maps are easier to reason about
while developing. It's just inconvenient to traverse them in the
order needed by the algorithms we use to pack them into a contiguous
array of byte for the tightly packed trie."
(let [children (first node)
parent (second node)
[parent-key parent-val] (first (seq parent))]
(map depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector->map children))))))
(let [m {:root
{"A" {:children
{"T" {:value "TAT", :count 1}
"S" {:value "SAT" :count 1}}
:value "AT"
:count 1},
"U" {:children {"T" {:value "TUT", :count 1}}}}}}}}]
(let [vect (map->depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector m)]
(depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector->map vect)))
;; => {:root
;; {:children
;; {"T"
;; {:children
;; {"A"
;; {:value "AT",
;; :count 1,
;; :children
;; {"S" {:value "SAT", :count 1, :children {}},
;; "T" {:value "TAT", :count 1, :children {}}}},
;; "U" {:children {"T" {:value "TUT", :count 1, :children {}}}}}}}}}
;;;; Zipper utilities
;; Some useful functions for traversing/transforming zippers.
;; This is what a tree looks like.
;; [1 [2 [3 4 5] [6 7]]]
;; { }
;; / \
;; / \
;; 1 [2 [3 4 5] [6 7]]
;; / | \
;; / | \
;; 2 [3 4 5] [6 7]
;; Clojure's zipper gives us convenient ways
;; to iterate over the nodes of the zipper.
;; We can use the functions below to
;; recreate the functionality of
;; (map #(if (even? %) (* % %) %) coll)
;; but with zippers instead of collections.
(defn visitor-next
"Visits every loc in a zipper and calls zip/next with the result of applying f
to the loc.
Goes without saying that f should return a loc."
[zipper f]
(loop [loc zipper]
(if (zip/end? loc)
(zip/root loc)
(recur (zip/next (f loc))))))
(defn visitor-prev
"visitor-next in reverse."
[zipper f]
(loop [loc zipper]
(if (nil? (zip/prev loc))
(zip/root (f loc))
(recur (zip/prev (f loc))))))
(defn visitor-filter
"Helper for traversing a zipper with a visitor function.
Convenient for pulling filtering logic out of a visitor function
into composable and specific filter functions."
[pred visitor]
(fn [loc]
(if (pred loc)
(visitor loc)
;; This comment shows an example of using the visitor
;; helpers to recreate the functionality similar to
;; (->> [1 2 3 4 5]
;; (map #(if (even? %) (* % %) %))
;; This first example has the conditional logic inside
;; the visitor function.
(let [zipper (zip/vector-zip [1 [2 [3 4 5] [6 7]]])]
#(if (and (int? (zip/node %)) (even? (zip/node %)))
(zip/edit % (fn [n] (int (Math/pow n 2))))
;; => [1 [4 [3 16 5] [36 7]]]
;; This second example has a seperate filter predicate
;; from the transformation visitor and combines them
;; with the visitor-filter function.
(let [zipper (zip/vector-zip [1 [2 [3 4 5] [6 7]]])
pred (fn [loc]
(let [node (zip/node loc)]
(and (int? node)
(even? node))))
transform (fn [loc]
(zip/edit loc (fn [n] (int (Math/pow n 2)))))]
(visitor-next zipper (visitor-filter pred transform)))
;; => [1 [4 [3 16 5] [36 7]]]
(defn loc-children
"Takes a zipper loc and returns seq of children locs.
Written to work with zippers of a particular structure:
[[child1, child2, ,,,] parent]"
(if (and (zip/left loc)
(zip/down (zip/left loc)))
(let [children (zip/down (zip/left loc))]
(->> children
(iterate zip/right)
(take-while (complement nil?))))))
(let [v [[1 2 3] :parent]
z (zip/vector-zip v)]
(->> z
(map zip/node)))
;; => (1 2 3)
;;;; Tightly Packing Tries
;; These next functions are all helpers
;; related to byte-packing nodes in preperation
;; for writing them to a byte stream.
(defn previous-node [loc]
(loop [loc (zip/prev loc)]
(nil? loc) nil
(map? (zip/node loc)) loc
:else (recur (zip/prev loc)))))
(defn loc->byte-address
"Given a loc without a byte-address, calculate it from the previous loc.
0x00|node val of previous loc |
0x01|size of child index |
0x02|child1 key |
0x03|child1 byte address offset|
0x04|child2 key |
0x05|child2 byte address offset|
0x??|node val of current loc |
We obviously wouldn't need this if we were writing directly to a
ByteBuffer. Whatever position we are at is our address.
But if we want to maintain the byte-packed data as
part of the map- or vector-like trie structure, then
we need this."
(loc->byte-address loc 0))
([loc starting-offset]
(let [prev (previous-node loc)]
(if prev
(let [[k {:keys [byte-address byte-array]}] (first (seq (zip/node prev)))]
(+ byte-address (count byte-array)))
(defn child->index
"Given a child gets a map with info needed to build an index.
The below info is just a little bit of lagniappe. The only thing we're
pulling off the child are the values of the keys :byte-address and :key.
The encoding will happen later.
But for reference, the encoding will be:
The index will be a list of pairs of variable-length encoded bytes.
The first number of the pair, the bytes will be encoded with a flag bit of 1.
The second number of the pair, the bytes will be encoded with a flag bit of 0."
(let [[k {:keys [byte-address byte-array] :as v}] (first (seq child))]
{:byte-address byte-address
:key k}))
(defn child-node-key-and-offset-from-parent-as-byte-array
[{:keys [key offset]}]
(let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(.write baos (encoding/encode-key-to-tightly-packed-trie-index key))
(.write baos (encoding/encode-offset-to-tightly-packed-trie-index offset))
(.toByteArray baos)))
(defn pack-node-value
"Returns byte-array of node value.
Byte-array is 2 variable-length encoded numbers.
For a markov trie, this would be an number ID
of the n-gram and an number of the frequency.
Nodes without terminal values get a value and count of 0."
(let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(.write baos (encoding/encode (get node :value 0)))
(.write baos (encoding/encode (get node :count 0)))
(.toByteArray baos)))
(defn transform-trie-add-byte-pack-to-each-node
"Visitor for a vector-based trie of structure [[child1, child2, ,,,,] parent].
Transforms each node adding keys for a byte-array of the node and its children index key/offsets
as well as a key for its own offset.
Starts at byte 8, reserving the first 8 bytes for the for root address won't be known
until the end of the zipper.
Transforming the trie to add these keys is an intermediary step that can probably be
bypassed in the future by writing directly to a ByteArrayOutputStream."
(let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
;; Byte-address of the current node. Gets calculated from the
;; previous node's byte address and the size of the previous
;; node's byte array.
byte-address (loc->byte-address loc 8)
child-nodes (->> loc
(map (comp second zip/node)))
;; For child, we need to know the offset of the child node's address
;; from this parent node's address.
children (map
(fn [child-node]
(let [child-index (child->index child-node)]
(- byte-address (:byte-address child-index)))))
;; Create the byte array of the index of the children
index-ba (let [index-baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
(loop [bas child-byte-arrays]
(if (empty? bas)
(.toByteArray index-baos)
(do (.write index-baos (first bas))
(recur (rest bas))))))]
(fn [node]
(let [[k v] (first (seq node))]
(.write baos (pack-node-value v))
(.write baos (encoding/encode (count index-ba)))
(.write baos index-ba)
{k (conj v {:byte-address byte-address
:byte-array (.toByteArray baos)})})))))
(defprotocol ITrie
(as-map [this] "Map that underlies trie.")
(as-vec [this] "Depth-first post-order vector.")
(as-byte-array [this] (str "Add key/values to each node containing"
" the tightly-packed byte-array representation of the node."))
(transform [this f] "Depth-first post-order apply each function to each node."))
(def not-found# (gensym))
(deftype Trie [f trie]
(as-map [_] trie)
(as-vec [_] (map->depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector trie))
(as-byte-array [self]
(->> (transform
#(map? (zip/node %))
(transform [self f]
(->> self
(#(visitor-next % f))
(Trie. f)))
;; By returning lookups in the same strucure as root-level nodes
;; but with the root at the found descendent, we can treat this
;; descendant as a new root Trie node. This gives us the advantage
;; of being able to re-use the Trie functions on sub-nodes.
(valAt [_ ks]
(let [v (get-in trie (cons :root (interleave (repeat :children) ks)) not-found#)]
(if (= v not-found#)
(throw (Exception. (format "Key not found: %s" ks)))
(Trie. f (sorted-map (last ks) v)))))
(valAt [_ ks not-found]
(Trie. f (sorted-map
(last ks)
(get-in trie (cons :root (interleave (repeat :children) ks)) not-found))))
(seq [self]
(->> self
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(map zip/node)
(filter map?)
(filter (comp :value second first seq))))
(cons [_ o]
(let [path (cons :root (interleave (repeat :children) (butlast o)))
node (get-in trie path)]
(Trie. f (update-in-sorted trie path f o))))
(empty [_] (Trie. f {}))
(equiv [_ o]
(and (isa? (class o) Trie)
(= (as-map o) trie))))
(defn trie
([] (->Trie
(fn update-fn [prev cur]
(if (nil? prev)
{:value (last cur)
:count 1}
(-> prev
(update :count (fnil inc 0))
(assoc :value (last cur)))))
([& ks]
(fn [t k]
(conj t k))
(let [v1 '(1 2 3 123)
v2 '(1 2 12)
v3 '(1 2 2 122)
v4 '(1 3 1 131)
t1 (trie v1 v2 v3 v4)]
{:as-vec (as-vec (get t1 '(1 2)))
:as-map (as-map (get t1 '(1 2)))
:as-byte-array (as-byte-array (get t1 '(1 2)))})
;; => {:as-vec
;; [[[[] {2 {:value 122, :count 1}}] [[] {3 {:value 123, :count 1}}]]
;; {2 {:count 1, :value 12}}],
;; :as-map
;; {2
;; {:children {2 {:value 122, :count 1}, 3 {:value 123, :count 1}},
;; :count 1,
;; :value 12}},
;; :as-byte-array
;; {2
;; {:byte-address 14,
;; :byte-array [-116, -127, -124, -126, 6, -125, 3],
;; :children
;; {2
;; {:value 122,
;; :count 1,
;; :byte-address 8,
;; :byte-array [-6, -127, -128],
;; :children {}},
;; 3
;; {:value 123,
;; :count 1,
;; :byte-address 11,
;; :byte-array [-5, -127, -128],
;; :children {}}},
;; :count 1,
;; :value 12}}}
(defn rewind-to-key [bb stop]
(loop []
(let [current (.get bb (.position bb))
previous (.get bb (dec (.position bb)))]
(if (or (= stop (.position bb))
(and (encoding/key-byte? current)
(encoding/offset-byte? previous)))
(do (.position bb (dec (.position bb)))
(defn forward-to-key [bb stop]
(loop []
(if (or (= stop (.position bb))
(and (encoding/key-byte? (.get bb (.position bb)))
(.get bb (inc (.position bb))))))
(do (.position bb (inc (.position bb)))
(defn find-key-in-index
[bb target-key max-address not-found]
(.limit bb max-address)
(let [key
(loop [previous-key nil
min-position (.position bb)
max-position max-address]
(if (zero? (- max-position min-position))
(let [mid-position (+ min-position (quot (- max-position min-position) 2))]
(.position bb mid-position)
(let [bb (rewind-to-key bb min-position)
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)]
(= current-key target-key)
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)
(= current-key previous-key)
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)
(let [final-key (encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)]
(if (= target-key final-key)
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)
(throw (Exception. "Key not found.")))))
(< current-key target-key)
;; Chew the next decoded number. It's a useless offset.
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index bb)
(.position bb)
(> current-key target-key)
;; This could also be rewound.
(rewind-to-key bb min-position)
(.position bb))))))))]
(.limit bb (.capacity bb))
(defn tightly-packed-trie-node-value
(let [value (encoding/decode byte-buffer)
freq (encoding/decode byte-buffer)]
{:value value
:count freq}))
(defmacro wrap-byte-buffer
"Saves the position and limit of a byte buffer, runs body,
returns byte buffer to original position and limit."
[byte-buffer & body]
`(let [original-position# (.position ~byte-buffer)
original-limit# (.limit ~byte-buffer)]
(try (do ~@body)
(.limit ~byte-buffer original-limit#)
(.position ~byte-buffer original-position#)))))
(defprotocol ITightlyPackedTrie
(children [self] "Immediate children of a node.")
(value [self] "Return node value, disassociated with children."))
(deftype TightlyPackedTrie [byte-buffer key address limit]
(value [self]
(.limit byte-buffer limit)
(.position byte-buffer address)
(tightly-packed-trie-node-value byte-buffer)))
(children [self]
(.limit byte-buffer limit)
(.position byte-buffer address)
(let [val (encoding/decode byte-buffer)
freq (encoding/decode byte-buffer)
size-of-index (encoding/decode byte-buffer)]
(.limit byte-buffer (+ (.position byte-buffer)
(loop [children []]
(if (= (.position byte-buffer) (.limit byte-buffer))
(let [child-key (encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)
child-offset (encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)]
(- address child-offset)
(.capacity byte-buffer))))))))))
(valAt [self ks]
(.limit byte-buffer limit)
(.position byte-buffer address)
(if (empty? ks)
(let [val (encoding/decode byte-buffer)
freq (encoding/decode byte-buffer)
size-of-index (encoding/decode byte-buffer)
offset (find-key-in-index
(first ks)
(+ (.position byte-buffer) size-of-index)
(if (= offset :not-found)
(throw (Exception. (format "Index not found %s" ks)))
(let [child (TightlyPackedTrie.
(first ks)
(- address offset)
(.capacity byte-buffer))]
(get child (rest ks))))))))
(valAt [self ks not-found]
(.limit byte-buffer limit)
(.position byte-buffer address)
(if (empty? ks)
(let [val (encoding/decode byte-buffer)
freq (encoding/decode byte-buffer)
size-of-index (encoding/decode byte-buffer)
offset (find-key-in-index
(first ks)
(+ (.position byte-buffer) size-of-index)
(if (= offset :not-found)
(let [child (TightlyPackedTrie.
(first ks)
(- address offset)
(.capacity byte-buffer))]
(get child (rest ks)))))))))
(defn tightly-packed-trie
"Assumes the trie has been transformed so that each node
includes a :byte-array key to the byte array that needs to be written
for that node and a :byte-address key that has been calculated
with an offset of 8. (The first 8 bytes are reserved for the root address.)"
(let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
trie (as-byte-array trie)]
;; This transform writes to the ByteArrayOutputStream.
#(map? (zip/node %))
(fn [loc]
(let [{:keys [byte-array]} (second (first (seq (zip/node loc))))]
(.write baos byte-array)
(let [ba (.toByteArray baos)
root-address (get-in (as-map trie) [:root :byte-address])
byte-buf (java.nio.ByteBuffer/allocate (+ 8 (count ba)))]
(.putLong byte-buf root-address)
(.put byte-buf ba)
(.rewind byte-buf)
(->TightlyPackedTrie byte-buf 0 (.getLong byte-buf) (.capacity byte-buf)))))
(defn zipper-tpt
"Turns a tightly-packed trie into a zipper.
Since the byte buffer that backs the trie can't be edited,
`make-node` and the zipper edit functions won't work."
(let [branch? (fn branch? [node]
(and (instance? TightlyPackedTrie node)
(not-empty (children node))))
zipper-children (fn zippper-children [node]
(children node))
make-node (fn make-node [node children]
(throw (Exception. "Can't add children to Tightly Packed Trie nodes.")))]
(zip/zipper branch? zipper-children make-node tpt)))
(let [v1 '(1 2 3 123)
v2 '(1 2 12)
v3 '(1 2 2 122)
v4 '(1 3 1 131)
t1 (trie v1 v2 v3 v4)
tpt (tightly-packed-trie t1)]
(->> tpt
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(map zip/node)
(map #(hash-map (.key %) (value %)))))
;; TODO: Shared "save" interface for Trie?
(defn save-tightly-packed-trie-to-file
[filepath trie]
(with-open [o (io/output-stream filepath)]
(.write o (.array (.byte-buffer trie)))))
(defn load-tightly-packed-trie-from-file
(with-open [i (io/input-stream filepath)
baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(io/copy i baos)
(let [byte-buffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer/wrap (.toByteArray baos))]
(.rewind byte-buffer)
(->TightlyPackedTrie byte-buffer 0 (.getLong byte-buffer) (.capacity byte-buffer)))))
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
(ns com.owoga.trie
(:require [ :as zip]))
(defn trie->depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector
([path node]
(fn [[k v]]
[(trie->depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector (conj path k) v)
(clojure.lang.MapEntry. (conj path k) (.value v))])
(.children- node)))))
(defn depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector->trie
[cls [children [key node]]]
(last key)
(cls (.key node) (.value node)
(into (sorted-map)
(map depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector->trie children)))))
(declare ->Trie)
(defn -without
[trie [k & ks]]
(if k
(if-let [next-trie (get (.children- trie) k)]
(let [next-trie-without (-without next-trie ks)
new-trie (->Trie (.key trie)
(.value trie)
(if next-trie-without
(assoc (.children- trie) k next-trie-without)
(dissoc (.children- trie) k)))]
(if (and (empty? new-trie)
(nil? (.value new-trie)))
(if (seq (.children- trie))
(.key trie)
(.children- trie))
(defprotocol ITrie
(children [self] "Immediate children of a node.")
(lookup [self ks] "Return node at key."))
(deftype Trie [key value children-]
(children [trie]
(fn [[k child]]
(Trie. k
(.value child)
(.children- child)))
(lookup [trie k]
(loop [k' k
trie' trie]
;; Allows `update` to work the same as with maps... can use `fnil`.
;; (nil? trie') (throw (Exception. (format "Key not found: %s" k)))
(nil? trie') nil
(empty? k')
(Trie. (.key trie')
(.value trie')
(.children- trie'))
:else (recur
(rest k')
(get (.children- trie') (first k'))))))
(valAt [trie k]
(loop [k' k
trie' trie]
;; Allows `update` to work the same as with maps... can use `fnil`.
;; (nil? trie') (throw (Exception. (format "Key not found: %s" k)))
(nil? trie') nil
(empty? k') (.value trie')
:else (recur
(rest k')
(get (.children- trie') (first k'))))))
(valAt [trie k not-found]
(loop [k' k
trie' trie]
(nil? trie') not-found
(empty? k') (.value trie')
:else (recur
(rest k')
(get (.children- trie') (first k'))))))
(cons [trie entry]
(instance? Trie (second entry))
(assoc trie (first entry) (.value (second entry)))
(assoc trie (first entry) (second entry))))
(empty [trie]
(Trie. key nil (sorted-map)))
(equiv [trie o]
(and (= (.value trie)
(.value o))
(= (.children- trie)
(.children- o))
(= (.key trie)
(.key o))))
(assoc [trie opath ovalue]
(if (empty? opath)
(Trie. key ovalue children-)
(Trie. key value (update
(first opath)
(fnil assoc (Trie. (first opath) nil (sorted-map)))
(rest opath)
(entryAt [trie key]
(clojure.lang.MapEntry. key (get trie key)))
(containsKey [trie key]
(boolean (get trie key)))
(assocEx [trie key val]
(if (contains? trie key)
(throw (Exception. (format "Value already exists at key %s." key)))
(assoc trie key val)))
(without [trie key]
(-without trie key))
(count [trie]
(count (seq trie)))
(seq [trie]
(->> trie
((partial trie->depth-first-post-order-traversable-zipperable-vector []))
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(map zip/node)
(filter (partial instance? clojure.lang.MapEntry))
(#(if (empty? %) nil %)))))
(defn make-trie
(->Trie '() nil (sorted-map)))
([& ks]
(fn [t kv]
(conj t kv))
(partition 2 ks))))
(make-trie "do" "do" "dot" "dot" "dog" "dog")
;; => {[\d \o \g] "dog", [\d \o \t] "dot", [\d \o] "do"}
;; Access values at a particular key with get
;; and the key (as any seqable).
(let [trie (make-trie "do" "do" "dot" "dot" "dog" "dog")]
(get trie [\d \o]))
;; => "do"
;; Access children with `traverse`
(let [trie (make-trie "do" "do" "dot" "dot" "dog" "dog" "doggo" "fluffy")]
(traverse trie "do"))
;; => {[\g \g \o] "fluffy", [\g] "dog", [\t] "dot"}
;; Any seq of comparable elements will work for keys.
;; But they *must* be comparable, so you can't mix-and-match
;; different types.
(make-trie '(:k :e :y) 1 '(:k :e :e) 2)
;; => {[:k :e :e] 2, [:k :e :y] 1}
;; Seqing over a trie will return the elements in
;; depth-first post-order traversal with children sorted by key.
(->> (make-trie '(1 2 4) 124 '(1 2) 12 '(1 2 3) 123 '(1 2 2) 122)
(map (fn [[k v]]
[k (* 2 v)]))
(into (make-trie)))
;; => {[1 2 2] 244, [1 2 3] 246, [1 2 4] 248, [1 2] 24}
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
;; Fast weighted random selection thanks to the Vose algorithm.
(ns com.owoga.trie.math
(:import clojure.lang.PersistentQueue))
;; Vose's alias method
(defprotocol Rand
(nextr [_ rng]))
(deftype Vose [n ^ints alias ^doubles prob]
;; returns the index of the chosen weight
(nextr [_ rng] ;; not using the rng for now
(let [i (rand-int n)
p (aget prob i)]
(if (or (= p 1.0)
(< (rand) p))
(aget alias i)))))
(defn ^:private make-vose [dist]
(let [N (count dist)
alias (int-array N)
prob (double-array N)]
(if (zero? N)
(->Vose N alias prob)
(let [^doubles ps (->> dist
(map (partial * N))
(into-array Double/TYPE))
[small large] (loop [i 0
[small large] [PersistentQueue/EMPTY
ps (seq ps)]
(if (seq ps)
(let [p (first ps)]
(if (< p 1)
(recur (inc i)
[(conj small i) large]
(rest ps))
(recur (inc i)
[small (conj large i)]
(rest ps))))
[small large]))
[small large] (loop [small small
large large]
(if (and (seq small) (seq large))
(let [l (first small)
g (first large)
small (pop small)
large (pop large)]
(aset-double prob l (aget ps l))
(aset-int alias l g)
(let [pg (- (+ (aget ps g) (aget ps l))
(aset-double ps g pg)
(if (< pg 1)
(recur (conj small g) large)
(recur small (conj large g)))))
[small large]))]
(doseq [g (concat large small)]
(aset-double prob g 1))
(->Vose N alias prob)))))
(defn from-weights [ws]
(let [tot (reduce + 0.0 ws)]
(assert (> tot 0) "Can't Vose RNG from 0 weights.")
(let [dist (map #(/ % tot) ws)]
(make-vose (vec dist)))))
(let [ws [1 2 1 3 3]
rng (from-weights ws)
chosen (repeatedly 1000000 #(nextr rng nil))
accuracy (mapv (comp float
#(/ % 100000)
(frequencies chosen))
(range (count ws)))]
(defn weighted-selection
"If given a coll, assumes the coll is weights and returns the selected index by
weighted random selection.
If given a key function and a collection, uses the key function to get a
collection of weights and returns the value at the randomly selected index."
(assert (not-empty coll) "Can't select from empty coll")
(let [rng (from-weights coll)
index (nextr rng nil)]
([key-fn coll]
(assert (not-empty coll) "Can't select from empty coll")
(let [rng (from-weights (map key-fn coll))
index (nextr rng nil)
selection (nth coll index)]
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
(ns tightly-packed-trie.core-test
"Basic tests for the primary API of `next.jdbc`."
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.core :as tpt]))
(deftest basic-tests
;; use ds-opts instead of (ds) anywhere you want default options applied:
(testing "map-based trie"
(let [trie (tpt/trie)]
(testing "key not found"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"Key not found"
(get trie '("foo"))))
(is (= :not-found
(get trie '("foo") :not-found))))
(testing "conjing to trie"
(let [trie (conj trie '("d" "o" "g" "dog"))]
(is (instance? com.owoga.tightly_packed_trie.core.Trie (get trie '("d" "o" "g"))))
(is (= (tpt/as-map (get trie '("d" "o" "g")))
{"g" {:value "dog" :count 1}})))))))
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
(ns tightly-packed-trie-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing] :as t]
[com.owoga.trie :as trie]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie :as tpt]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.encoding :as encode]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.encoding :as encoding]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.bit-manip :as bm]))
(defn value-encode-fn [v]
(if (or (= v ::tpt/root)
(nil? v))
(encode/encode 0)
(encode/encode v)))
(defn value-decode-fn [byte-buffer]
(let [v (encode/decode byte-buffer)]
(if (zero? v)
(let [t (->> '([1 3] 13 [1] 1 [1 2] 12)
(apply trie/make-trie)
(#(tpt/tightly-packed-trie % value-encode-fn value-decode-fn)))
bb (.byte-buffer t)]
(trie/lookup t [1 2]))
(deftest tightly-packed-trie-tests
(let [empty-trie (-> (trie/make-trie)
(#(tpt/tightly-packed-trie % value-encode-fn value-decode-fn)))
initialized-trie (->> '([1 3] 13 [1] 1 [1 2] 12)
(apply trie/make-trie)
(#(tpt/tightly-packed-trie % value-encode-fn value-decode-fn)))]
(testing "ILookup"
(is (= 13 (get initialized-trie [1 3])))
(is (= :not-found (get initialized-trie [4] :not-found)))
(is (= nil (get initialized-trie [4]))))
(testing "ITrie"
(testing "lookup"
(is (= nil (trie/lookup empty-trie [1])))
(is (= 1 (get (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1]) [])))
(is (= 12 (get (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1]) [2]))))
(testing "children"
(is (= '(12 13)
(map #(get % [])
(trie/children (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1])))))))))
(deftest extended-tightly-packed-trie-tests
(let [initialized-trie (->> (trie/make-trie '(1 2 3) 123 '(1 2 1) 121 '(1 2 2) 122 '(1 3 1) 131)
(#(tpt/tightly-packed-trie % value-encode-fn value-decode-fn)))]
(testing "ILookup"
(is (= 123 (get initialized-trie [1 2 3])))
(is (= :not-found (get initialized-trie [4] :not-found)))
(is (= nil (get initialized-trie [4]))))
(testing "ITrie"
(testing "lookup"
(is (= nil (trie/lookup initialized-trie [4])))
(is (= nil (get (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1]) [])))
(is (= nil (get (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1]) [2]))))
(testing "children"
(is (= '(121 122 123)
(map #(get % [])
(trie/children (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1 2])))))))
(testing "Seq"
(is (= '([[1 2 1] 121]
[[1 2 2] 122]
[[1 2 3] 123]
[[1 2] nil]
[[1 3 1] 131]
[[1 3] nil]
[[1] nil])
(seq initialized-trie))))))
(let [trie (trie/make-trie '(1 2 3) 123 '(1 2 1) 121 '(1 2 2) 122 '(1 3 1) 131)
tpt (tpt/tightly-packed-trie trie value-encode-fn value-decode-fn)
byte-buffer (.byte-buffer tpt)]
(.limit byte-buffer (.limit tpt))
(.position byte-buffer (.address tpt))
[(value-decode-fn byte-buffer)
(value-decode-fn byte-buffer)
(encode/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)
(encode/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)]))
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
(ns trie-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures] :as t]
[com.owoga.trie :as trie]
[ :as zip]
[clojure.main :as main]))
(deftest trie-tests
(let [empty-trie (trie/make-trie)
initialized-trie (trie/make-trie '(1 2) 12)]
(testing "assoc"
(is (= (assoc empty-trie '(1 2) 12)
(testing "dissoc"
(let [expected (-> (trie/make-trie)
(assoc '(1) 1))
trie (-> (trie/make-trie)
(assoc '(1) 1)
(assoc '(1 3) 13))]
(is (= expected (dissoc trie '(1 3))))))
(testing "ILookup"
(is (= 12 (get initialized-trie '(1 2))))
(is (= :not-found (get initialized-trie '(1 3) :not-found)))
(is (nil? (get initialized-trie '(1 3)))))
(testing "IPersistentCollection"
(is (empty? empty-trie))
(is (= (conj empty-trie ['(1 2) 12])
(testing "Counted"
(is (zero? (count empty-trie)))
(is (= 2 (count initialized-trie))))
(testing "Seqable"
(is (= '([[1 2] 12] [[1] nil])
(seq initialized-trie))))))
Reference in New Issue