You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines
3.8 KiB

# Parsing of lottery websites
- Parses scratchoff lottery ticket data from state websites.
- Writes game and remaining prize info to stdout as json.
- Writes errors to stderr.
``` text
➜ lottery_data_scraper git:(main) ✗ python3 -m lottery_data_scraper.louisiana 2> /tmp/louisiana.log | jq | head -n 50
"state": "la",
"game_id": "1450",
"prizes": [
"prize": "$200,000",
"available": 2,
"value": 200000,
"claimed": 3
# ...
## Demo
The following script should put you in a state where the last line will make a
bunch of requests to the Pennsylvania lottery website, parse the tables of
games/prizes, and print to your terminal a JSON structure of all of the games.
``` sh
git clone
cd lottery_data_scraper
python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/lottery_data_scraper
. ~/.virtualenvs/lottery_data_scraper
pip3 install -e .
PY_LOG_LVL=DEBUG USE_CACHE=true python3 -m lottery_data_scraper.pennsylvania
If you have [jq]( installed, you can get some
formatted output by piping it to `jq` (and redirecting STDERR to /dev/null).
``` sh
PY_LOG_LVL=DEBUG USE_CACHE=true python3 -m lottery_data_scraper.pennsylvania 2> /dev/null | jq
Or, if you want to capture error logs:
``` sh
python3 -m lottery_data_scraper.louisiana 2> /tmp/louisiana.log | jq
## Data models
We're using [`marshmallow`]( to validate and serialize data.
I'm including the schemas here just so you can quickly get a general idea of
what data fields we're able to scrape from most lottery websites. What you see
in this README might not be up-to-date with what's in
As of 2023-04-07 the schemas are a work-in-progress. The remaining TODO is to
determine and specify which fields are absolutely required and which are
### Game Schema
``` python
class GameSchema(Schema):
class Meta:
render_module = json
id = fields.Integer()
created_at = fields.DateTime(load_default=datetime.utcnow)
game_id = fields.Str()
name = fields.Str()
description = fields.Str()
image_urls = fields.Function(
lambda x: json.loads(x.image_urls) if x.image_urls else [],
deserialize=lambda x: None if x.image_urls == [] else json.dumps(x.image_urls),
how_to_play = fields.Str()
num_tx_initial = fields.Integer()
price = fields.Number()
prizes = fields.Nested(PrizeSchema, many=True)
state = fields.Str()
updated_at = fields.DateTime()
url = fields.Str()
### Prize Schema
``` python
class PrizeSchema(Schema):
class Meta:
render_module = json
id = fields.Integer()
game_id = fields.Integer()
available = fields.Integer()
claimed = fields.Integer()
created_at = fields.DateTime(load_default=datetime.utcnow)
value = fields.Number()
prize = fields.Str()
# Tests
Testing is kind of tricky because you can't rely on _just_ python with its
`requests` library. Some states have some scrape protections that require you
actually run JavaScript. Some states have extreme scrape protection that require
you to actually run a _display_. They check for some rendering context that
doesn't exist when you run a headless browser in Selenium. To scrape those
sites, you actually have to run a [X virtual
framebuffer]( Testing in these cases isn't
as simple as running `python3 -m unittest discover`.
# Contributing
``` sh
git clone
cd lottery_data_scraper
python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/lottery_data_scraper
. ~/.virtualenvs/lottery_data_scraper
pip3 install -e .
Then you should be able to run `make test` and see the tests pass.