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Tamily, a one-legged eye-patch-wearing owner of the fishery, posted a notice on the job board about a thief that had been stealing from barrels of fish below the fishery.
We, the Rising Guard, an adventurer's group with members Kestrel, Kyriela, Krogoth, Locke, and Gale, went down into the cellar to investigate.
We encountered some large rats, broken barrels, and a hidden path to some tunnels beneath the fishery.
We made our way through the barrier in the wall of the cellar and we eventually encountered a sarcophagus with an inscription: "Here lies Asophone Menhemes." On the wall of the room near the sarcophagus was a torch emanating a mysterious blue light. Gale took the torch, which we later learned was a magical source of unending light.
Going deeper into the tunnels, we encountered spiders, a challenging fight against some undead, and we learned about a Kobold named Zolgran who is head of the Stone Scales kobolds.
The kobolds were behind the missing fish.
We captured a kobold, Pretz, and took him to Tamily where we collected our reward. We then took Pretz to Captain Longsaddle where Pretz was locked away in the garrison.