An adventuring party who made their name in Absalom, the Roseguard defeated the villainous Belcorra Haruvex and founded the logging town of Otari. Today, the people of Otari continue to respect and honor the Roseguard on Founder’s Day, 3 Desnus. The Roseguard consisted of the following heroes. Aesephna Menhemes: Aesephna was the party’s healer. She was a cleric of Erastil who was always more comfortable in smaller towns than big cities like Absalom. Otari Ilvashti: Otari, the group’s rogue, was a charming optimist who kept the others hopeful with his charm and humor, even during their darkest hours. Vol Rajani: Vol was the party’s fighter, a no‑nonsense swordswoman who claimed to be exiled royalty from Nidal. Zarmavdian: The group’s wizard was a well‑educated diviner who pursued outlandish conspiracy theories and occult lore.