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(ns com.owoga.frp.infrastructure-test
(:require [com.owoga.frp.infrastructure :as frp]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]))
(deftest test-insert!
(testing "insert!"
(let [Offer (frp/->BaseRelVar 'Offer nil (atom #{}))]
(frp/insert! Offer {:address "123 Fake St." :price 1.5e5})
(is (= @Offer #{{:address "123 Fake St." :price 1.5e5}})))))
(deftest test-project
(testing "projection"
(let [Offer (frp/->BaseRelVar 'Offer nil (atom #{}))
OfferPrices (frp/project Offer [:price])]
(frp/load! Offer #{{:address "123 Fake St." :price 2e5}})
(is (= @OfferPrices #{{:price 2e5}})))))