You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

193 lines
6.5 KiB

(ns examples.core
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[com.owoga.prhyme.frp :as frp]
[com.owoga.prhyme.core :as prhyme]
[ :as bigrams]
[com.owoga.prhyme.gen :as gen]
[ :as dict]
[ :as thesaurus]
[ :as darklyrics]
[com.owoga.prhyme.generation.weighted-selection :as weighted]
[clojure.set :as set]
[ :as zip]))
(defn weight-fn [word target result]
(let [rimes (frp/consecutive-matching word target :rimes)
nuclei (frp/consecutive-matching word target :nuclei)
onsets (frp/consecutive-matching word target :onsets)
total (apply + (map count [rimes nuclei onsets]))]
(defn pred-fn [word target result]
(< 0 (weight-fn word target result)))
(defn weight-popular [word target result]
(if (dict/popular (:normalized-word word))
(defn pred-popular [word target result]
(< 1 (weight-popular word target result)))
(def words-by-rime (prhyme/words-by-rime*
(fn [[word & _]]
(string/lower-case word)))
(defn rime-1 [target]
(let [rime (last (:rimes target))]
(fn [x]
(= rime (last (:rimes x))))))
(defn rime-2 [target]
(let [rime (last (butlast (:rimes target)))]
(fn [x]
(= rime (last (butlast (:rimes x)))))))
(defn rime-member? [coll]
(let [coll (into #{} coll)]
(fn [x]
(coll (:normalized-word x)))))
(defn rime-compare [& comparators]
(let [juxtcomp (apply juxt comparators)]
(fn [a b]
(let [a (juxtcomp a)
b (juxtcomp b)]
(compare a b)))))
(def c
(fn [a b]
(rime-1 {:rimes '(1 2)})
(rime-2 {:rimes '(1 2)})
(rime-member? ["foo" "bar"]))
b a)))
(let [coll [{:rimes '(3 2) :normalized-word "foo"}
{:rimes '(1 2) :normalized-word "foo"}
{:rimes '(4 5) :normalized-word "foo"}
{:rimes '(1 2) :normalized-word "buzz"}]]
(sort c coll))
(let [coll '("woman"
coll (map #(prhyme/phrase->word dict/popular %) coll)
target (prhyme/phrase->word dict/popular "devotion")
synonyms (thesaurus/synonyms "love" "heart")
comparisons (fn [target]
(fn [a b]
(rime-1 target)
(rime-2 target)
(rime-member? synonyms))
b a)))]
(sort (comparisons target) coll))
(defn rhymestorm [& words]
(let [synonyms (->> (apply thesaurus/synonyms words)
(filter #(get dict/popular %))
(into #{}))
comparisons (fn [target]
(fn [a b]
(rime-1 target)
(rime-2 target)
(rime-member? synonyms))
b a)))]
(->> synonyms
(fn [synonym]
(let [word (prhyme/phrase->word dict/prhyme-dict synonym)
rhymes (get words-by-rime (last (:rimes word)))]
(when rhymes
(let [rhyming-words (map string/lower-case (prhyme/flatten-node rhymes))
rhyming-synonyms (remove #{(:normalized-word word)} (filter synonyms rhyming-words))]
[(:normalized-word word) rhyming-synonyms])))))
(remove (fn [[_ rhymes]]
(empty? rhymes)))
(map (fn [[target rhymes]]
[target (->> rhymes
(map prhyme/phrase->word dict/popular)
(sort (comparisons (prhyme/phrase->word dict/popular target)))
(map :normalized-word))]))
(into {}))))
(rhymestorm "love")
(take 3 (drop 500 dict/prhyme-dict))
(take 3 dict/cmu-dict)
(take 3 dict/popular)
(let [node (get-in words-by-rime ['("AH" "V")])]
(->> (prhyme/flatten-node node)))
(let [love-synonyms (thesaurus/thesaurus "love")
heart-synonyms (thesaurus/thesaurus "heart")]
(->> (clojure.set/intersection
(into #{} love-synonyms)
(into #{} heart-synonyms))
(map string/lower-case)
(filter #(dict/popular %))))
(let [synonyms (thesaurus/synonyms "love" "heart")]
(def love-rhymes
(let [synonyms (->> (thesaurus/synonyms "love" "heart")
(filter #(get dict/popular %))
(into #{}))]
(fn [synonym]
(let [word (prhyme/phrase->word dict/prhyme-dict synonym)
rhymes (get words-by-rime (last (:rimes word)))]
(when rhymes
(let [rhyming-words (map string/lower-case (prhyme/flatten-node rhymes))
rhyming-synonyms (filter synonyms rhyming-words)]
[(:normalized-word word) rhyming-synonyms]))))
(into {}))))
(count love-rhymes)
(get-in words-by-rime ['("AH" "V")])
(first (filter #(= (:normalized-word %) "gotshal's") dict/prhyme-dict))
(prhyme/phrase->word dict/prhyme-dict "bye bye")
(take 10 darklyrics/darklyrics-markov-2)
(get darklyrics/darklyrics-markov-2 '("memory" "my"))
(fn []
(let [rhymes (gen/selection-seq
(comp (weighted/adjust-for-tail-rhyme 0.90)
#_(weighted/adjust-for-rhymes 0.50)
#_(weighted/adjust-for-fn :adj-rimes 0.80 pred-fn weight-fn)
(weighted/adjust-for-fn :adj-popular 0.95 pred-popular weight-popular)
(weighted/adjust-for-markov darklyrics/darklyrics-markov-2 0.99))
(prhyme/phrase->word dict/prhyme-dict "happy birthday taylor my love"))]
(->> rhymes
(take 5)
(map :normalized-word)))))