@ -251,182 +251,65 @@
(/ nr1 (Math/pow nr 2))
(inc (/ nr1 nr)))))
(defn turing-estimate
"Value of r* such that pᵣ = r*/N
Alternative to MLE so that pᵣ never equals 0."
[lm r]
(* (inc r) (/ (lm (inc r)) (lm r))))
(defn estimator
"Switches between a Turing estimator and a Linear Good Turing estimator."
[lm rs nrs]
([x lgt?]
(let [i (.indexOf rs x)]
(if (= (inc i) (count rs))
[(/ (* (inc x)
(lm (inc x)))
(lm x))
(let [turing-estimate (float
(/ (* (inc x)
(nth nrs (inc i)))
(nth nrs i)))
(Math/pow (inc x) 2)
(/ (nth nrs (inc i))
(Math/pow (nth nrs i) 2))
(inc (/ (nth nrs (inc i))
(nth nrs i)))
stdv (Math/sqrt (* r-plus-one-squared term2 term3))
lgt-estimate (/ (* (inc x)
(lm (inc x)))
(lm x))]
(assert (>= i 0) (str x " not found"))
(let [diff (Math/abs (- lgt-estimate turing-estimate))
lgt? (or lgt?
(< diff (* 1.95 stdv)))]
(if lgt?
[lgt-estimate lgt?]
[turing-estimate lgt?]))))))))
(defn smoothed-frequencies
[rs nrs]
(let [l (count rs)
N (apply + (map #(apply * %) (map vector rs nrs)))
p0 (/ (first nrs) N)
zrs (average-consecutives rs nrs)
log-rs (map #(Math/log %) rs)
log-zrs (map #(Math/log %) zrs)
lm (least-squares-linear-regression log-rs log-zrs)
lgts (map lm rs)
estimations (loop [coll rs
lgt? false
e (estimator lm rs zrs)
estimations []]
(empty? coll) estimations
(let [[estimation lgt?] (e (first coll) lgt?)]
(rest coll)
(conj estimations estimation)))))
N* (apply + (map #(apply * %) (map vector nrs estimations)))
probs (cons
(float p0)
(map #(* (- 1 p0) (/ % N*)) estimations))
sum-probs (apply + probs)]
(apply + probs)
(fn [r]
(* (inc r) (/ (lm (inc r)) (lm r))))
(let [rs [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26]
nrs [32 20 10 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]
rs [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 26]
nrs [32 20 10 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1]]
(smoothed-frequencies rs nrs))
(defn sgt [rs nrs]
(assert (and (not-empty nrs) (not-empty rs))
"frequencies and frequency-of-frequencies can't be empty")
(let [l (count rs)
N (apply + (map #(apply * %) (map vector rs nrs)))
p0 (/ (first nrs) N)
zrs (average-consecutives rs nrs)
log-rs (map #(Math/log %) rs)
log-zrs (map #(Math/log %) zrs)
lm (least-squares-linear-regression log-rs log-zrs)
lgts (map lm rs)
r* (partial turing-estimate lm)]
[p0 rs lgts (map r* rs) (map #(/ (r* %) N) rs) N]))
(let [rs [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26]
nrs [32 20 10 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]
rs [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 26]
nrs [32 20 10 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1]]
(map #(apply * %) (map vector rs (sgt rs nrs)))
(sgt rs nrs))
(let [rs [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12]
nrs [120 40 24 13 15 5 11 2 2 1 3]
sgts (sgt rs nrs)
N0 (apply + nrs)]
[(float (/ 120 N0))
(apply + sgts)])
(defn sgt-with-counts [rs nrs]
(assert (and (not-empty nrs) (not-empty rs))
"frequencies and frequency-of-frequencies can't be empty")
(let [l (count rs)
N (apply + (map #(apply * %) (map vector rs nrs)))
p0 (/ (first nrs) N)
zrs (average-consecutives rs nrs)
log-rs (map #(Math/log %) rs)
log-zrs (map #(Math/log %) zrs)
lm (least-squares-linear-regression log-rs log-zrs)
lgts (map lm rs)
estimations (loop [coll rs
lgt? false
e (estimator lm rs zrs)
estimations []]
(empty? coll) estimations
(let [[estimation lgt?] (e (first coll) lgt?)]
(rest coll)
(conj estimations estimation)))))
N* (apply + (map #(apply * %) (map vector nrs estimations)))
probs (cons
(float p0)
(map #(* (- 1 p0) (/ % N*)) estimations))
sum-probs (apply + probs)]
[(cons 0 rs)
(map #(/ % sum-probs) probs)
(defn discount-coefficient-map
"The probability of an unseen (Nr0) n-gram is Nr1/N.
We then have to adjust the probability of Nr1 down from the maximum-likelihood
estimate of Nr1 (which was Nr1/N) to something else.
The size of this adjustment is captured by the discount coefficient."
(let [[xs ys] ((juxt keys vals) frequency->frequency-of-frequency)
sgt (into (sorted-map) (apply map vector (sgt xs ys)))]
(fn [[r nr nr*]]
[r (/ nr* nr)])
(map vector xs ys (vals sgt))))))
(defn turing-estimator
[r-coll nr-coll]
(let [m (into {} (map vector r-coll nr-coll))]
(fn [r]
(let [nr (m r)]
(if nr nr (throw (format "No Nᵣ value for r value of %s" r)))))))
(defn lgt-estimator
"The simplest smooth is a line, and a downward sloping log-log line will
satisfy the priors onr*so long asthe slope of the linebis less than -1. This
is the proposed simple smooth, and we call the associatedGood-Turing estimate
the Linear Good Turing (LGT) estimate."
#_(fn [r]
(* (inc r) (/ (lm (inc r)) (lm r))))
(fn [r]
(lm r)))
(defn sgt-estimator
"Switches between turing and lgt
Simply for now at k=3. Should be based on variance in future."
[t lgt]
(fn [r]
(if (< r 3) (t r) (lgt r))))
(defn sgt-probs
[p0 r*-coll N*]
(fn [r*]
(* (- 1 p0)
(/ r* N*)))
(defn calc-N [r-coll nr-coll]
(apply + (map (fn [a b] (* a b)) r-coll nr-coll)))
(defn frequencies->simple-good-turing-probabilities
"Returns a sorted map of frequencies to probability of seeing a word that
appeared with that frequency.
Useful for calculating perplexity."
(let [[r-coll nr-coll] (apply map vector (sort-by first freqs))
zr-coll (average-consecutives r-coll nr-coll)
linear-model (least-squares-linear-regression r-coll zr-coll)
turing-estimator (turing-estimator r-coll nr-coll)
lgt-estimator (lgt-estimator linear-model)
sgt-estimator (sgt-estimator turing-estimator lgt-estimator)
r*-coll (map
(fn [r]
(if (< r 2)
(* (inc r) (/ (turing-estimator (inc r))
(turing-estimator r)))
(* (inc r) (/ (lgt-estimator (inc r))
(lgt-estimator r)))))
p0 (/ (first nr-coll) (apply + (map (partial apply *) (map vector r-coll nr-coll))))
N* (apply + (map (partial apply *) (map vector r*-coll nr-coll)))
probs (sgt-probs p0 r*-coll N*)]
(into (sorted-map) (map vector (cons 0 r-coll) probs))))