@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
[clojure.zip :as zip]
[cljol.dig9 :as d]
[com.owoga.prhyme.data.phonetics :as phonetics]
[com.owoga.prhyme.syllabify :as syllabify]))
[com.owoga.prhyme.syllabify :as syllabify]
[taoensso.nippy :as nippy]))
(tufte/add-basic-println-handler! {})
@ -410,26 +411,48 @@
(conj (peek result) (first phones))))))))
(defn syllabify-phrase-with-stress [phrase]
(map syllabify-with-stress (string/split phrase #"[ -]")))
(comp owoga.syllabify/syllabify
(string/split phrase #"[ -]"))))
(syllabify-phrase-with-stress "bother me")
(word->phones "bother me")
(map (comp owoga.syllabify/syllabify first owoga.phonetics/get-phones) ["bother" "me"])
[(syllabify-phrase-with-stress "on poverty")
(syllabify-phrase-with-stress "can bother me")]
(defn phrase->flex-rhyme-phones [phrase]
(let [syllables (syllabify-phrase-with-stress phrase)]
(->> (seq (reduce into [] syllables))
(map #(filter (partial re-find #"\d") %))
(map #(string/replace % #"\d" "")))))
(defn phrase->flex-rhyme-phones
"Takes a space-seperated string of words
and returns the concatenation of the words
vowel phones.
Returns them in reversed order so they
are ready to be used in a lookup of a rhyme trie.
(->> phrase
(#(string/split % #" "))
(map (comp owoga.syllabify/syllabify first owoga.phonetics/get-phones))
(map (partial reduce into []))
(map #(filter (partial re-find #"\d") %))
(map #(string/replace % #"\d" ""))
(phrase->flex-rhyme-phones "bother me")
(phrase->flex-rhyme-phones "bother hello")
;; => ("OW" "AH" "ER" "AA")
(defonce context (atom {}))
@ -506,25 +529,316 @@
(map (fn [[k v]]
(println (string/join " " (map (@context :database) k)))
[(string/join " " (map (@context :database) k))
[k v]]))
(map (fn [[phrase [k v]]]
[(reverse (phrase->flex-rhyme-phones phrase))
[(phrase->flex-rhyme-phones phrase)
[k v]])))
(fn [trie [k v]]
(update trie k (fnil conj [v]) v)))
(trie/children-at-depth (@context :trie) 0 3))))
(->> (trie/children-at-depth (@context :trie) 1 2)
(drop 500050)
(take 20)))))
(->> (get (@context :flex-rhyme-trie) ["EH" "OW" "IY" "EH"])
(take 20)
(map first)
(map (partial map (@context :database))))
(trie/children (trie/lookup (@context :trie) [13393]))
((@context :database) "desk") ;; => 13393
((@context :database) "wobbly") ;; => 152750
(get (@context :trie) [13393 152750]))
(defn rhyme-choices
[{:keys [flex-rhyme-trie database] :as context} phrase]
(let [phones (phrase->flex-rhyme-phones phrase)]
(get flex-rhyme-trie phones)))
(defn exclude-non-rhymes-from-choices
"Removes any choice that includes the last
word of the rhyming phrase as the last word of the choice.
Also removes beginning and end of sentence markers (1 and 38 in the database)."
[{:keys [database]} phrase choices]
(let [word-id (database (last (string/split phrase #" ")))]
(fn [child]
(or (= ((comp first second) child) word-id)
(#{1 38} ((comp first first) child))))
(defn exclude-non-english-phrases-from-choices
[{:keys [database]} choices]
(fn [choice]
(->> (first choice)
(map database)
(every? dict/cmu-with-stress-map)))
(defn weighted-selection-from-choices
(comp second second)
(defn choice->n-gram
[{:keys [database]} choice]
(map database (first choice)))
(defn generate-rhyming-n-gram
(->> (rhyme-choices @context phrase)
(exclude-non-rhymes-from-choices @context phrase)
(choice->n-gram @context)))
(defn get-flex-rhyme
"Gets from a rhyme-trie a rhyming n-gram based on the
weighted selection from their frequencies."
[{:keys [flex-rhyme-trie database] :as context} phrase]
(let [phones (phrase->flex-rhyme-phones phrase)
;; Exclude the last word. Don't rhyme kodak with kodak.
word-id (database (first (string/split phrase #" ")))
choices (remove
(fn [child]
(= (first child) word-id))
(get flex-rhyme-trie phones))
choice (math/weighted-selection
(comp second second)
(map database (first choice))))
(get-flex-rhyme @context "bother me")
(defn get-next-markov
[{:keys [trie database] :as context} seed]
(let [seed (take-last 3 seed)
node (trie/lookup trie seed)
children (and node
(->> node
(map #(vector (.key %) (get % [])))
(remove (comp nil? second))
(fn [[k v]]
(#{1 38} k)))))]
(nil? node) (recur context (rest seed))
(seq children)
(if (< (rand) (/ (apply max (map (comp second second) children))
(apply + (map (comp second second) children))))
(recur context (rest seed))
(first (math/weighted-selection (comp second second) children)))
(> (count seed) 0)
(recur context (rest seed))
:else (throw (Exception. "Error")))))
(defn get-next-markov-from-phrase-backwards
[{:keys [database trie] :as context} phrase n]
(let [word-ids (->> phrase
(#(string/split % #" "))
(take n)
(map database))]
(database (get-next-markov context word-ids))))
(get-next-markov @context [222])
(get-next-markov-from-phrase-backwards @context "will strike you down" 3)
(get (@context :database) 7982)
(defn ids->words
[{:keys [database] :as context} ids]
(map database ids))
(defn words->syllables
(->> words
(string/join " ")
(reverse (phrase->flex-rhyme-phones))))
(defn generate-sentence-with-n-words
[{:keys [database] :as context} seed n]
(loop [seed seed]
(if (>= (dec n) (count seed))
(recur (conj seed (get-next-markov context seed)))
(map database seed))))
(defn take-words-amounting-to-more-at-least-n-syllables
[phrase n]
(letfn [(phones [word]
[word (first (owoga.phonetics/get-phones word))])
(syllables [[word phones]]
[word (owoga.syllabify/syllabify phones)])]
(->> phrase
(#(string/split % #" "))
(map phones)
(map syllables)
(fn [result [word syllables]]
(if (<= n (count (mapcat second result)))
(reduced result)
(conj result [word syllables])))
(map first)
(string/join " "))))
(defn valid-english-sentence?
(let [words (string/split #" " phrase)]
(and (nlp/valid-sentence? phrase)
(every? dict/cmu-with-stress-map words))))
(defn sha256 [text]
(let [digest (java.security.MessageDigest/getInstance "SHA-256")]
(->> (.digest digest (.getBytes text "UTF-8"))
(#(BigInteger. 1 %))
(#(.toString % 16)))))
(defn syllable-count-phrase
(->> phrase
(#(string/split % #" "))
(map owoga.phonetics/get-phones)
(map first)
(mapcat owoga.syllabify/syllabify)
(defn rhyming-n-gram-choices
[context target-rhyme]
(loop [target-rhyme target-rhyme]
(let [choices (->> target-rhyme
(rhyme-choices context)
(exclude-non-rhymes-from-choices context target-rhyme)
(exclude-non-english-phrases-from-choices context))]
(if (empty? choices)
(recur (string/join " " (rest (string/split target-rhyme #" "))))
(defn generate-n-syllable-sentence-rhyming-with
[context target-phrase n]
(let [target-phrase-words (string/split target-phrase #" ")
reversed-target-phrase (string/join " " (reverse target-phrase-words))
(->> (take-words-amounting-to-more-at-least-n-syllables
(#(string/split % #" "))
(string/join " "))
rhyming-n-gram (->> (rhyming-n-gram-choices context target-rhyme)
(choice->n-gram context)
(string/join " "))]
(loop [phrase rhyming-n-gram]
(if (<= n (syllable-count-phrase phrase))
(str (get-next-markov-from-phrase-backwards context phrase 5)
" "
(generate-n-syllable-sentence-rhyming-with @context "instead of war on poverty" 8)
((@context :database) "poverty")
(defn amul8
(->> (amulate (string/split sentence #" "))
(map reverse)
(map (partial string/join " "))))
([sentence n]
(loop [result [sentence]
n n]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (conj result (amul8 (peek result)))
(dec n))))))
(defn amulate?
(let [digest (sha256 text)]
(re-matches #"8{4}" digest)))
(defn continuously-amulate
(let [next-sentence (amul8 seed)
next-seed (->> next-sentence
(#(string/split % #" "))
(fn [word]
[word (phrase->flex-rhyme-phones word)]))
((fn [word-phones]
(loop [word-phones word-phones
seed []]
(println (mapcat second seed))
(if (< 2 (count (mapcat second seed)))
" "
(reverse (map first seed)))
(recur (rest word-phones)
(conj seed (first word-phones))))))))]
(println next-seed)
(cons next-sentence (continuously-amulate next-seed)))))
(take 5 (continuously-amulate "technology"))
(->> (amul8 "technology" 1)
(map second)
(partition 2 1)
(fn [pair]
(string/join "\n" pair)))
(map #(vector % (sha256 %)))
(fn [[text sha]]
[text sha (re-matches #"8{4}" sha)]))
(map println))
(dict/cmu-with-stress-map )
#(amulate (reverse ["pleasure" "of" "the" "arcane" "technology"])))
(phrase->flex-rhyme-phones "bother hello")
(phrase->flex-rhyme-phones "snow-covered on")
(get-flex-rhyme @context (reverse ["AA" "ER" "AH" "OW"]))
((@context :database) "<s>")
(get-next-markov @context [1 503])
(take 20
(repeatedly #(reverse (get-flex-rhyme @context
(reverse (phrase->flex-rhyme-phones "technology"))
(get (@context :database) "</s>")
(get (@context :database) "technology")
(phrase->flex-rhyme-phones "able") ;; => ("EY" "AH")
(phrase->flex-rhyme-phones "away") ;; => ("AH" "EY")
(take 20 (@context :flex-rhyme-trie))
(get-flex-rhyme @context '("AA" "IY" "AE"))
(map #(get (@context :database) %) [1 503])
(time (count (tpt/children-at-depth (@context :trie) 0 2)))
(->> (trie/children-at-depth (@context :flex-rhyme-trie') 0 5)
@ -547,7 +861,7 @@
(first (@context :trie))
;; 448351
;; 4388527
(time (initialize))
@ -807,6 +1121,9 @@
(def rhyme-database (atom {}))
(def db
(nippy/thaw-from-file (io/resource "dark-corpus-4-gram-backwards-db.bin")))
(def perfect-rhyme-trie
@ -838,7 +1155,8 @@
(fn [trie [k v]]
(update trie k (fnil #(update % 1 inc) [v 0]))))
(take 1000 db)))
(take 20 vowel-rhyme-trie)
#_(with-open [wtr (clojure.java.io/writer "database.bin")]