diff --git a/dev/examples/tpt.clj b/dev/examples/tpt.clj
index 30a5dff..367fa31 100644
--- a/dev/examples/tpt.clj
+++ b/dev/examples/tpt.clj
@@ -218,46 +218,6 @@
(sort-by :count)
-(defn rhyme-trie-transducer [xf]
- (let [trie (volatile! (trie/make-trie))
- database (atom {})
- next-id (volatile! 1)]
- (fn
- ([] (xf))
- ([result]
- (reset! trie-database @database)
- (xf result))
- ([result input]
- (let [ngrams-ids
- (mapv
- (fn [ngrams]
- (mapv
- (fn [ngram]
- (let [gram-ids (mapv
- (fn [gram]
- (let [gram-id (get @database gram @next-id)]
- (when (.equals gram-id @next-id)
- (swap! database
- #(-> %
- (assoc gram gram-id)
- (assoc gram-id gram)))
- (vswap! next-id inc))
- gram-id))
- ngram)
- ngram-id (get database gram-ids @next-id)]
- gram-ids))
- ngrams))
- input)]
- (vswap!
- trie
- (fn [trie ngrams-ids]
- (reduce
- (fn [trie [ngram-ids _]]
- (update trie ngram-ids (fnil #(update % 1 inc) [(peek ngram-ids) 0])))
- trie
- ngrams-ids))
- ngrams-ids))))))
(transduce (comp (xf-file-seq 0 10)
(map slurp)
diff --git a/src/com/owoga/corpus/markov.clj b/src/com/owoga/corpus/markov.clj
index e378009..6333a21 100644
--- a/src/com/owoga/corpus/markov.clj
+++ b/src/com/owoga/corpus/markov.clj
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
(ns com.owoga.corpus.markov
- (:require [com.owoga.prhyme.util :as util]
+ (:require [com.owoga.prhyme.core :as prhyme]
+ [com.owoga.prhyme.util :as util]
[com.owoga.prhyme.data.dictionary :as dict]
[com.owoga.prhyme.nlp.core :as nlp]
+ [com.owoga.trie :as trie]
+ [com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie :as tpt]
[clojure.string :as string]
- [clojure.java.io :as io]))
+ [clojure.java.io :as io]
+ [com.owoga.phonetics :as phonetics]))
(defn clean-text [text]
(string/lower-case (string/replace text #"[^a-zA-Z'\-\s]" "")))
@@ -37,4 +41,212 @@
"bar" 8}}
{'("away") {"her" 10
"them" 50
- "baz" 99}}))
+ "baz" 99}})
+ )
+(defn slurp-file-to-read-string
+ "Returns the value of read-string of the contents of the file.
+ Useful for reading into memory a saved database of n-grams to identifiers
+ and identifiers to n-grams."
+ [filepath]
+ (read-string (slurp filepath)))
+(defn spit-edn-to-file
+ [filepath data]
+ (spit filepath (pr-str data)))
+ (do
+ (spit-edn-to-file
+ "/tmp/spit-edn-test.txt"
+ {:a {:b :c}})
+ (slurp-file-to-read-string "/tmp/spit-edn-test.txt"));; => {:a {:b :c}}
+ )
+(defn xf-file-seq [start end]
+ (comp (remove #(.isDirectory %))
+ (drop start)
+ (take end)))
+(defn stateful-transducer
+ "Stateful transform that crates a trie.
+ "
+ [xf]
+ (let [trie (volatile! (trie/make-trie))
+ database (atom {})
+ next-id (volatile! 1)]
+ (fn
+ ([] (xf))
+ ([result]
+ (xf result))
+ ([result map-entries-in]
+ (let [map-entries-out
+ (mapv
+ (fn [[lookup v]]
+ (mapv
+ (fn [key]
+ (let [key-id (get @database key @next-id)]
+ (when (.equals key-id @next-id)
+ (swap! database
+ #(-> %
+ (assoc key key-id)
+ (assoc key-id key)))
+ (vswap! next-id inc))
+ [(mapv @database lookup) v]))
+ lookup))
+ map-entries-in)]
+ (vswap!
+ trie
+ (fn [trie map-entries-out]
+ (reduce
+ (fn [trie [lookup _]]
+ (update trie lookup (fnil #(update % 1 inc) [(peek lookup) 0])))
+ trie
+ map-entries-out))
+ map-entries-out))))))
+(defn pad-tokens
+ "Pads the beginning with n - 1 tokens and
+ the end with 1 token."
+ [tokens n]
+ (vec (concat (vec (repeat (max 1 (dec n)) "")) tokens [""])))
+(def re-word
+ "Regex for tokenizing a string into words
+ (including contractions and hyphenations),
+ commas, periods, and newlines."
+ #"(?s).*?([a-zA-Z\d]+(?:['\-]?[a-zA-Z]+)?|,|\.|\n)")
+(defn tokenize-line
+ [line]
+ (->> line
+ (string/trim)
+ (re-seq re-word)
+ (mapv second)
+ (mapv string/lower-case)))
+(defn text->ngrams
+ "Takes text from a file, including newlines.
+ Pads lines with and for start/end of line.
+ Pads beginning with n - 1 s"
+ [text n]
+ (->> text
+ util/clean-text
+ (#(string/split % #"\n+"))
+ (remove empty?)
+ (mapv tokenize-line)
+ (mapv #(pad-tokens % n))
+ (mapv #(partition n 1 %))
+ (mapv #(mapv vec %))
+ (reduce #(into %1 %2) [])))
+(defn n-to-m-grams
+ "Exclusive of m, similar to range."
+ [n m text]
+ (loop [i n
+ r []]
+ (cond
+ (= i m)
+ r
+ :else
+ (recur (inc i)
+ (into r (text->ngrams text i))))))
+ (n-to-m-grams 1 3 "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")
+ ;; => [[""]
+ ;; ["the"]
+ ;; ["quick"]
+ ;; ,,,
+ ;; ["the" "lazy"]
+ ;; ["lazy" "dog"]
+ ;; ["dog" ""]]
+ )
+(defn prep-ngram-for-trie
+ "The tpt/trie expects values conjed into an ngram
+ to be of format '[[k1 k2 k3] value]."
+ [ngram]
+ (clojure.lang.MapEntry. (vec ngram) ngram))
+ (transduce (comp (xf-file-seq 501 2)
+ (map slurp)
+ (map (partial n-to-m-grams 1 4))
+ (map (fn [ngrams] (mapv #(prep-ngram-for-trie %) ngrams)))
+ stateful-transducer)
+ conj
+ (file-seq (io/file "dark-corpus")))
+ )
+(defn initialize
+ "Takes an atom as a context. Swaps in :database, :trie, :rhyme-trie"
+ [context]
+ (swap!
+ context
+ assoc
+ :database
+ (with-open [rdr (io/reader "resources/backwards-database.bin")]
+ (into {} (map read-string (line-seq rdr)))))
+ (swap!
+ context
+ assoc
+ :trie
+ (tpt/load-tightly-packed-trie-from-file
+ "resources/dark-corpus-backwards-tpt.bin"
+ (decode-fn (@context :database))))
+ (swap!
+ context
+ assoc
+ :perfect-rhyme-trie
+ (transduce
+ (comp
+ (map first)
+ (filter string?)
+ (map #(vector % (reverse (phonetics/get-phones %))))
+ (map reverse))
+ (completing
+ (fn [trie [k v]]
+ (update trie k (fnil #(update % 1 inc) [v 0]))))
+ (trie/make-trie)
+ (@context :database)))
+ (swap!
+ context
+ assoc
+ :rhyme-trie
+ (transduce
+ (comp
+ (map first)
+ (filter string?)
+ (map (fn [word]
+ (let [phones-coll (phonetics/get-phones)]
+ (map
+ #(vector (reverse (phonetics/get-phones %)) word)
+ phones-coll)))))
+ (completing
+ (fn [trie [k v]]
+ (update trie k (fnil #(update % 1 inc) [v 0]))))
+ (trie/make-trie)
+ (@context :database)))
+ (swap!
+ context
+ assoc
+ :flex-rhyme-trie
+ (transduce
+ (comp
+ (map first)
+ (filter string?)
+ (map #(vector (reverse (prhyme/phrase->flex-rhyme-phones %)) %)))
+ (completing
+ (fn [trie [k v]]
+ (update trie k (fnil conj [v]) v)))
+ (trie/make-trie)
+ (@context :database)))
+ nil)
diff --git a/src/com/owoga/prhyme/core.clj b/src/com/owoga/prhyme/core.clj
index 1811738..f468c0f 100644
--- a/src/com/owoga/prhyme/core.clj
+++ b/src/com/owoga/prhyme/core.clj
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.core
(:require [clojure.zip :as zip]
[clojure.string :as string]
+ [com.owoga.prhyme.data.dictionary :as dict]
+ [com.owoga.prhyme.util :as util]
+ [com.owoga.phonetics :as phonetics]
+ [com.owoga.phonetics.syllabify :as syllabify]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util :as u]
- [com.owoga.prhyme.syllabify :as s]
- [com.owoga.prhyme.data.phonetics :as phonetics]))
+ [com.owoga.prhyme.syllabify :as s]))
;;; Typical rhyme model (explanation of following 3 functions)
@@ -128,6 +131,28 @@
(merge-phrase-words phrase))))
+(defn phrase->flex-rhyme-phones
+ "Takes a space-seperated string of words
+ and returns the concatenation of the words
+ vowel phones.
+ Returns them in reversed order so they
+ are ready to be used in a lookup of a rhyme trie.
+ "
+ [phrase]
+ (->> phrase
+ (#(string/split % #" "))
+ (map (comp syllabify/syllabify first phonetics/get-phones))
+ (map (partial reduce into []))
+ (map #(filter (partial re-find #"\d") %))
+ (flatten)
+ (map #(string/replace % #"\d" ""))
+ (reverse)))
+ (phrase->flex-rhyme-phones "bother me");; => ("IY" "ER" "AA")
+ )
(defn words-by-rime* [words]
(let [words-with-rime (->> words
(map rest)