diff --git a/freq_freqs.txt b/freq_freqs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f4374e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freq_freqs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+1 32
+2 20
+3 10
+4 3
+5 1
+6 2
+7 1
+8 1
+9 1
+10 2
+12 1
+26 1
diff --git a/src/com/owoga/prhyme/corpus/db.clj b/src/com/owoga/prhyme/corpus/db.clj
index b63c25e..26ff7a9 100644
--- a/src/com/owoga/prhyme/corpus/db.clj
+++ b/src/com/owoga/prhyme/corpus/db.clj
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
(ns com.owoga.prhyme.corpus.db
(:require [integrant.core :as ig]))
+(defn tokens->db
+ [tokens]
+ )
diff --git a/src/com/owoga/prhyme/data/tpt.clj b/src/com/owoga/prhyme/data/tpt.clj
index b65a504..9cf7e4b 100644
--- a/src/com/owoga/prhyme/data/tpt.clj
+++ b/src/com/owoga/prhyme/data/tpt.clj
@@ -46,6 +46,37 @@
(bit-shift-left n 7))
(inc i))))))
+(defn vb-decode
+ ([ba]
+ (vb-decode ba 0))
+ ([ba i]
+ (if (>= i (count ba))
+ (cons (first (vb-decode-1 ba))
+ nil)
+ (let [[value byte-count] (vb-decode-1 ba)]
+ (lazy-seq
+ (cons
+ value
+ (vb-decode (byte-array (drop byte-count ba))
+ (+ i byte-count))))))))
+ (let [n1 0
+ n2 1
+ n3 127
+ n4 128
+ n5 257
+ n6 9876543210
+ baos (java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
+ (->> [n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6]
+ (map vb-encode)
+ (run! #(.writeBytes baos %)))
+ (let [ba (.toByteArray baos)]
+ (vb-decode ba)))
+ ;; => ([0 1] [1 1] [127 1] [128 2] [257 2] [9876543210 5])
+ )
(def dictionary ["hi" "my" "name" "is" "what"])
(defn slurp-bytes [x]
diff --git a/src/com/owoga/prhyme/generation/simple_good_turing.clj b/src/com/owoga/prhyme/generation/simple_good_turing.clj
index 0381889..5276424 100644
--- a/src/com/owoga/prhyme/generation/simple_good_turing.clj
+++ b/src/com/owoga/prhyme/generation/simple_good_turing.clj
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
commas, periods, and newlines."
+(defn pad-tokens
+ [tokens n]
+ (concat (repeat (min 1 (dec n)) "") tokens [""]))
(defn tokenize-line
(->> line
diff --git a/src/com/owoga/prhyme/rhyme_trie.clj b/src/com/owoga/prhyme/rhyme_trie.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51223d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/owoga/prhyme/rhyme_trie.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+(ns com.owoga.prhyme.rhyme-trie
+ (:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
+ [clojure.walk :as walk]
+ [clojure.zip :as zip])
+ (:import (java.io ByteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayInputStream
+ DataOutputStream DataInputStream)))
+(defn branch? [node]
+ (and (map? node)
+ (:children (first (vals node)))))
+(defn children [node]
+ (map (partial apply hash-map) (seq (:children (first (vals node))))))
+(defn without-children [node]
+ {(first (keys node))
+ (dissoc (get node (first (keys node))) :children)})
+(defn map-trie->seq-trie
+ [trie]
+ [(vec (map map-trie->seq-trie (children trie)))
+ (without-children trie)])
+(let [m {:root
+ {:children
+ {"T"
+ {:children
+ {"A" {:children
+ {"T" {:value "TAT", :count 1}
+ "S" {:value "SAT" :count 1}}
+ :value "AT"
+ :count 1},
+ "U" {:children {"T" {:value "TUT", :count 1}}}}}}}}]
+ (let [z (zip/vector-zip (map-trie->seq-trie m))]
+ (->> z
+ (iterate zip/next)
+ (take-while (complement zip/end?))
+ (map zip/node))))
+(defn vec-trie->map-trie
+ [trie]
+ (let [children (first trie)
+ parent (second trie)
+ [parent-key parent-val] (first (seq parent))]
+ {parent-key (assoc parent-val :children (into {} (map vec-trie->map-trie children)))}))
+ (let [vect [[[[[[[[] {"T" {:value "TAT", :count 1}}]] {"A" {:value "AT", :count 1}}]
+ [[[[] {"T" {:value "TUT", :count 1}}]] {"U" {}}]]
+ {"T" {}}]]
+ {:root {}}]]
+ (vec-trie->map-trie vect))
+ )
+ (let [v1 '("T" "A" "T" "TAT")
+ v2 '("T" "U" "T" "TUT")
+ v3 '("T" "A" "AT")
+ t1 (trie v1)
+ t2 (trie v2)
+ t3 (trie v1 v2 v3)
+ vect (as-vec t3)]
+ vect)
+ )
+(defn parent?
+ [node]
+ (and (vector? (first node))
+ (map? (second node))))
+(defn child-seq [loc]
+ (if (and (zip/left loc)
+ (zip/down (zip/left loc)))
+ ((fn inner [child]
+ (if child
+ (lazy-seq
+ (cons child
+ (inner (zip/right child))))
+ nil))
+ (->> loc zip/left zip/down))
+ '()))
+(defn zip-visitor
+ ([visitor zipper]
+ (loop [zipper zipper]
+ (if(zip/end? zipper)
+ (zip/root zipper)
+ (recur (zip/next (visitor zipper)))))))
+ (let [m {:root
+ {:children
+ {"T"
+ {:children
+ {"A" {:children
+ {"T" {:value "TAT", :count 1}
+ "S" {:value "SAT" :count 1}}
+ :value "AT"
+ :count 1},
+ "U" {:children {"T" {:value "TUT", :count 1}}}}}}}}]
+ (let [z (zip/vector-zip (map-trie->seq-trie m))
+ pred (fn [loc]
+ (map? (zip/node loc)))]
+ (zip-visitor
+ (fn [loc]
+ (if (pred loc)
+ (zip/edit
+ loc
+ (fn [node]
+ (let [[k v] (first (seq node))
+ children-counts (->> (child-seq loc)
+ (map zip/node)
+ (map (comp :count second first seq second)))]
+ (if (not-empty children-counts)
+ (update-in node [k :count] (partial apply (fnil + 0)) children-counts)
+ node))))
+ loc))
+ z)))
+ )
+(defprotocol ITrie
+ (as-map [this] "Map that underlies trie.")
+ (as-vec [this] "Depth-first post-order vector")
+ (transform [this f] "Depth-first post-order apply each function to each node."))
+;; Seq offers a depth-first post-order traversal
+;; with children ordered by key.
+(deftype Trie [trie]
+ ITrie
+ (as-map [_] trie)
+ (as-vec [_] (map-trie->seq-trie trie))
+ (transform [self f]
+ (->> self
+ as-vec
+ zip/vector-zip
+ (zip-visitor f)
+ (vec-trie->map-trie)
+ (Trie.)))
+ clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection
+ (seq [self]
+ (->> self
+ as-vec
+ zip/vector-zip
+ (iterate zip/next)
+ (take-while (complement zip/end?))
+ (map zip/node)
+ (filter map?)
+ (filter (comp :value second first seq))))
+ (cons [_ o]
+ (let [path (cons :root (interleave (repeat :children) (butlast o)))
+ id (last o)
+ node (get-in trie path)]
+ (Trie.
+ (update-in
+ trie
+ path
+ (fn [prev]
+ (if (nil? prev)
+ {:value id
+ :count 1}
+ (-> prev
+ (assoc :value id) ; Assert value same?
+ (update :count (fnil inc 0)))))))))
+ (empty [_] (Trie. {}))
+ (equiv [_ o]
+ (and (isa? (class o) Trie)
+ (= (as-map o) trie))))
+(defn trie
+ ([] (->Trie {}))
+ ([& entries]
+ (reduce
+ (fn [t entry]
+ (conj t entry))
+ (trie)
+ entries)))
+ (let [v1 '("T" "A" "T" "TAT")
+ v2 '("T" "U" "T" "TUT")
+ v3 '("T" "A" "AT")
+ t1 (trie v1)
+ t2 (trie v2)
+ t3 (trie v1 v2 v3)]
+ (seq t3))
+ (let [v1 '("T" "A" "T" "TAT")
+ v2 '("T" "U" "T" "TUT")
+ v3 '("T" "A" "AT")
+ t1 (trie v1)
+ t2 (trie v2)
+ t3 (trie v1 v2 v3)
+ pred (fn [loc]
+ (map? (zip/node loc)))]
+ (transform
+ t3
+ (fn [loc]
+ (if (pred loc)
+ (zip/edit
+ loc
+ (fn [node]
+ (let [[k v] (first (seq node))
+ children-counts (->> (child-seq loc)
+ (map zip/node)
+ (map (comp :count second first seq second)))]
+ (if (not-empty children-counts)
+ (update-in node [k :count] (partial apply (fnil + 0)) children-counts)
+ node))))
+ loc))))
+ )
+(defn vec->trie
+ [v]
+ (let [zipper (zip/vector-zip v)]
+ (->> zipper
+ (iterate zip/next)
+ (take-while (complement zip/end?))
+ (filter (comp map? zip/node))
+ #_(map #(concat (zip/path %) [(->> % zip/node keys first)
+ (->> % zip/node vals first :value)]))
+ (map zip/path))))
+ (let [v1 '("T" "A" "T" "TAT")
+ v2 '("T" "U" "T" "TUT")
+ v3 '("T" "A" "AT")
+ t1 (trie v1)
+ t2 (trie v2)
+ t3 (trie v1 v2 v3)
+ vect (as-vec t3)]
+ (vec->trie vect))
+ )
+(defn write-node [baos node])
+(defn write-index [baos children])
+(defn pack-index-to-children [children]
+ (let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
+ (run!
+ (fn [[index-key byte-address]]
+ (.write baos index-key)
+ (.write baos byte-address))
+ children)
+ (.toByteArray baos)))
+(defn node->byte-array [index-key node-value children]
+ (let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
+ child-index (pack-index-to-children children)]
+ (.write baos node-value)
+ (.write baos (count child-index))
+ (.writeBytes baos child-index)
+ (.toByteArray baos)))
+(defn tpt [trie]
+ (let [node? (fn [x]
+ (and (seq? x)
+ (not-empty x)
+ (not (seq? (first x)))))
+ transform (fn [x]
+ (if (node? x)
+ (let [[index-key node-value children] x]
+ (list index-key node-value (count children) children))
+ x))]
+ (walk/postwalk transform trie)))
+ (let [trie '(b 3 ())]
+ (tpt trie))
+ (let [trie '(nil 20 ((a 17 ())))]
+ (tpt trie))
+ (let [trie '(nil 20 ((a 17 ((a 10 ())
+ (b 7 ())))
+ (b 3 ())))]
+ (tpt trie))
+ )
diff --git a/test/com/owoga/prhyme/generation/simple_good_turing_test.clj b/test/com/owoga/prhyme/generation/simple_good_turing_test.clj
index 140f8ec..21817c7 100644
--- a/test/com/owoga/prhyme/generation/simple_good_turing_test.clj
+++ b/test/com/owoga/prhyme/generation/simple_good_turing_test.clj
@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@
(with-open [reader (io/reader (io/resource "dark-corpus-test.txt"))]
(->> (line-seq reader) doall)))
+(def test-sentence (first test-corpus))
+(def test-tokens
+ (sgt/pad-tokens (sgt/tokenize-line test-sentence) 1))
(def train-trie
(sgt/lines->trie train-corpus 3))
@@ -31,3 +36,49 @@
(deftest simple-good-turing
(testing "accuracy"))
+(partition 2 1 test-tokens)
+;; => (("" "three")
+;; ("three" "years")
+;; ("years" "passed")
+;; ("passed" "since")
+;; ("since" "it")
+;; ("it" "began")
+;; ("began" ""))
+(defn ngram-perplexity [model vocab n]
+ (fn [tokens]
+ (->> tokens
+ (partition n 1)
+ (map #(model vocab %))
+ (map #(/ (Math/log %)
+ (Math/log 2))))))
+(def unigram-perplexity (ngram-perplexity sgt-model vocab 1))
+(def bigram-perplexity (ngram-perplexity sgt-model vocab 2))
+(unigram-perplexity ["" "you're" "a" "dweller" ""])
+;; => (-2.3988984034800693
+;; -9.075314877722885
+;; -4.843244892573044
+;; -11.69197410313705
+;; -2.3988984034800693)
+;; => -30.408330680393117
+(bigram-perplexity ["" "you're" "a" "dweller" ""])
+;; => (-8.228033550648288 -9.95473739539021 -10.916015756609784 -13.731947650675696)
+;; => -42.830734353323976
+(sgt-model vocab '("it" "began"))
+(->> test-corpus
+ (map sgt/tokenize-line)
+ (map #(sgt/pad-tokens % 1))
+ (map #(partition 2 1 %))
+ (map
+ (fn [tokens]
+ (map #(sgt-model vocab %) tokens)))
+ (take 10)
+ (map
+ (fn [tokens]
+ (map #(/ (Math/log %)
+ (Math/log 2))
+ tokens))))
+(/ (Math/log 10)
+ (Math/log 2))