You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

264 lines
8.0 KiB

(ns examples.tpt
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io]
[taoensso.tufte :as tufte :refer (defnp p profiled profile)]
[com.owoga.trie :as trie]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie :as tpt]
[com.owoga.trie.math :as math]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.encoding :as encoding]
[com.owoga.prhyme.util :as util]
[ :as dict]
[ :as zip]
[cljol.dig9 :as d]))
(tufte/add-basic-println-handler! {})
(defn dark-corpus-file-seq [start end]
(let [documents (->> "dark-corpus"
(remove #(.isDirectory %))
(drop start)
(take end))]
(defn remove-sentences-with-words-not-in-dictionary
"This gets rid of a lot of good words. All contractions for example... I'll, They'll...
possessives like morning's...
Might not end up using it."
(let [dictionary (into #{} dictionary)]
(fn [sentences]
(->> sentences
(map #(string/split % #" "))
(remove #(some (complement dictionary) %))
(remove #(some string/blank? %))
(map #(string/join " " %))))))
(def re-word
"Regex for tokenizing a string into words
(including contractions and hyphenations),
commas, periods, and newlines."
(defn pad-tokens
"Pads the beginning with n - 1 <s> tokens and
the end with 1 </s> token."
[tokens n]
(concat (repeat (max 1 (dec n)) "<s>") tokens ["</s>"]))
(defn tokenize-line
(->> line
(re-seq re-word)
(map second)
(map string/lower-case)))
(defn process-files-for-trie
"Expects an entire song, lines seperated by \n."
(->> files
(map slurp)
(filter dict/english?)
(map util/clean-text)
(map #(string/split % #"\n+"))
(map (remove-sentences-with-words-not-in-dictionary dict/popular))
(remove empty?)
(remove #(some empty? %))
(map (fn [lines]
(map tokenize-line lines)))
(map (fn [lines]
(map #(pad-tokens % 1) lines)))
(map (fn [lines]
(map #(partition 2 1 %) lines)))))
(defn text->ngrams
"Takes text from a file, including newlines.
Pads lines with <s> and </s> for start/end of line.
Pads beginning with n - 1 <s>s"
[text n]
(let [words-not-in-dict-filter (remove-sentences-with-words-not-in-dictionary dict/popular)]
(->> text
(#(string/split % #"\n+"))
(remove empty?)
(map tokenize-line)
(map #(pad-tokens % n))
(map #(partition n 1 %))
(apply concat))))
(defn n-to-m-grams
"Exclusive of m, similar to range."
[n m text]
(loop [i n
r '()]
(= i m)
(apply concat r)
(recur (inc i) (cons (text->ngrams text i) r)))))
(defn prep-ngram-for-trie
"The tpt/trie expects values conjed into an ngram
to be of format '(k1 k2 k3 value)."
(clojure.lang.MapEntry. (vec ngram) ngram))
(defn create-trie-from-texts [texts]
(->> texts
(map #(n-to-m-grams 1 5 %))
(apply concat)
(map prep-ngram-for-trie)
(fn [[trie i db] [k v]]
(let [[db i] (reduce
(fn [[db i] k]
(let [k' (get db k i)
i' (if (= i k') (inc i) i)
db' (-> db
(assoc k' k)
(assoc k k'))]
[db' i']))
[db i]
(let [k' (map #(get db %) k)]
(if-let [existing (get trie k')]
(let [[val count] existing
trie (assoc trie k' [val (inc count)])]
[trie i db])
[(assoc trie k' [i 1]) i db]))))
[(trie/make-trie) 1 {}])))
(defn seq-of-nodes->sorted-by-count
"Sorted first by the rank of the ngram, lowest ranks first.
Sorted second by the frequency of the ngram, highest frequencies first.
This is the order that you'd populate a mapping of keys to IDs."
(->> trie
(map #(get % []))
(sort-by :count)
(let [texts (->> (dark-corpus-file-seq 0 250000)
(map slurp))
[trie _ db] (create-trie-from-texts texts)]
(def trie trie)
(def trie-database db)))
(defn encode-fn [v]
(let [[value count] (if (seqable? v) v [nil nil])]
(if (nil? value)
(encoding/encode 0)
(concat (encoding/encode value)
(encoding/encode count))))))
(defn decode-fn [byte-buffer]
(let [value (encoding/decode byte-buffer)]
(if (zero? value)
[nil nil]
[value (encoding/decode byte-buffer)])))
(def tightly-packed-trie
(take 20 tightly-packed-trie)
(defn key-get-in-tpt [tpt db ks]
(let [id (map #(get-in db [(list %) :id]) ks)
v (get tpt id)]
{id v}))
(defn id-get-in-tpt [tpt db ids]
(let [ks (apply concat (map #(get db %) ids))
v (get tpt ids)
id (get-in db [ks :id])]
{ks (assoc v :value (get db id))}))
(time (count (map #(get % []) (trie/children (trie/lookup tightly-packed-trie [1])))))
(time (count (trie/children (trie/lookup tightly-packed-trie [1]))))
(profile {}
(def example-story
(loop [generated-text [(get trie-database "<s>")]
i 0]
(if (> i 10)
(let [children (loop [i 4]
(let [node (p :lookup
(vec (take-last i generated-text))))
children (p :seq-children (doall (seq (and node (trie/children node)))))]
(nil? node) (recur (dec i))
(< i 0) (throw (Exception. "Error"))
children children
:else (recur (dec i)))))]
(->> children
(map #(get % []))
(remove nil?)
(#(p :weighted-selection (math/weighted-selection :count %)))
(get trie-database)))
(inc i)))))))
(->> example-story
(map #(get-in trie-database [% :value]))
(string/join " ")
(#(string/replace % #" ([\.,\?])" "$1"))
((fn [txt]
(string/replace txt #"(^|\. |\? )([a-z])" (fn [[a b c]]
(str b (.toUpperCase c)))))))
'("<s>" "<s>" "the"))
;; => {(2 2 3) {:value 3263, :count 462}}
'(2 2 3))
;; => {("<s>" "<s>" "the") {:value ("<s>" "<s>" "the"), :count 462}}
(let [texts (->> (dark-corpus-file-seq 500 2)
(map slurp))
trie (create-trie-from-texts texts)]
(tpt/as-map (transform-trie->ids trie)))
(let [texts (->> (dark-corpus-file-seq 500 2)
(map slurp))
trie (create-trie-from-texts texts)
tightly-packed-trie (tpt/tightly-packed-trie
(transform-trie->ids trie))]
(get tightly-packed-trie '(2 2 3)))
(let [texts (->> (dark-corpus-file-seq 500 2)
(map slurp))
trie (create-trie-from-texts texts)]
(tpt/as-map trie))
(let [text (slurp (first (dark-corpus-file-seq 500 1)))]
(->> text
(#(string/split % #"\n+"))))