Add stress manipulation functions

Useful for comparing the phonetics in a more flexible manner.
Eric Ihli 4 years ago
parent 6164773515
commit 3385e7fd15

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
(ns com.owoga.phonetics.stress-manip
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(defn primary-stress?
(re-find #"1" phone))
(defn non-primary-stress?
(re-find #"[2-9]" phone))
(defn unstressed?
(re-find #"0" phone))
(defn remove-any-stress-signifiers
(map #(string/replace % #"\d" "") phones))
(defn remove-non-primary-stress-signifiers
(map #(string/replace % #"[02-9]" "") phones))
(defn unify-stressed
(map #(string/replace % #"[2-9]" "1") phones))
(def consonant-unification-map
"This almost aligns with the phonemap that maps phones to whether they are vowels, aspirates, nasals, etc...
Slight but possibly important difference in stops. For example, I think T and D
are more unified than T and G; and G and K are more unifide than G and T."
{"T" "T"
"CH" "CH"
"K" "K"
"HH" "HH"
"L" "L"
"JH" "CH" ;; <-
"G" "K" ;; <-
"M" "M" ;; <-
"S" "S"
"Y" "Y"
"Z" "S" ;; <-
"R" "R"
"F" "F"
"B" "B"
"SH" "CH" ;; <-
"P" "B" ;; <-
"V" "F" ;; <-
"TH" "T" ;; <-
"N" "M" ;; <-
"DH" "T" ;; <-
"W" "Y" ;; <-
"ZH" "S" ;; <-
"NG" "M" ;; <-
"D" "T" ;; <-
(defn unify-consonants
(mapv #(get consonant-unification-map % %) phones))
(defn remove-unstressed-signifiers
(map #(string/replace % #"0" "")))