For phonetics, it uses the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary. and CMULexicon from
- Take every consonant up through the next vowel with the conditions (This is the "onset" of the syllable):
- Each subsequent consonant is more sonorous than the previous.
- If the next vowel we'd encounter is lax, it gets followed by at least 1 consonant.
- Repeat until no phones remain.
That algorithm could be described as the maximal onset principle with an override that lax vowels must be in closed syllables (must end with a consonants).
For example, `pity` would be syllabified as `pi` `ty` given the maximal onset principle but since lax vowels can't end a syllable it actually gets syllabified as `pit` `y`.
#+begin_src clojure :results raw :session usage-example
You can also go backwards from a word, however this only works for words that appear in the CMU Dictionary. A future TODO and a request for contribution would be for a function that converts a made-up set of phonemes into a somewhat appropriate spelling of a word.
In the typical theory of syllable structure, the general structure of a syllable (σ) consists of three segments. These segments are grouped into two components:
Onset (ω)
a consonant or consonant cluster, obligatory in some languages, optional or even restricted in others
Rime (ρ)
right branch, contrasts with onset, splits into nucleus and coda
Nucleus (ν)
a vowel or syllabic consonant, obligatory in most languages
Coda (κ)
consonant, optional in some languages, highly restricted or prohibited in others
Also, for "ellipsis", /ps/ is not a legal internal coda in English. The /s/ can only occur as an appendix, e.g. the plural -s at the end of a word. So it should be e.lip.sis
Examples: "n" in "nose", "m" in "may", "ŋ" in "funk".
"ŋ" is known as the letter "eng" and the technical name of the consonant is the "voiced velar nasal"
"voiced" in the above sentence refers to whether or not your vocal chords are active. Your voice chord doesn't vibrate with voiceless consonants, like "sh" "th" "p" "f". In contrast, notice the vibration in phonemes like "m" "r" "z".
A segment is ambisyllabic if it belongs to two syllables.
The English word hammer cannot be divided into two syllables `ha` and `mer`; the [m] functions both as the final segment of the first syllable and as the initial consonant of the second syllable.
This library doesn't syllabify words based on their letters. It syllabifies words based on their phonemes.
The two `m`'s in "hammer" are represented by a single phoneme, `M`. So, when it gets syllabified, the [m] only functions as an onset to the final rime.
*** Ambisyllabism TODO
Provide a function that inserts an extra phone where ambisyllabism occurs.
* Development
The initial skeleton of this library was generated from [[]]
What follows is an unedited part of that skeleton. TODO: Update with syllabify-specific development documentation.
Invoke a library API function from the command-line: