import os import sys import requests import table_ocr.util import table_ocr.extract_tables import table_ocr.extract_cells import table_ocr.ocr_image import table_ocr.ocr_to_csv def download_image_to_tempdir(url, filename=None): if filename is None: filename = os.path.basename(url) response = requests.get(url, stream=True) tempdir = table_ocr.util.make_tempdir("demo") filepath = os.path.join(tempdir, filename) with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: for chunk in response.iter_content(): f.write(chunk) return filepath def main(url): image_filepath = download_image_to_tempdir(url) image_tables = table_ocr.extract_tables.main([image_filepath]) print("Running `{}`".format(f"extract_tables.main([{image_filepath}]).")) print("Extracted the following tables from the image:") print(image_tables) for image, tables in image_tables: print(f"Processing tables for {image}.") for table in tables: print(f"Processing table {table}.") cells = table_ocr.extract_cells.main(table) ocr = [ table_ocr.ocr_image.main(cell, None) for cell in cells ] print("Extracted {} cells from {}".format(len(ocr), table)) print("Cells:") for c, o in zip(cells[:3], ocr[:3]): with open(o) as ocr_file: # Tesseract puts line feeds at end of text. # Stript it out. text = print("{}: {}".format(c, text)) # If we have more than 3 cells (likely), print an ellipses # to show that we are truncating output for the demo. if len(cells) > 3: print("...") return table_ocr.ocr_to_csv.text_files_to_csv(ocr) if __name__ == "__main__": csv_output = main(sys.argv[1]) print() print("Here is the entire CSV output:") print() print(csv_output)