"use strict"; const BASE_URL = "https://hack-or-snooze-v3.herokuapp.com"; /****************************************************************************** * Story: a single story in the system */ class Story { /** Make instance of Story from data object about story: * - {title, author, url, username, storyId, createdAt} */ constructor({ storyId, title, author, url, username, createdAt }) { this.storyId = storyId; this.title = title; this.author = author; this.url = url; this.username = username; this.createdAt = createdAt; } /** Parses hostname out of URL and returns it. */ getHostName() { // UNIMPLEMENTED: complete this function! return "hostname.com"; } } /****************************************************************************** * List of Story instances: used by UI to show story lists in DOM. */ class StoryList { constructor(stories) { this.stories = stories; } /** Generate a new StoryList. It: * * - calls the API * - builds an array of Story instances * - makes a single StoryList instance out of that * - returns the StoryList instance. */ static async getStories() { // Note presence of `static` keyword: this indicates that getStories is // **not** an instance method. Rather, it is a method that is called on the // class directly. Why doesn't it make sense for getStories to be an // instance method? // query the /stories endpoint (no auth required) const response = await axios({ url: `${BASE_URL}/stories`, method: "GET", }); // turn plain old story objects from API into instances of Story class const stories = response.data.stories.map(story => new Story(story)); // build an instance of our own class using the new array of stories return new StoryList(stories); } /** Adds story data to API, makes a Story instance, adds it to story list. * - user - the current instance of User who will post the story * - obj of {title, author, url} * * Returns the new Story instance */ async addStory(user, newStory) { console.log("addStory called"); // let user = { userObj: // { username: "lilithcat", // name: "lilithcat", // createdAt: "2022-06-02T19:03:57.323Z", // favorites: [], // ownStories: [], // }, loginToken: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxpbGl0aGNhdCIsImlhdCI6MTY1NDE5NjYzN30.cXb98zmezSguUU2NJqBKy7Oi44KAPY970HTF1LWKMNE"}; // let newStory = { // "author": "Matt Lane", // "title": "The best story ever", // "url": "http://google.com", // }; console.log("user.loginToken = ", user.loginToken); const response = await axios.post( `${BASE_URL}/stories`, { token: user.loginToken, story: newStory } ); console.log("the response is : ", response); // this.storyId = storyId; // this.title = title; // this.author = author; // this.url = url; // this.username = username; // this.createdAt = createdAt; // let returnObj = { // ${response.data.} // }; return new Story(response.data.story); } } /****************************************************************************** * User: a user in the system (only used to represent the current user) */ class User { /** Make user instance from obj of user data and a token: * - {username, name, createdAt, favorites[], ownStories[]} * - token */ constructor({ username, name, createdAt, favorites = [], ownStories = [] }, token) { this.username = username; this.name = name; this.createdAt = createdAt; // instantiate Story instances for the user's favorites and ownStories this.favorites = favorites.map(s => new Story(s)); this.ownStories = ownStories.map(s => new Story(s)); // store the login token on the user so it's easy to find for API calls. this.loginToken = token; } /** Register new user in API, make User instance & return it. * * - username: a new username * - password: a new password * - name: the user's full name */ static async signup(username, password, name) { const response = await axios({ url: `${BASE_URL}/signup`, method: "POST", data: { user: { username, password, name } }, }); const { user } = response.data; return new User( { username: user.username, name: user.name, createdAt: user.createdAt, favorites: user.favorites, ownStories: user.stories }, response.data.token ); } /** Login in user with API, make User instance & return it. * - username: an existing user's username * - password: an existing user's password */ static async login(username, password) { const response = await axios({ url: `${BASE_URL}/login`, method: "POST", data: { user: { username, password } }, }); const { user } = response.data; return new User( { username: user.username, name: user.name, createdAt: user.createdAt, favorites: user.favorites, ownStories: user.stories }, response.data.token ); } /** When we already have credentials (token & username) for a user, * we can log them in automatically. This function does that. */ static async loginViaStoredCredentials(token, username) { try { const response = await axios({ url: `${BASE_URL}/users/${username}`, method: "GET", params: { token }, }); const { user } = response.data; return new User( { username: user.username, name: user.name, createdAt: user.createdAt, favorites: user.favorites, ownStories: user.stories }, token ); } catch (err) { console.error("loginViaStoredCredentials failed", err); return null; } } }