You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

238 lines
5.9 KiB

"use strict";
const BASE_URL = "";
* Story: a single story in the system
class Story {
/** Make instance of Story from data object about story:
* - {title, author, url, username, storyId, createdAt}
constructor({ storyId, title, author, url, username, createdAt }) {
this.storyId = storyId;
this.title = title; = author;
this.url = url;
this.username = username;
this.createdAt = createdAt;
/** Parses hostname out of URL and returns it. */
getHostName() {
// UNIMPLEMENTED: complete this function!
return "";
* List of Story instances: used by UI to show story lists in DOM.
class StoryList {
constructor(stories) {
this.stories = stories;
/** Generate a new StoryList. It:
* - calls the API
* - builds an array of Story instances
* - makes a single StoryList instance out of that
* - returns the StoryList instance.
static async getStories() {
// Note presence of `static` keyword: this indicates that getStories is
// **not** an instance method. Rather, it is a method that is called on the
// class directly. Why doesn't it make sense for getStories to be an
// instance method?
// query the /stories endpoint (no auth required)
const response = await axios({
url: `${BASE_URL}/stories`,
method: "GET",
// turn plain old story objects from API into instances of Story class
const stories = => new Story(story));
console.log("stories instances here: ", stories);
// build an instance of our own class using the new array of stories
return new StoryList(stories);
/** Adds story data to API, makes a Story instance, adds it to story list.
* - user - the current instance of User who will post the story
* - obj of {title, author, url}
* Returns the new Story instance
async addStory(user, newStory) {
//console.debug("addStory called");
//console.log("user.loginToken = ", user.loginToken);
const response = await
{ token: user.loginToken, story: newStory }
const story = new Story(;
console.log("this is what a single story looks like... ", story);
return story;
* User: a user in the system (only used to represent the current user)
class User {
/** Make user instance from obj of user data and a token:
* - {username, name, createdAt, favorites[], ownStories[]}
* - token
favorites = [],
ownStories = []
token) {
this.username = username; = name;
this.createdAt = createdAt;
// instantiate Story instances for the user's favorites and ownStories
this.favorites = => new Story(s));
this.ownStories = => new Story(s));
// store the login token on the user so it's easy to find for API calls.
this.loginToken = token;
/** Register new user in API, make User instance & return it.
* - username: a new username
* - password: a new password
* - name: the user's full name
static async signup(username, password, name) {
const response = await axios({
url: `${BASE_URL}/signup`,
method: "POST",
data: { user: { username, password, name } },
const { user } =;
return new User(
username: user.username,
createdAt: user.createdAt,
favorites: user.favorites,
ownStories: user.stories
/** Login in user with API, make User instance & return it.
* - username: an existing user's username
* - password: an existing user's password
static async login(username, password) {
const response = await axios({
url: `${BASE_URL}/login`,
method: "POST",
data: { user: { username, password } },
const { user } =;
return new User(
username: user.username,
createdAt: user.createdAt,
favorites: user.favorites,
ownStories: user.stories
/** first method */
//take a story instance and insert into user favorite array...
//what information should appear in this array?
//my guess is some story information, information to load story later
async insertStoryIntoFavorites(story) {
const response = await axios({
url: `${BASE_URL}/${username}/favorites/${story.storyId}`,
method: "POST",
data: { token: `${username.loginToken}` }
console.log("our response from the api post ...", response);
console.log("what's inside my favorite list... ", currentUser.favorites);
/** second mehtod */
/** When we already have credentials (token & username) for a user,
* we can log them in automatically. This function does that.
static async loginViaStoredCredentials(token, username) {
try {
const response = await axios({
url: `${BASE_URL}/users/${username}`,
method: "GET",
params: { token },
const { user } =;
return new User(
username: user.username,
createdAt: user.createdAt,
favorites: user.favorites,
ownStories: user.stories
} catch (err) {
console.error("loginViaStoredCredentials failed", err);
return null;