#+TITLE: RhymeStormâ„¢ * WGU Evaluator Notes See [[file:web/README_WGU.org][the WGU Readme]]. * How To Initialize Development Environment ** Required Software - [[https://www.docker.com/][Docker]] - [[https://clojure.org/releases/downloads][Clojure Version 1.10+]] - [[https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider][Emacs and CIDER]] ** Steps 1. Run ~./db/run.sh && ./kv/run.sh~ to start the docker containers for the database and key-value store. a. The ~run.sh~ scripts only need to run once. They initialize development data containers. Subsequent development can continue with ~docker start db && docker start kv~. 2. Start a Clojure REPL in Emacs, evaluate the ~dev/user.clj~ namespace, and run ~(init)~ 3. Visit ~http://localhost:8000/wgu~ * How To Run Software Locally ** Requirements - [[https://www.java.com/download/ie_manual.jsp][Java]] - [[https://www.docker.com/][Docker]] ** Steps 1. Run ~./db/run.sh && ./kv/run.sh~ to start the docker containers for the database and key-value store. a. The ~run.sh~ scripts only need to run once. They initialize development data containers. Subsequent development can continue with ~docker start db && docker start kv~. 2. The application's ~jar~ builds with a ~make~ run from the root directory. (See [[file:../Makefile][Makefile]]). 3. Navigate to the root directory of this git repo and run ~java -jar darklimericks.jar~ 4. Visit http://localhost:8000/wgu * Development Requires [[https://github.com/tachyons-css/tachyons/][Tachyons CSS]]. There is a symlink in ~web/resources/public~ to the pre-built ~tachyons.css~ and ~tachyons.min.css~ found in the repo. Build ~.jar~ with ~clojure -X:depstart uberjar :jar prhyme.jar~. * TODO ** Use tightly packed trie for limerick generation ** Move limerick-specific code into this repo from Prhyme. Or maybe into its own repo.