Working visualizations

Eric Ihli 4 years ago
parent 2cf368a35b
commit adfe3f016e

@ -100,10 +100,9 @@
css ["/assets/tachyons.css"]
js ["/assets/vega.js"
"/assets/vega-embed.js" ]}
:as opts} :opts}
& body]
(println (keys request))
(let [num-albums (db.albums/num-albums db)
num-artists (db.artists/num-artists db)]
@ -179,8 +178,6 @@
[:a.washed-yellow.pl1 {:href "#"} "LINKS"]]]]))))
(defn home [db request recent-albums artists-by-album]
@ -290,8 +287,6 @@
[:h2 "Generate Rhyme"]
(when rhymes
[ "Use the input field below to enter a word or phrase and view a list
of words that rhyme. Rhyming words will be sorted by a quality score that represents
@ -309,7 +304,10 @@ how well the rhyme matches your target."]]
{:class "ml2"}
"Show rhyme suggestions"))]
"Show rhyme suggestions"))
(when rhymes
[:h2 "Generate Rhyming Lyric"]
@ -366,12 +364,6 @@ prefixes to that rhyming phrase."]
{:data {:values [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 5} {:a 4 :b 2}]}
:mark :point
:encoding {:x {:field :a}
:y {:field :b}}}])
[:iframe {:src "/assets/README_WGU.htm"
:style "background-color: white; width: 100%; height: 760px;"}]])
@ -429,20 +421,90 @@ prefixes to that rhyming phrase."]
[:h2 (format "Visualization 1 - Rhymes for: \"%s\"" (-> request :params :rhyme-target))]
[ "Hover over a point in the graph below to see the word. The higher the word
on the Y axis, the higher the rhyme quality. The further right the word on the X axis, the
more common the word."]
{:name :rhyme-quality-popularity
:width 480
:height 360
:mark {:type :point :tooltip {:content :rhyme-quality-popularity}}
:encoding {:x {:field :freq :scale {:nice true :type :log}}
:y {:field :quality :sort :descending}}
:data {:values
(for [{:keys [word pronunciation rhyme-quality freq]} top-20-rhyme
i (range 1)]
{:word word
:quality rhyme-quality
:freq freq
:index i})}}])
(for [[i {:keys [word pronunciation rhyme-quality freq]}]
(map vector (range) top-20-rhyme)]
{:word word
:quality rhyme-quality
:freq freq
:rank (inc i)}))}}])
[:h2 "Visualization 2 - Rhyme cloud"]
[ "The bigger the word, the better the combination of rhyme quality
and popularity (frequency word appears in training set.."]
{"$schema" "",
:name :wordcloud,
:width 480,
:height 360,
:padding 0,
:autosize :none,
:signals [{:name :wordPadding, :value 1,
:bind {:input :range, :min 0, :max 5, :step 1}},
{:name :fontSizeRange0, :value 8,
:bind {:input :range, :min 8, :max 42, :step 1}},
{:name :fontSizeRange1, :value 24,
:bind {:input :range, :min 8, :max 42, :step 1}},
{:name :rotate, :value 45,
:bind {:input :select, :options [0, 30, 45, 60, 90]}}],
:data [{:name :table,
:values (doall
(for [[rank {:keys [word pronunciation rhyme-quality freq]}]
(map vector (range) top-20-rhyme)]
{:word word
:quality rhyme-quality
:freq freq
:rank (inc rank)
:score (- (count top-20-rhyme) rank)})),
:transform [{:type :formula, :as :rotate,
:expr "[-rotate, 0, rotate][~~(random() * 3)]"},
{:type :wordcloud,
:size [{:signal :width}, {:signal :height}],
:text {:field :word},
:font "Helvetica Neue, Arial",
:fontSize {:field :score},
:fontWeight "normal",
:fontSizeRange [8 36],
:padding 1,
:rotate {:field :rotate}}]}]
:scales [{:name :color,
:type :ordinal,
:range ["#d5a928", "#652c90", "#939597"]}],
:marks [{:type :text,
:from {:data :table},
:encode {:enter {:text {:field :word},
:align {:value :center},
:baseline {:value :alphabetic},
:fill {:scale :color, :field :word},
:font {:value "Helvetica Neue, Arial"},
:fontWeight {:field :weight}},
:update {:x {:field :x},
:y {:field :y},
:angle {:field :angle},
:fontSize {:field :fontSize},
:fillOpacity {:value 1}},
:hover {:fillOpacity {:value 0.5}}}}]}])
[:h2 "Visualization 3 - Rhyme table"]
[ "Rhymes ranked by their rhyme quality then by their frequency.
Words may appear twice if they have multiple pronunciations."]
[:table {:style "margin: auto;"}
[:tr [:th "Rhyme"] [:th "Pronunciation"] [:th "Quality"] [:th "Frequency"]]
(for [{:keys [word pronunciation rhyme-quality freq]} top-20-rhyme]
