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(ns trie-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures] :as t]
[com.owoga.trie :as trie]
[ :as zip]
[clojure.main :as main]))
(deftest trie-tests
(let [empty-trie (trie/make-trie)
initialized-trie (trie/make-trie '(1 2) 12)]
(testing "assoc"
(is (= (assoc empty-trie '(1 2) 12)
(testing "dissoc"
(let [expected (-> (trie/make-trie)
(assoc '(1) 1))
trie (-> (trie/make-trie)
(assoc '(1) 1)
(assoc '(1 3) 13))]
(is (= expected (dissoc trie '(1 3))))))
(testing "ILookup"
(is (= 12 (get initialized-trie '(1 2))))
(is (= :not-found (get initialized-trie '(1 3) :not-found)))
(is (nil? (get initialized-trie '(1 3)))))
(testing "IPersistentCollection"
(is (empty? empty-trie))
(is (= (conj empty-trie ['(1 2) 12])
(testing "Counted"
(is (zero? (count empty-trie)))
(is (= 2 (count initialized-trie))))
(testing "Seqable"
(is (= '([[1 2] 12] [[1] nil])
(seq initialized-trie)))
(is (= '([[1 2] 12] [[1] 1])
(seq (assoc initialized-trie '(1) 1)))))))
(deftest children-at-depth-tests
(let [initialized-trie (->> (trie/make-trie '(1) 1 '(1 2 3) 123 '(1 2 1) 121 '(1 2 2) 122 '(1 3 1) 131
'(1 2 3 4) 1234
'(1 2 3 4 5 6) 123456))]
(testing "children at depth"
(is (= '([(1) 1])
(trie/children-at-depth initialized-trie 0)))
(is (= '([(1 2 3 4 5 6) 123456]
[(1 2 3 4) 1234])
(trie/children-at-depth initialized-trie 4 6)))
(is (= nil (trie/children-at-depth initialized-trie -1)))
(is (= nil (trie/children-at-depth initialized-trie 5 4))))))