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(ns tightly-packed-trie-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing] :as t]
[com.owoga.trie :as trie]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie :as tpt]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.encoding :as encode]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.encoding :as encoding]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.bit-manip :as bm]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn value-encode-fn
(#^bytes [^Integer v]
(if (nil? v)
(encode/encode 0)
(encode/encode v))))
(defn value-decode-fn [^java.nio.ByteBuffer byte-buffer]
(let [^Integer v (encode/decode byte-buffer)]
(if (zero? v)
(deftest tightly-packed-trie-tests
(let [empty-trie (-> (trie/make-trie)
(#(tpt/tightly-packed-trie % value-encode-fn value-decode-fn)))
initialized-trie (->> '([1 3] 13 [1] 1 [1 2] 12)
(apply trie/make-trie)
(#(tpt/tightly-packed-trie % value-encode-fn value-decode-fn)))]
(testing "ILookup"
(is (= 13 (get initialized-trie [1 3])))
(is (= :not-found (get initialized-trie [4] :not-found)))
(is (= nil (get initialized-trie [4]))))
(testing "ITrie"
(testing "lookup"
(is (= nil (trie/lookup empty-trie [1])))
;; A `get` of a node returns the value at the node.
(is (= 1 (get (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1]) [])))
(is (= 12 (get (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1]) [2])))
;; A `seq` of a node is a depth-first post-order traversal of its descendants.
(is (= '([[2] 12] [[3] 13] [[] 1])
(seq (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1])))))
;; The children of a node are only the immediate children and
;; the root node's value is excluded.
(testing "children"
(is (= '(12 13)
(map #(get % [])
(trie/children (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1])))))))))
(deftest extended-tightly-packed-trie-tests
(let [initialized-trie (->> (trie/make-trie '(1 2 3) 123 '(1 2 1) 121 '(1 2 2) 122 '(1 3 1) 131)
(#(tpt/tightly-packed-trie % value-encode-fn value-decode-fn)))]
(testing "ILookup"
(is (= 123 (get initialized-trie [1 2 3])))
(is (= :not-found (get initialized-trie [4] :not-found)))
(is (= nil (get initialized-trie [4]))))
(testing "ITrie"
(testing "lookup"
(is (= nil (trie/lookup initialized-trie [4])))
(is (= nil (get (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1]) [])))
(is (= nil (get (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1]) [2]))))
(testing "children"
(is (= '(121 122 123)
(map #(get % [])
(trie/children (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1 2])))))))
(testing "Seq"
(is (= '([[1 2 1] 121]
[[1 2 2] 122]
[[1 2 3] 123]
[[1 2] nil]
[[1 3 1] 131]
[[1 3] nil]
[[1] nil])
(seq initialized-trie))))
(testing "Seq on lookup"
(is (= '([[1] 121]
[[2] 122]
[[3] 123]
[[] nil])
(seq (trie/lookup initialized-trie [1 2])))))))
(let [trie (trie/make-trie '(1 2 3) 123 '(1 2 1) 121 '(1 2 2) 122 '(1 3 1) 131)
tpt (tpt/tightly-packed-trie trie value-encode-fn value-decode-fn)
byte-buffer (.byte-buffer tpt)]
(.limit byte-buffer (.limit tpt))
(.position byte-buffer (.address tpt))
[(value-decode-fn byte-buffer)
(value-decode-fn byte-buffer)
(encode/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)
(encode/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)]))