You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

533 lines
17 KiB

(ns markov-language-model
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.core :as tpt]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.encoding :as encoding]
[cljol.dig9 :as d]
[ :as zip]
[com.owoga.tightly-packed-trie.bit-manip :as bm]))
(def corpus (slurp (io/resource "cask_of_amontillado.txt")))
;; For better generation of text, you'll probably want to pad the starts
;; of sentences with n-1 "start-of-sentence" tokens.
(defn prep-punctuation-for-tokenization
"Puts spaces around punctuation so that they aren't
tokenized with the words they are attached to.
Might add extraneous whitespace, but presumedly that will be ignored/removed
during tokenization."
(string/replace text #"([\.,!?])" " $1 "))
(defn remove-formatting-characters
"Input has underscores, presumably because the text
might be rendered by something that can italicize or bold text.
We'll just ignore them for now."
(string/replace text #"[_*]" ""))
(defn tokenize [text]
(-> text
(string/split #"[\n ]+")))
(defn interleave-all
"Like interleave, but instead of ending the interleave when the shortest collection
has been consumed, continues to interleave the remaining collections."
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
([] ())
([c1] (lazy-seq c1))
([c1 c2]
(let [s1 (seq c1) s2 (seq c2)]
(if (and s1 s2)
(cons (first s1) (cons (first s2)
(interleave-all (rest s1) (rest s2))))
(lazy-seq (or s1 s2))))))
([c1 c2 & colls]
(let [ss (->> (map seq (conj colls c2 c1))
(remove nil?))]
(when ss
(concat (map first ss) (apply interleave-all (map rest ss))))))))
(let [tokens [1 2 3 4 5]
p1 (partition 1 1 tokens)
p2 (partition 2 1 tokens)
p3 (partition 3 1 tokens)]
(interleave-all p1 p2 p3)))
(defn ngramify-tokens [n m tokens]
(let [partition-colls (map #(partition % 1 tokens) (range n m))
ngrams (apply interleave-all partition-colls)]
(->> (tokenize corpus)
(take 5)
(ngramify-tokens 1 4)) ;; => (("The")
;; ("The" "thousand")
;; ("The" "thousand" "injuries")
;; ("thousand")
;; ("thousand" "injuries")
;; ("thousand" "injuries" "of")
;; ("injuries")
;; ("injuries" "of")
;; ("injuries" "of" "Fortunato")
;; ("of")
;; ("of" "Fortunato")
;; ("Fortunato"))
(defn make-trie
([] (tpt/->Trie
(fn update-fn [prev cur]
(if (nil? prev)
:value (last cur)
:count 1)
(-> prev
(update :count (fnil inc 0))
(assoc :value (last cur)))))
([& ks]
(fn [t k]
(conj t k))
(defn add-terminal-value-to-ngram
"The Trie expects entries to be of the form '(k1 k2 k3 value).
The ngrams generated above are just '(k1 k2 k3).
This adds a value that is simply the ngram itself:
'(k1 k2 k3 '(k1 k2 k3))."
(concat ngram (list ngram)))
(let [ngrams (->> corpus
(take 200)
(ngramify-tokens 1 4)
(map add-terminal-value-to-ngram))
trie (apply make-trie ngrams)]
(tpt/as-map trie))
;; {:root
;; {:children
;; {","
;; {:children
;; {"I"
;; {:children {"vowed" {:count 1, :value ("," "I" "vowed")}},
;; :count 1,
;; :value ("," "I")},
;; "and"
;; {:children {"he" {:count 1, :value ("," "and" "he")}},
;; :count 1,
;; :value ("," "and")},
;; ,,,}}}}}}
;; TODO: Move this to ITrie?
(defn trie->seq-of-nodes
"Returns a seq of every terminal node. Useful for things like
doing aggregation calculations."
(->> trie
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(map zip/node)
(filter map?)))
;; The tightly packed trie uses an encoding where integers are encoded with
;; variable lengths. To maximize memory efficiency, the most commonly used values
;; should have the smallest integer IDs. That way the values that most commonly appear
;; are encoded with the fewest bytes.
(defn seq-of-nodes->sorted-by-count
"Sorted first by the rank of the ngram, lowest ranks first.
Sorted second by the frequency of the ngram, highest frequencies first.
This is the order that you'd populate a mapping of keys to IDs."
(->> nodes
(map (comp first seq))
(map (fn [[k v]]
(vector (:value v) (:count v))))
;; root node and padded starts
(remove (comp nil? second))
(sort-by #(vector (count (first %))
(- (second %))))))
(let [ngrams (->> corpus
(take 200)
(ngramify-tokens 1 4)
(map add-terminal-value-to-ngram))
trie (apply make-trie ngrams)]
(->> trie
(take 10)))
;; => ([(",") 11]
;; [(".") 9]
;; [("I") 8]
;; [("the") 6]
;; [("to") 6]
;; [("was") 5]
;; [("a") 4]
;; [("my") 4]
;; [("of") 4]
;; [("as") 3])
(defn trie->database
"It's convenient to work with a trie that has keys and values as
human-readable strings, as pulled straight from a corpus in the case
of a markov trie. But to tightly pack the trie into a byte array,
we need every value to be an integer that we can variable-length-encode.
This creates a database for conveniently converting the human-readable
entries to ids and back from ids to human-readable entries."
(let [sorted-keys (->> (trie->seq-of-nodes trie)
(loop [sorted-keys sorted-keys
database {}
i 1]
(if (empty? sorted-keys)
(rest sorted-keys)
(-> database
(assoc (first (first sorted-keys))
{:count (second (first sorted-keys))
:id i})
(assoc i (first (first sorted-keys))))
(inc i))))))
(let [ngrams (->> corpus
(take 200)
(ngramify-tokens 1 4)
(map add-terminal-value-to-ngram))
trie (apply make-trie ngrams)]
(trie->database trie))
;; {("at") {:count 1, :id 39},
;; 453 ("revenge" "." "You"),
;; ("The") {:count 1, :id 37},
;; ("resolved" ",") {:count 1, :id 256},
;; 487 ("very" "definitiveness" "with"),
;; ("be" "respected") {:count 1, :id 170},
;; ("a" "point") {:count 1, :id 158},
;; 357 ("and" "he" "did"),
;; 275 ("the" "very"),
;; ("doubt" "my" "good") {:count 1, :id 381},
;; ,,,}
(seq {"and" {:count 1 :value '("foo")}});; => (["and" {:count 1, :value ("foo")}])
(defn transform-trie->ids
"Once we have a database to convert from string-keys to integer-ids and back,
we can traverse the trie using its `transform` zipper and `zip/edit` each
node replacing the string-keys with their integer-ids."
[trie database]
(let [transform-p #(map? (zip/node %))
(fn tf [loc]
(fn [node]
;; {"And {:count 1, :value (! " "And)}} ;; <- Node
(let [[k v] (first (seq node))]
{(get-in database [(list k) :id] (if (= k :root) :root))
(assoc v :value (get-in database [(:value v) :id] 0))}))))]
(tpt/transform trie (tpt/visitor-filter transform-p transform-f))))
(def trie
(let [ngrams (->> corpus
(ngramify-tokens 1 4)
(map add-terminal-value-to-ngram))]
(apply make-trie ngrams)))
(def trie-database
(trie->database trie))
(def tpt-ready-trie (transform-trie->ids trie trie-database))
(def tightly-packed-trie
(tpt/tightly-packed-trie tpt-ready-trie))
;;;; DEMO
;;;; Our "database" (just a hash-map) serves a dual purpose.
;; It maps n-grams to their frequency counts and to an integer ID.
;; It also maps that integer ID back to the n-gram.
(take 10 trie-database)
;; => ([("Then" "I") {:count 1, :id 1475}]
;; [("to" "your" "long") {:count 1, :id 5371}]
;; [("an" "instant" "he") {:count 1, :id 3842}]
;; [("fifth" "," "the") {:count 1, :id 4209}]
;; [("from" "the" "depth") {:count 1, :id 4270}]
;; [2721 ("the" "more")]
;; [("during" "which" ",") {:count 1, :id 4144}]
;; [("nodded") {:count 1, :id 674}]
;; [("the" "feeble") {:count 1, :id 2693}]
;; [("intermingling" "," "into") {:count 1, :id 4488}])
;;;; We can `get` the value of an n-gram from a Trie.
;; The value returned will be a Trie that has as its root node the
;; value at the n-gram. This gives you access to all of the descendants.
;; Having access to the descendants is useful for something like
;; auto-complete. You can get in the trie the input to the completion, the prefix.
;; Then you can get the completions by simple seq-ing over the child nodes.
(tpt/as-map (get trie '("," "I")))
;; => {"I"
;; {:count 10,
;; :value ("," "I"),
;; :children
;; {"am" {:count 1, :value ("," "I" "am")},
;; "began" {:count 2, :value ("," "I" "began")},
;; ,,,
;; "well" {:count 1, :value ("," "I" "well")}}}}
;;;; Database
;; Each n-gram has its own integer ID. The integer IDs should be handed
;; out to n-grams in order of frequency. Therefore, you're 1-grams will probably
;; have lower IDs than the higher-order n-grams.
;; Here we see "," is the 2nd most-common n-gram.
(get-in trie-database ['(",") :id]) ;; => 2
(get-in trie-database ['("I") :id]) ;; => 4
;; The ID of a 2-gram is not related in any way to
;; the two 1-grams that make it up. Every n-gram is unique
;; and gets its own unique ID.
;; BUT... Every node is referenced by a 1-gram key.
;; So the 2-gram '("," "I") is referenced from
;; the :root key's children by the 1-gram key '(",")
;; and then by that 1-gram key's children by the 1-gram '("I").
;; The VALUE of that node though is the 2-gram '("," "I").
;; To re-iterate: The keys are all 1-grams at every nesting level.
;; The values are the higher-order n-grams the lower in the nesting
;; that you go.
(get-in trie-database ['("," "I") :id]) ;; => 911
;;;; Map-based Trie vs Tightly Packed Trie
;; The interface is *almost* the same between the two.
;; Tightly packed tries can't be updated or written to.
;; They can only be read.
;; And to get from integer IDs to human-readable strings,
;; you need to go through the database.
;; Other than that though, let's see it in action!
;;;; Here is the map-based trie.
(->> (tpt/as-map (get trie '("," "I")))
(#(get-in % ["I" :children]))
(map seq)
(map first))
;; => ("am" "began" "ceased" "had" "resumed" "soon" "suffered" "vowed" "well")
;;;; And here is the tightly-packed trie
(->> (get tightly-packed-trie '(2 4))
(map tpt/value)
(map :value)
(map #(get trie-database %))
(map last)
;; => ("am" "began" "ceased" "had" "resumed" "soon" "suffered" "vowed" "well")
;;;; Ta-da!
;;;; Let's check the size difference
;; Memory footprint comparison
;; 2.2mb -> 37kb.
;; 1.7% of its original Clojure map size!!!
(->> trie (.trie) vector d/sum)
;; 65485 objects
;; 109687 references between them
;; 2179088 bytes total in all objects
;; no cycles
;; 8413 leaf objects (no references to other objects)
;; 1 root nodes (no reference to them from other objects _in this graph_)
(->> tightly-packed-trie (.byte-buffer) vector d/sum)
;; 2 objects
;; 1 references between them
;; 37680 bytes total in all objects
;; no cycles
;; 1 leaf objects (no references to other objects)
;; 1 root nodes (no reference to them from other objects _in this graph_)
(let [trie-at-2 (get tightly-packed-trie '(2))
address (.address trie-at-2)
byte-buffer (.byte-buffer trie-at-2)
limit (.limit trie-at-2)]
(.position byte-buffer address)
(.limit byte-buffer limit)
(println "Address of node at 2" address)
(encoding/decode byte-buffer)
(encoding/decode byte-buffer)
(println "Size of index at 2" (encoding/decode byte-buffer))
(println "position of first key in index" (.position byte-buffer))
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)
(.position byte-buffer (- address 1037)) ;; Position of '("," "the")
(encoding/decode byte-buffer)
(encoding/decode byte-buffer)
(encoding/decode byte-buffer) ;; 11 size of index
;; 1462 position of buffer
;; max-address of index = 1473 (or 1472?)
(.position byte-buffer)
(.position byte-buffer 2618) ;; First mid of broken binary search
(tpt/rewind-to-key byte-buffer 2500)
(println (.position byte-buffer))
(println (bm/to-binary-string (.get byte-buffer (.position byte-buffer))))
(println (bm/to-binary-string (.get byte-buffer (dec (.position byte-buffer)))))
(let [trie-at-2 (get tightly-packed-trie '(2))
address (.address trie-at-2)
byte-buffer (.byte-buffer trie-at-2)
limit (.limit trie-at-2)]
(.position byte-buffer address)
(.limit byte-buffer limit)
(encoding/decode byte-buffer)
(encoding/decode byte-buffer)
(encoding/decode byte-buffer)
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)
(encoding/decode-number-from-tightly-packed-trie-index byte-buffer)
(.position byte-buffer (- address 1037))
(encoding/decode byte-buffer)
(encoding/decode byte-buffer)
(encoding/decode byte-buffer)))
;; I's offset, 986.
;; See below. ID at offset 986 is 2! Same as at above offset!
;; And the count is 4? The count coincidentally is the ID we expect?
(let [trie-at-2 (get tightly-packed-trie '(2))
address 986
byte-buffer (.byte-buffer trie-at-2)
limit (.limit trie-at-2)]
(.position byte-buffer address)
(.limit byte-buffer limit)
(encoding/decode byte-buffer)))
(get trie-database 4)
(let [byte-buffer (.byte-buffer tightly-packed-trie)]
(.position byte-buffer)))
;; Memory footprint comparison
;; 2.2mb -> 32kb.
;; 1.5% of its original Clojure map size!
(->> trie (.trie) vector d/sum)
;; 65485 objects
;; 109687 references between them
;; 2179088 bytes total in all objects
;; no cycles
;; 8413 leaf objects (no references to other objects)
;; 1 root nodes (no reference to them from other objects _in this graph_)
(->> tightly-packed-trie (.byte-buffer) vector d/sum)
;; 2 objects
;; 1 references between them
;; 32896 bytes total in all objects
;; no cycles
;; 1 leaf objects (no references to other objects)
;; 1 root nodes (no reference to them from other objects _in this graph_)
(defn key-get-in-tpt [tpt db ks]
(let [id (map #(get-in db [(list %) :id]) ks)
v (get tpt id)]
{id v}))
(defn id-get-in-tpt [tpt db ids]
(let [ks (apply concat (map #(get db %) ids))
v (get tpt ids)
id (get-in db [ks :id])]
{ks (assoc v :value (get db id))}))
;; => {(2 2 3) {:value 3263, :count 462}}
'(2 2 3))
;; => {("<s>" "<s>" "the") {:value ("<s>" "<s>" "the"), :count 462}}
;; database
(let [texts (->> (dark-corpus-file-seq 500 2)
(map slurp))
trie (create-trie-from-texts texts)]
(->> (trie->database trie)
(#(get % 3))))
(let [texts (->> (dark-corpus-file-seq 500 2)
(map slurp))
trie (create-trie-from-texts texts)]
(tpt/as-map (transform-trie->ids trie)))
(let [texts (->> (dark-corpus-file-seq 500 2)
(map slurp))
trie (create-trie-from-texts texts)
tightly-packed-trie (tpt/tightly-packed-trie
(transform-trie->ids trie))]
(get tightly-packed-trie '(2 2 3)))
(let [texts (->> (dark-corpus-file-seq 500 2)
(map slurp))
trie (create-trie-from-texts texts)]
(tpt/as-map trie))
(let [text (slurp (first (dark-corpus-file-seq 500 1)))]
(->> text
(#(string/split % #"\n+"))))