You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

140 lines
4.1 KiB

Scrapes the Texas lottery website for scratch-off ticket
data and calculates the expected value for each game.
Texas publishes the number of tickets printed and how many
tickets are printed at each prize level.
We can calculated the expected value of a game by summing
the value of all the prizes and dividing that by the cost
of all the tickets.
The texas lottery website has an "top prizes remaining" or an "index" page that
has links to every game that could still be profitable.
Each individual game has a section for the "game rules" page and a prize table.
We can use each individual game page to gather the important data, and
then run our calculations.
Website that we'll be scraping:
Example usage:
python -m texas
LOGLEVEL=DEBUG USE_CACHE=True python -m texas
The following behavior is configurable through shell environment variables.
Set LOGLEVEL to print useful debug info to console.
Defaults to WARNING.
Set USE_CACHE to cache responses. This speeds up development
and is nice to the servers we're hitting.
Defaults to False. Note: Setting this env variable to the string False
will cause it to use cache because the string "False" evaluates to Truthy.
Either set it to True or don't set it.
import logging
import os
import re
from xmlrpc import client
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import pandas as pd
import requests
from lottery_data_scraper.schemas import GameSchema
from lottery_data_scraper.util import fetch_html
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def parse_index(html):
soup = bs(html, "lxml")
table = soup.find("table")
game_hrefs ="tr > td > a")
game_urls = list(map(lambda x: BASE_URL + x.attrs["href"], game_hrefs))
return game_urls
def parse_game(url, html):
soup = bs(html, "lxml")
price = int(
r"\$(\d+)","h3 > img")[0].attrs["alt"]
game_details =".large-4.cell > h3")[0].parent.text.strip()
title =".large-12.cell > .text-center > h2")[0].text.split(" - ")
name = title[1]
num = title[0][-4:]
num_tx = int(
soup.find(string=re.compile(r"There are approximately [\d,]+.*")).strip()
).group(1).replace(",", "")
# Prizes
table = soup.find("table")
df = pd.read_html(str(table))[0]
df = df.replace("---", 0)
df.iloc[:, 0] = df.iloc[:, 0].str.replace("$", "")
prizes = []
for prize, total, claimed in [list(r[1]) for r in df.iterrows()]:
match = re.match(r"\$?([\d,]+).*wk.*", prize)
if match:
value = float(",", "")) * 20 * 52
prize =
value = float(prize.replace(",", ""))
prize = "$" + prize
"prize": prize,
"value": value,
"claimed": int(claimed),
"available": int(total) - int(claimed),
game = {
"name": name,
"game_id": num,
"url": url,
"price": price,
"state": "tx",
"num_tx_initial": num_tx,
"prizes": prizes,
return game
def _parse_game(url, html):
return parse_game(url, html)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Unable to parse {}.\n{}".format(url, e))
return None
def main():
index_html = fetch_html(INDEX_URL)
game_urls = parse_index(index_html)
url_htmls = zip(game_urls, [fetch_html(url) for url in game_urls])
games = [_parse_game(url, html) for url, html in url_htmls]
games = [game for game in games if game is not None]
return games
if __name__ == "__main__":
games = main()
schema = GameSchema(many=True)